25.Some people think that we learn language in the same way we learn other things, such as walking or solving problems. A.where B.which C.how D./ 查看更多



  Language shows the way that man looks at the world around him. Man lives in a world of words. By talking with each other, people are able to know and to understand each other. A people's language allows them to do this.

  But not all the people of the world speak the same language. This can cause people and nations not to understand or agree with each other. Different languages see the world in different ways. Each group of people thinks that its language is the best. Other languages strange or wrong. But each language is clear to the people that speak it.

  Every language in the world has words that tell the time, age, sex(性别),and the way of life of the people that speak it. The language of a nation show the customs(习俗)and values of its people.

(1) We learn from the text that _______.

[  ]

A.every language shows the same value of all people

B.language helps people to understand each other

C.people who speak the same language see the world in the same way

D.people who speak different languages can never agree with each other

(2) _______ think their own language is better than any other language.

[  ]

A.Most people
B.Few people
C.Not many people
D.Only a few people

(3) A language can't be separated from ________.

[  ]

A.a certain group of people

B.its history and culture

C.its words and idioms


(4) Which of the following is correct?

[  ]

A.Without language people can't understand each other.

B.Some day all the people will speak the same language.

C.No language in the world is best.

D.Languages have the same words to tell the different things.


  Language shows the way that man looks at the world around him. Man lives in a world of words. By talking with each other, people are able to know and to understand each other. A people's language allows them to do this.

  But not all the people of the world speak the same language. This can cause people and nations not to understand or agree with each other. Different languages see the world in different ways. Each group of people thinks that its language is the best. Other languages strange or wrong. But each language is clear to the people that speak it.

  Every language in the world has words that tell the time, age, sex(性别),and the way of life of the people that speak it. The language of a nation show the customs(习俗)and values of its people.

(1) We learn from the text that _______.

[  ]

A.every language shows the same value of all people

B.language helps people to understand each other

C.people who speak the same language see the world in the same way

D.people who speak different languages can never agree with each other

(2) _______ think their own language is better than any other language.

[  ]

A.Most people
B.Few people
C.Not many people
D.Only a few people

(3) A language can't be separated from ________.

[  ]

A.a certain group of people

B.its history and culture

C.its words and idioms


(4) Which of the following is correct?

[  ]

A.Without language people can't understand each other.

B.Some day all the people will speak the same language.

C.No language in the world is best.

D.Languages have the same words to tell the different things.



  Did you ever think someone was scary (可怕的) because they looked different or ate strange food? Well, they might think the same about you! One of the things we all need to do is to celebrate variety. We shouldn't think badly of people from other cultures because they are different from our own.

  Sometimes we judge people from other countries unfairly, because one person from that culture did something bad. Well, has your class ever been punished just because a few kids were causing trouble? Has your whole family ever been blamed for something your little sister did? It doesn't seem fair, does it? It's just as unfair to blame a whole culture for what two or three people do.

  So here are some things that you can do to help yourself understand other cultures.

  1.Find common ground! Remember that even though some people look different on the outside, it doesn't change what they look on the inside. They still have the same feelings!

  2.Don't blame everyone because of one! So let's say someone from another culture is being mean (卑劣的) and you decide to avoid everyone from that culture. Well, think about it. Why are you blaming them for something they didn't have anything to do with? Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel? Trying to understand how a person thinks can be a very good way to understand why they are acting that way. Remember, other people may not think the same way.

  3.Try to make friends with people from other cultures. You could ask them what they know about their culture, or what it was like in their country. Try foods from that culture, or ask them if they know any words in that language. You might be surprised at how pure other cultures can be! You can have great discussions and have lots of fun doing new things.

  4.Know that people always judge other people. If you know what you are thinking then you can help make things easier. Pay attention to what you think about other people. It helps!

1.What is mainly discussed in this passage?

[  ]

A.Why there are differences between people.

B.What to do to understand other cultures.

