A. I only like the last story. B. I don’t like the last story at all. C. I like the last story better than any other one. 查看更多



If a2+b2>0,then the equation ax+b=0 for x has(  )
A、only one rootB、no rootC、infinite roots(无穷多个根)D、only one root or no root


Benjamin Franklin was a great scientist .He was the youngest of the  46   boys in his family . He was a clever boy,   47  cleverer than his nine brothers . He studied in school for only three years . He    48  to learn new things .He  49  worked on new ideas even when he was a child . There are a lot of stories about him and here’s one of them.
One day in winter Benjamin Franklin learned from one of his   50    that something black in colour holds heat    51   than something white in colour “ Is that true ?” he asked himself . He wanted to know the answer.
It happened to be a   52  day and there was snow on the ground. He put two large pieces of cloth over the snow . One piece was black in colour and the other was white . The sun shone (照耀)
  53  the two pieces of cloth .Two hours later ,Franklin took off the cloth and found that the snow under the black cloth melted (融化) more  54  than the snow under the white cloth.
He was happy that he had learned  55   from his friend.
A.startedB.will likeC.wantedD.liked
A.bad B.fineC.cloudyD.rainy
A.all thingsB.everythingC.anythingD.something


A: Good morning.     1  
B: Yes , please .I ’d like to buy a tie for my brother.
A:     2   
B: Blue. My brother likes blue best.
A: How about this one?
B: Oh, it’s very nice. __  3    
A: 50 yuan.
B: That’s too expensive. I can’t afford it.    4   
A: Yes. This light blue one is only 30 yuan.
B: Well, this one looks very good. And the price is OK.    5  
【小题1】A Can I help you?
B What’s wrong?
C How are you?
D Would you like something?
【小题2】A What’s his job?
B How old is he?
C What color do you want?
D What size do you want?
【小题3】A What about that one?
B How much is it?
C How many are they?
D What do you think?
【小题4】A I want another one.
B Please show me the light one
C How much is the lighter blue one?
D Do you have any cheaper ones?
【小题5】A I will take it.
B I won’t buy it.
C I can’t believe it.
D I don’t think so.


Once a man and his wife worked for a businessman.There was a big box in the businessman’s living room.The businessman pointed at the box and said,“There’s only one thing you  1   do.Don’t open the box.”After  2    this,he left the living room.
The woman said to her husband,“There must be  3   in the box.Let’s open it,shall we?” Her husband said ___4___ to her.
But the woman didn’t give up her idea.One day,she decided to ___5___ what was      __6   it.Her husband didn’t stop her this time.She opened the box and looked inside.She found nothing in the box and then tried hard to close it,    7   she failed.
That evening the businessman came home and found the box was   8  .He was very __9___ and asked the woman and her husband to leave his home.
“But there is nothing in the box,”the woman said.“We   10    anything at all.”The businessman shouted at them,“The box is not important.I cannot believe you.That’s important!”
【小题1】A.needn’t     B.wouldn’t   C.mustn’t       D don’t have to
【小题2】A.saying     B.said        C.says         D to say
【小题3】A.expensive something
B.something expensive
C.nothing expensive
D expensive anything
【小题4】A.yes        B.nothing     C.no           D hello
【小题5】A.look for    B.clean up    C.find out     D get over
【小题6】A.near       B.under       C.in           D on
【小题7】A.though     B.or         C.unless       D but
【小题8】A.closed     B.empty       C.open         D full
【小题9】A.happy      B.angry       C.stressed out  D worried
【小题10】A.didn’t take  B.won’t take  C.haven’t taken  D aren’t taking


完形填空 (20分)
The famous British inventor George Stephenson was born in 1781 and died in 1848. one of his _21_ important inventions was the train. He _22_his first train when he was forty-four years old. When he was experimenting with the _23_ engine on the train, he met with _24_ from the government, newspapers and the gentlemen in the country. They said that the noise and the smoke would _25_ cows, horses and sheep, that the _26_ would hurtle(炸飞) or that the hot coals from it would _27_their houses. At that time, _28_ people believed what they said.
George Stephenson _29_ the people that the train could go on small _30_, could pull carriages _31_goods and passengers and there was _32_ to them. It was a very _33_ matter for him to _34_ them believe. However, after _35_, he was able to do it; and the first train that _36_ by Stephenson himself _37_ what he had said.
The first day _38_ the people along the way _39_ the noises of the train _40_ and saw it running quickly to them, they ran back home as quickly as they could and closed their doors tightly, for they thought it a genius. They did not dare to come out until it had passed.
A.veryB.a lotC.mostD.much
【小题2】made   B. bought   C. introduced   D. did
A.killB.buyC.interestD.take away
A.pull downB.blow awayC.set fire toD.pass
A.mostB.fewC.only a fewD.the rich
【小题10】 A.reads    B. rivers    C. steam    D rails
A.short ofB.full ofC.empty ofD.without
A.no great dangerB.dangerousC.a lot of dangerD.few danger
A.sometimesB.some timeC.a few timesD.sometime
A.was soldB.were drivenC.was pulledD.was driven
A.caught sight ofB.listened toC.heardD.thought
A.nearbyB.in the distanceC.on the farD.from the distance

