The pot is used for water hot. 查看更多




  In many developing countries, it is difficult to keep food cool. Most areas do not have electricity to operate the devices called refrigerators to keep food coot. Within days, food often spoils or becomes unsafe to eat. This can cause disease and loss of money for farmers. However, in Nigeria, one man is working to change this.

  Mohammed Bah Abba, a teacher, invented a cooling device using two round containers made of clay. Mr. Abba's invention is called a Pot-in-Pot Preservation Cooling System. A small pot is placed inside a larger one. The apace between the two pots is filled with wet sand. The inner pot can be filled with fruit, vegetables or drinks. A wet cloth covers the whole cooling system. The device keeps some foods fresh for several weeks.

  Food stored in the small pot is kept from spoiling through a simple evaporation process (过程) . Water in the sand between the two pots evaporates through the surface of the larger pot where drier outside air is moving. The evaporation process causes a drop in temperature of several degrees. This cools the inner container and helps destroy harmful bacteria found in food.

  Mr. Abby started producing his cooling device in 1997. Since then, he has given mom than 20,000 devices to people in villages in Nigeria. He expects that within five years, people all over the country will be using his invention. Mr. Abba also hopes to export his Pot-in-Pot cooling system to other hot, dry nations facing similar problems.

  The Rolex Watch Company of Switzerland has also recognized the value of this cooling system. Two years ago, Mr. Abba received the Rolex Award(奖赏) for Enterprise. This award is given every two years. It awards people trying to develop projects aimed at improving human knowledge and well-being. Winners receive financial assistance to help develop their projects.

1.We can conclude from the passage that Mr. Abba ________.

[  ]

A.altogether invented 20,000 devices

B.didn't spend much money on his invention

C.has exported his invention to many hot, dry countries

D.has helped many Nigerian villagers in many different ways

2.According to the passage, the device invented by Mr. Abba ________.

[  ] being used by many African villagers to keep food from going bad popular with those who cannot afford to buy cool food a device called a refrigerator to keep food cool a cooling system which received an award immediately after it was invented

3.The word “ evaporate” in the third paragraph can be replaced by ________.

[  ]


4.Which of the following is inferred from the passage?

[  ]

A.The cooling system invented by Mr. Abba is selling well in the world market.

B.Sooner or later Mr. Abba will be able to export his invention to some other countries.

C.Now that Mr. Abba has received the award, the whole country of Nigeria will be using the cooling system soon.

D.Every two years, Mr. Abba will receive money from the Rolex Watch Company of Switzerland.




  In many developing countries, it is difficult to keep food cool. Most areas do not have electricity to operate the devices, called refrigerators, to keep food cold. Within days, food often spoils or becomes unsafe to eat. This can cause disease and loss of money for farmers. However, in Nigeria, one man is working to change this.

  Mohammed Bah Abba, a teacher, invented a cooling device using two round containers made of clay. Mr. Abba's invention is called a Pot-in-Pot Preservation Cooling System. A small spot is placed inside a larger one. The space between the two pots is filled with wet sand. The inner pot can be filled with fruit, vegetables of drinks. A wet cloth coves the whole cooling system. The device keeps some foods fresh for several weeks.

  Food stored in the small pot is kept from spoiling through a simple evaporation process (过程). Water in the sand between the two pots evaporates through the surface of the larger pot where drier outside air is moving. The evaporation process causes a drop in temperature of several degrees. This cools the inner container and helps destroy harmful bacteria found in food.

  Mr. Abba started producing his cooling device in 1997.Since then, he has given more than 20,000 devices to people in villages in Nigeria. He expects that within five years, people all over the country will be using his invention. Mr. Abba also hopes to export his Pot-in-Pot cooling system to other hot, dry nations facing similar problems.

  The Rolex Watch Company of Switzerland has also recognized the value of this cooling system. Two years ago, Mr. Abba received the Rolex Award (奖赏) for Enterprise. This award is given every two years. It awards people trying to develop projects aimed at improving human knowledge and well-being. Winners receive financial assistance to help develop their projects.

1.We can conclude from the passage that Mr. Abba ________.

[  ]

A.altogether invented 20,000 devices

B.didn't spend much money on his invention

C.has exported his invention to many hot, dry countries

D.has helped many Nigerian villagers in many different ways

2.According to the passage, the device invented by Mr Abba ________.

[  ] being used by many African villagers to keep food from going bad popular with those who cannot afford to buy cool food a device, called a refrigerator, to keep food cold a cooling system which received an award immediately after it was invented

3.The word “evaporate” in the third paragraph can be replaced by ________.

[  ]


4.Which of the following is inferred from the passage?

[  ]

A.The cooling system invented by Mr. Abba is selling well in the world market.

B.Sooner or later Mr. Abba will be able to export his invention to some other countries.

C.Now that Mr. Abba has received the award, the whole country of Nigeria will be using the cooling system soon.

D.Every two years, Mr. Abba will receive money from the Rolex Watch Company of Switzerland.


