根据下列各句句意及所给单词汉语提示.写出该单词的正确形式.1.He likes the lifestyle. 查看更多



【小题1】She is so______________(耐心) and kind that we like her.
【小题2】More and more students know the __________(重要性) of learning English well.
【小题3】It’s difficult to imagine his __________(接受) the decision without any hesitation.
【小题4】Many people have the ______________(能力) to do their jobs well.
【小题5】I finally understood one of his ____________________(解释) in class.
【小题6】I i______________ to go abroad for further education, but finally I gave up the idea because my parents were short of money.
【小题7】We have tried every means to r_____________ all kinds of pollutions in the area.
【小题8】 He didn’t have an operation because we sent him to the hospital right now and he got timely t____________.
【小题9】Most of the houses and trees in the village were d_________ by the terrible flood.
【小题10】The car knocked into a wire pole. F_________________, no one get injured.


【小题1】They are both very ________ (虔诚的)and felt it was a gift from God
【小题2】C________(查阅)  the dictionary when you meet any new words.
【小题3】You must _______ (道歉)to your sister for what you have done.
【小题4】The story ________(使---记起) me of my terrible experience in the coal mine.
【小题5】Don’t forget to put the letter into the e___________ before you post it.
【小题6】No student is allowed to go out during the class without the teacher's p______.
【小题7】She listened with a ________(迷惑的) expression on her face.
【小题8】The first________(场景)of the play is the king's palace.
【小题9】Smoking is h_______ to health.
【小题10】What one thinks and feels is mainly due to ________(传统), habit and education.


【小题1】I have a large __________(收藏)of books on chess. Maybe we can exchange some books to read.
【小题2】As soon as you send us your plan, we'll send you a reply __________.(立刻)
【小题3】What are the __________(优势)of having a mobile phone?
【小题4】__________(判断)from his accent, he must come from the north.
【小题5】I'm just __________(好奇的)about what is happening over there.
【小题6】There will be a talk about __________(文化的)differences this evening.
【小题7】__________(诚实)is the best policy.
【小题8】It will be a __________(浪费)of time to cook food every day.
【小题9】The temple over there __________(属于)to the local government.
【小题10】They all went to the __________(电影院)last Friday night.



1.She is so______________(耐心) and kind that we like her.

2.More and more students know the __________(重要性) of learning English well.

3.It’s difficult to imagine his __________(接受) the decision without any hesitation.

4.Many people have the ______________(能力) to do their jobs well.

5.I finally understood one of his ____________________(解释) in class.

6.I i______________ to go abroad for further education, but finally I gave up the idea because my parents were short of money.

7.We have tried every means to r_____________ all kinds of pollutions in the area.

8. He didn’t have an operation because we sent him to the hospital right now and he got timely t____________.

9.Most of the houses and trees in the village were d_________ by the terrible flood.

10.The car knocked into a wire pole. F_________________, no one get injured.





1.I have a large __________(收藏)of books on chess. Maybe we can exchange some books to read.

2.As soon as you send us your plan, we'll send you a reply __________.(立刻)

3.What are the __________(优势)of having a mobile phone?

4.__________(判断)from his accent, he must come from the north.

5.I'm just __________(好奇的)about what is happening over there.

6.There will be a talk about __________(文化的)differences this evening.

7.__________(诚实)is the best policy.

8.It will be a __________(浪费)of time to cook food every day.

9.The temple over there __________(属于)to the local government.

10.They all went to the __________(电影院)last Friday night.


