42.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A.Touching by Feeling B.To See or to Feel C.To See Better-Feel D.Ways of Feeling 查看更多



Humans aren't the only species on the planet with a penchant for electronic gadgets(小配件).Zookeepers across the US and Canada are discovering that apes also get excited about Apps.
As part of a program called"Apps for Apes",12 zoos across the two countries have been introducing iPads into the entertainment time for orangutans,the giant furry red primates native to Indonesia and Malaysia.
"We are finding that,similar to people,they like touching the tablet,watching short videos of David Attenborough for instance,and looking at other animals and orangutans," said Richard Zimmerman,founding director of Orangutan Outreach,the non-profit that runs the program.
Twice weekly,orangutans are provided with access to the tablets.The animals spend from 15 minutes to half an hour using different Apps depending on their attention span.Apps designed for children that stimulate activities such as painting,music and memory games are among the most popular Apps with the apes.
"It is a lot like when we're showing children pop-up books,"said Zimmerman,adding that the orangutans are among the most intelligent primates,with the intelligence level of a young child.
The program,which relies on donated iPads, will soon be expanding to zoos across Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Europe.
【小题1】The word"penchant" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to________________.

【小题2】Which of the following statements is true according to the article?
A.12 zoos are involved in the program in the US.
B.Orangutans were originally found in Indonesia and Malaysia.
C.Orangutan Outreach is a successful company which earns much money.
D.All the animals in the zoo spend from 15 minutes to half an hour using different Apps.
【小题3】It can be concluded from the passage that______________________________________.
A.the program has been successful in Europe
B.orangutans are nearly as smart as children of young ages
C.orangutans are the animals with thick shell
D.Apps are designed for orangutans to stimulate activities such as painting, and memory games
【小题4】Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Using Apps for ApesB.Let’s Help Zoos
C.Wonderful Zoos Welcome YouD.A Traditional Program Will Expand


Humans aren't the only species on the planet with a penchant for electronic gadgets(小配件).Zookeepers across the US and Canada are discovering that apes also get excited about Apps.

As part of a program called"Apps for Apes",12 zoos across the two countries have been introducing iPads into the entertainment time for orangutans,the giant furry red primates native to Indonesia and Malaysia.

"We are finding that,similar to people,they like touching the tablet,watching short videos of David Attenborough for instance,and looking at other animals and orangutans," said Richard Zimmerman,founding director of Orangutan Outreach,the non-profit that runs the program.

Twice weekly,orangutans are provided with access to the tablets.The animals spend from 15 minutes to half an hour using different Apps depending on their attention span.Apps designed for children that stimulate activities such as painting,music and memory games are among the most popular Apps with the apes.

"It is a lot like when we're showing children pop-up books,"said Zimmerman,adding that the orangutans are among the most intelligent primates,with the intelligence level of a young child.

The program,which relies on donated iPads, will soon be expanding to zoos across Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Europe.

1.The word"penchant" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to________________.

A.awareness         B.addiction          C.impression        D.devotion

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the article?

A.12 zoos are involved in the program in the US.

B.Orangutans were originally found in Indonesia and Malaysia.

C.Orangutan Outreach is a successful company which earns much money.

D.All the animals in the zoo spend from 15 minutes to half an hour using different Apps.

3.It can be concluded from the passage that______________________________________.

A.the program has been successful in Europe

B.orangutans are nearly as smart as children of young ages

C.orangutans are the animals with thick shell

D.Apps are designed for orangutans to stimulate activities such as painting, and memory games

4.Which can be the best title for the text?

A.Using Apps for Apes                     B.Let’s Help Zoos

C.Wonderful Zoos Welcome You             D.A Traditional Program Will Expand



Reading comprehension.

  Ang Lee the director of “Brokeback.Mountain” , won the Best Director Award at the 78th Academy Awards Lee is the first Chinese to receive the honour , considered the highest in American cinema and the most influential worldwide.

  “I’m deeply proud of him” , guched Kate Wang , granddaughter of Wang Dulu , whose marual arts novel inspired lee’s “Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon” in 2000.

  “Ang Lee’s movie is very touching.It’s simple but perfect , ” commented Zhang Yuan , a Chinese film director of the “Sixth Generation” “I sincerely congratulate him.He is the pride of all Chinese directors everywhere”

  Despite the Best Director Award , the film “Brokeback Mountain” lost to “Crash” in the Best Picture.It was widely seen as an upset because “Brokeback” had been winning all kinds of prizes , from the Golden Bear in Venice , to the Golden Globe and the Independent Spirit Awards , and was seen by most observers as shoo - in for the highest Oscar.

  An anonymous (匿名的) posting on Sina com summed up what many moviegoers expressed in one way or another , “Now that Ang Lee has got all the big international awards , Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige need not compete for the title of No.1 Chinese Director anymore”

  Other voices were less congratulatory.Dayyan Eng , a Chinese American who started his filmmaking career in Beijing , did not think “Brokeback” is as good as “The Ice Storm” an Ang Lee film from 1997.

  Liu Miaomiao , a director of independent films , rationalized that Hollywood would not give the top award to “Brokeback” because of political reasons.