Reading comprehension(阅读理解)

  Sad stories are not very nice to read about, but if we think and talk about them, we may be able to prevent more accidents.

  How can fire or hot things be a danger in the house?Matches, of course, are always dangerous in the hands of young children.A little fire on waste land can easily get out of control.A wind comes, sparks(火花)are blown on to the roof of a house, and the whole building may be burnt to the ground before you can even call the fire brigade.Kerosene(煤油)lamps, too, can be very dangerous.Quite recently there was a bad accident in a village house.The mosquito-net(蚊帐)over a baby’s bed was blown against a lamp and caught fire.The bed-clothes and even the clothes of the baby were burnt before the fire was discovered.

  Long grass rubbish round a house can also lead to a big fire, as most people know.However, not everybody is careful with such things as paper bags and toys; these burn up in a flash if you hold them near a fire.

  Young children often reach up to a table to take a bottle down by its handle.If the bottle or pot is full of boiling water, you can guess what will happen.Similarly, when a baby’s bath is prepared, cold water should be put in first.If any hot water has to be used, this should be put into the bath after the cold water and not before it.

  Many fireworks(烟花)can lead to blindness or other injuries, especially those which are pushed into bamboo sticks.Wooden spears or swords should be used only by children with sense enough not to injure other people.

  Very young children often have to be watched carefully.They put everything they find into their mouths to see whether it can be eaten, or sucked!Medicines have to be put out of their reach.A pill which might be harmless for an adult can sometimes kill a baby.Older children have to be careful when drinking from a bottle.Some of them walk about as they drink.Tip up the bottle to get the last drop out, then fall over something on the ground.If they are unlucky, they fall in such a way that the broken glass makes a horrible wound in the face or neck.

  This is not a complete list of the dangers in and near a house, but it is enough to remind you to be careful.


What is the best explanation(解释)of“A little fire on waste land can easily get out of control”?

[  ]


Careless smokers can start a sudden fire.


No fire brigades will come soon.


Dry grass on waste land catches fire easily.


Children like to play with fire on waste land.


Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


Only a few people know that long grass and rubbish round a house can lead to a big fire.


Nearly everybody knows paper bags and toys easily burn up near a flame.


Most people are more careful with paper bags and toys than with long grass and rubbish.


Some people may not be very careful about the dangers of paper bags and toys.


According to the writer, children ________.

[  ]


are not supposed to use wooden spears or swords


mustn’t be allowed to use wooden spears or swords


can use wooden spears or swords on condition that they will not injure other people


should keep themselves from playing with wooden spears or swords



  Sad stories are not very nice to read about, but if we think and talk about them, we may be able to prevent more accidents.

  How can fire or hot things be a danger in the house?Matches, of course, are always dangerous in the hands of young children.A little fire on waste land can easily get out of control.A wind comes, sparks(火花)are blown on to the roof of a house, and the whole building may be burnt to the ground before you can even call the fire brigade.Kerosene(煤油)lamps, too, can be very dangerous.Quite recently there was a bad accident in a village house.The mosquito-net(蚊帐)over a baby’s bed was blown against a lamp and caught fire.The bed-clothes and even the clothes of the baby were burnt before the fire was discovered.

  Long grass rubbish round a house can also lead to a big fire, as most people know.However, not everybody is careful with such things as paper bags and toys; these will burn up in a flash if you hold them near a fire.

  Young children often reach up to a table to take a bottle down by its handle.If the bottle or pot is full of boiling water, you can guess what will happen.Similarly, when a baby’s bath is prepared, cold water should be put in first.If any hot water has to be used, this should be put into the bath after the cold water and not before it.

  Many fireworks(烟花)can lead to blindness or other injuries, especially those which are pushed into bamboo sticks.Wooden spears or swords should be used only by children with sense enough not to injure other people.

  Very young children often have to be watched carefully.They put everything they find into their mouths to see whether it can be eaten, or sucked! Medicines have to be put out of their reach.A pill which might be harmless for an adult can sometimes kill a baby.Older children have to be careful when drinking from a bottle.Some of them walk about as they drink.Tip up the bottle to get the last drop out, then fall over something on the ground.If they are unlucky, they fall in such a way that the broken glass makes a horrible wound in the face or neck.

  This is not a complete list of the dangers in and near a house, but it is enough to remind you to be careful.


What is the best explanation(解释)of “A little fire on waste land can easily get out of control”?

[  ]


Careless smokers can start a sudden fire.


No fire brigades will come soon.


Dry grass on waste land catches fire easily.


Children like to play with fire on waste land.


Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


Only a few people know that long grass and rubbish round a house can lead to a big fire.


Nearly everybody knows paper bags and toys easily burn up near a flame.


Most people are more careful with paper bags and toys than with long grass and rubbish.


Some people may not be very careful about the dangers of paper bags and toys.


According to the writer, children ________.

[  ]


are not supposed to use wooden spears or swords


mustn’t be allowed to use wooden spears or swords


can use wooden spears or swords on condition that they will not injure other people


should keep themselves from playing with wooden spears or swords

