-Mom, what did the doctor say? -He advised me to live the air is fresher. A. in where B. in which C. the place where D. where 查看更多



—Mom , what did the doctor say ?

—He advised me to live _________ the air is fresher .

A. where        B. because         C. if            D. when


—Mom, what did your doctor say?

—He advised me to live _______ the air is fresher.?

A. in where    B. in which

C. the place where  D. where


—Mom, what did your doctor say?

—He advised me to live _______ the air is fresher.?

A. in where    B. in which  C. the place where   D. where


―Mom, what did your doctor say?

 ―He advised me to live          the air is fresher.

  A. in where             B. in which            C. the place where    D. where



.— Mom , what did your doctor say ?

— He advised me to live_______ the air is fresher .

A. the palce where    B. in which           C. in where           D. where