  Sai Ren , a film critic with CCTV6 , a film channel , noted that Lee’s achievement had little to do with Chinese cinema.He suggested that people watch the show just to enjoy it.


According to the passage , Ang Lee is the first Chinese who ________

[  ]


was awarded the Best Actor at the 78th Academy Awards


made a martial arts film in the world


won the Best Director in the World.


won the Best Director Award at Oscar


What does the underlined word “shoo - in” mean in the third paragraph?

[  ]


sharp arrow


certain winner


fashionable film


best picture


It can be infrred from the passage that ________

[  ]


“Brokeback Mountain” is not as good as “Crash”


It is unfair that the Best Picture was given to “Crash”


Observers laid great hope on “Brokeback Mountain” for the Best Picture


It was a great upset that “Brokeback Mountain” had won all kinds of prizes


Which of the following may be the best title for the passage ?

[  ]


The Best Director Award Goes to Chinese.


The 78th Academy Awards


“Brokeback Mountain” the Best Film


An Argument about Ang Lee


Walking around the corner and into the hall at three in the morning, lost in thought and dragging a mop bucket, I raised my eyes to the front counter in indifference. A man, looking to be in his mid 40’s, stood in a pink dress. A wide-edged hat stuck out over his massive frame resembling an umbrella that was a little too shabby and worn-out, making him look like a woman. The shock at seeing such a strong proud man in a cheap disgusting dress broke my heart, as well as frightened me.
Dropping my mop on the floor in surprise and picking up my face that had temporarily fallen off, I confidently walked over to the desk.
“I’m sorry,” I began to say but was confused on whether sir or madam was appropriate. “Can I help you?”
“I need a room,” he said in a gruff (粗哑的) powerful voice.
“Sure thing,” I said bringing up the registry. “Can I get your last name?”
“Hurgan,” he said briefly.
“And your first name?”
Suddenly I had to direct all of my concentration on holding back a smile. A ten second pause of silence passed while I tried to stay calm.
“Okay,” I said getting back to the job, “can I get your phone number, Amanda?”
All of the information was acquired and stored and Amanda received her room key for the night. All was well as I returned to the neglected mop bucket. Suddenly a low throaty cough drew me out of my temporary mental disorder. Looking over at the desk where Amanda stood touching her thick biceps (二头肌) I once again dropped the mop in shock.
“I’m sorry about that,” I said coming around to the desk. Amanda stared with unease twisting her sleeve with her right index finger.
“I have a cat,” she said in a low voice.
“I’m sorry you what?” I asked leaning in closer. She drew back a bit as if I was some kind of threat.
“I have a cat.”
Looking up into her tall frame, I replied, “That’s fine. We just need to add an extra $10 fee.” She handed me her credit card once again. I swiped it, returned it, and grabbed the printing receipt.
“You just need to sign here,” I said handing over the pen. She hesitantly grabbed it from my hand and signed. As she began to return it, my hand came a bit too close to connecting with hers. Scared and possibly a little disgusted she dropped the pen, causing it to bounce off the counter and onto the floor.
“Sorry,” she said, looking down. “I have to go get my cat.”
While Amanda was getting her cat, an unpleasant thought was circling around my head. Here I was just doing my job and this, this WO-MAN was acting as if I was the monster! He was wearing a pink dress! And I was the monster? Was he even still a man? The sliding doors opened and in came Amanda passing the front desk without even giving me a polite nod. 
【小题1】 The story most probably happened at a ________.

【小题2】We can conclude that the author’s attitude towards the man is _______.
【小题3】 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.The author was on the edge of smiling when he heard the man’s first name.
B.When the man checked in, he tipped the author $10.
C.After signing, the man grasped the author’s hand and thanked him.
D.The man gave the author a friendly nod while going toward his room.
【小题4】 What might be the best title of this passage?
A.A disgusting catB.A considerate waiter
C.A fierce monsterD.A strange-looking WO-MAN


Do you often play with your pet dog or cat? Do you like touching wild animals such as squirrels? They are cute. But be careful. If they bite you, you may get a terrible disease——rabies.
Believe it or not, in the last five months, rabies killed more people in China than any other disease. 2,254 people got rabies in the first nine months of this year. In September, 318 people died of rabies. That is 37 per cent more than last September.
Animals like dogs, cats, squirrels and bats can have rabies. If they bite or scratch(抓)someone, rabies could infect(感染)the person’s nervous system(神经系统). The person could even die. It’s important to get the right treatment as soon as possible.
Every year, more than 50,000 people around the world die of rabies. Most of them are from developing countries. India has the most deaths. China is second.
【小题1】Rabies is the name of _____.

A.a bookB.a manC.a dogD.a disease
【小题2】Paragraphs two and three _____.
A.teach people how to deal with rabies.
B.explain the situation in China.
C.order people not to keep pets.
D.show what rabies is really like.
【小题3】Which of the following animals might NOT have rabies?
【小题4】The Chinese for the underlined word “treatment” probably is _____.
【小题5】What the best title for the passage?
A.Don’t keep petsB.How to keep pets
C.Watch out for rabiesD.Pets with rabies