C.How people feel when they meet people from other cultures.

D.Where differences between people lie.

2.In the author's opinion, one mistake when we treat cultural differences is that we ________.

[  ]

A.cannot see and share what peoples have in common

B.believe that other people may certainly think badly of us

C.don't want to learn anything valuable in other cultures

D.try to find the reason for the differences

3.The underlined word“celebrate”here most probably means ________.

[  ]

A.to feel proud of
B.to express thanks to
C.to understand and enjoy
D.to pay attention to

4.The author believes that ________.

[  ]

A.some people are actually kind though but they sometimes do something bad

B.one person cannot stand for the real culture he is in

C.some people really have nothing to do with their culture

D.if you judge someone badly he will do the same to you.

5.By saying“… then you can help make things easier.” the author means you will ________.

[  ]

A.make more friends

B.know more about the world

C.have more fun in life

D.find less difference between you and others



  Did you ever think someone was scary because they looked different or ate strange food?Well, they might think the same about you!One of the things we all need to do is to celebrate variety.We shouldn't think badly of people from other cultures because they are different from our own.

  Sometimes we judge people from other countries unfairly, because one person from that culture did something bad.Well, has your class ever been punished just because a few kids were causing trouble?Has your whole family ever been blamed for something your little sister did?It doesn't seem fair, does it?It's just as unfair to blame a whole culture for what two or three people do.

  So here are some things that you can do to help yourself understand other cultures:

  1.Find common ground!Remember that even though some people look different on the outside, it doesn't change what they look on the inside.They still have the same feelings!

  2.Don't blame everyone because of one!So let's say someone from another culture and you decide to avoid everyone from that culture.Well, think about it, Why are you blaming them for something they didn't have anything to do with?Put yourself in their shoes.How would you feel?Trying to understand how a person thinks can be a very good way to understand why they are acting that way.Remember, other people

may not think the same way.

  3.Try to make friends with people from other cultures.You could ask them what they know about their culture, or what it was like in their country.Try foods from that culture, or ask them if they know any words in that language.You might be surprised at how pure other cultures can be!You can have great discussions and have lots of fun doing new things.

  4.Know that people always judge other people.If you know what you are thinking then you can help make things easier.Pay attention to what you think about other people.It helps!


What is mainly discussed in this passage?

[  ]


Why there are differences between people.


What to do to understand other cultures.


How people feel when they meet people from other cultures.


Where differences between people lie.


In the author's opinion, one mistake about how we treat cultural differences is that we ________.

[  ]


cannot see and share what people have in common


believe that other people may certainly think badly of us


don't want to learn anything valuable in other cultures


try to find the reason for the differences


The underlined word“celebrate”here most probably means“________”.

[  ]


to feel proud of


to express ideas to


to praise and enjoy


to pay attention to


By saying“…then you can help make things easier.”, the author means you will ________.

[  ]


make more friends


know more about the world


have more fun in life


find fewer differences between you and others


Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time :if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those

Around him use. Bit by bit .he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's. In the same way, children learn to do all the other things: they should learn to do without being taught, such as to walk, run, climb,  whistle, ride a bicycle—compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to .Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what the  answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.

   If it is a matter of right answer, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine(常规)work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer .Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn ,how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they   know or do not know.

According to the passage ,the best way for children to learn things is by______

A .listening to skilled people's advice     

B .asking older people many questions.

C .making mistakes and having them corrected 

 D .doing what other people do

which of the following does the writer think teachers should NOT do?

A. Give children correct answers.        

 B .Allow children to make mistakes.

C .Point out children's mistakes to them.

D. Let children mark their own work.

According to the writer, teachers in school should______

A. allow children to learn from each other

B. point out children's mistakes whenever found

C .correct children's mistakes as soon as possible

D. give children more book knowledge

The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are ____

A. different from learning other skills

B. the same as learning other skills

C. more important than other skills

D. not really important skills


