22.World number one male table tennis player Ma Long from China his title at the seasonal final here on Sunday in Macao beating Zhang Jike by 4-2. A. defended B. protected C. defeated D. saved 查看更多



Teens don’t understand the big fuss. As the first generation to grow up in a wired world, they hardly know a time when computers weren’t around, and they eagerly catch the chance to spend hours online, chatting with friends. So what?

But researchers nationwide are increasingly worried that teens are becoming isolated, less skillful at person-to-person relationships, and perhaps numb to the cheatings that are so much a part of the e-mail world. “and a teen’s sense of self and values may be changed in a world where personal connections can be limitless,” said Sherry Turkle.

Another researcher, Robert Kraut, said he’s worried about the “opportunity costs” of so much online time for youths. He found that teens who used computers, even just a few hours a week, showed increased signs of loneliness and social isolation. “Chatting onine may be better than watching television, but it’s worse than hanging out with real friends,” he said.

Today’s teens, however, don’t see anything strange in the fact that the computer takes up a central place in their social lives, “School is busy and full of pressure. There’s almost no time to just hang out.” said Parker Rice, 17. “Talking online is just catch up time.”

Teens say they feel good about what they say online or taking the time to think about a reply. Some teens admit that asking someone for a date, or breaking up, can be easier in message form, though they don’t want to do so. But they insist there’s no harm.

1.She researchers argue that___.

         A.teens may develop a different sense of values

         B.nothing is wrong with teens' chatting online

         C.teens can manage their social connections

         D.spending hours online does much good to teens

2.Teens think that talking online can help them ____.

         A.use computers properly                   B.improve their school work

         C.develop an interest in social skills            D.reduce their mental pressures

3.The text mainly deals with __ _.

         A.teens' pleasant online experience

         B.teens' computer skills and school work

         C.the effects of the computer world on teens

         D.different opinions on teens' chatting online

4.The purpose of the text is to ____.

         A.describe computer research results

         B.draw attention to teens' computer habits

         C.suggest ways to deal with problem teens

         D.discuss problems teens have



It was a cold winter morning. Half asleep at the train station, I stared into the distance,   36   for the train to take me to my   37   in Boston. The word was quiet. The very few people on the street kept to themselves,   38   their steaming cups of coffee.

Reaching into my pocket as the   39  was approaching, my numb hand searched for the $ 20 bill to pay my fare. The pocket was   40  ! I searched through my bag and then I felt   41  . Unless the money dropped from the sky, I’d be   42   there.

“What’s the matter?” A short, elderly man stood before me.

“Oh, nothing…. Well, I   43   my money and now I can’t pay for the ticket. I’m going to   44   my match class, and the train is leaving.”

“Here, use this.”

The man held a $ 20 bill. I looked up,   45  . People just didn’t do that anymore. Everyone worried about their own   46  , rarely stopping to think about others, especially teenage strangers.

“Thank you, but no, I can’t.”

“  47  it – go!” The man pushed me   48   the train.  I bought a round – trip ticket, and he refused the change I   49  to give him back. I did not know what to say – a million thoughts raced through my mind, yet I stood   50  .

For the train ride I was silent. I began to see the world through   51  eyes. That man made a difference with such a simple   52  .

A week later I was at the train station again, with an extra $ 20   53  I saw the man. And there he was.

“excuse me, sir, I believe I owe you this.” I   54  the money into his hand.

Failing to refuse, he said, “Just remember to do the same for someone in your shoes someday.” I smiled, content.

The elderly man is my hero. For many, heroes are famous, but my hero is a   55  stranger who taught me a lesson in life. I will never forget his kindness.

1.A.watching             B.looking         C.reaching    D.arranging

2.A.home              B.class          C.office     D.factory

3.A.serving             B.carrying         C.minding      D.making

4.A.chance            B.crowd             C.driver          D.train

5.A.deep                B.empty             C.messy         D.tight

6.A.hopeless            B.useless           C.relieved      D.dissatisfied

7.A.blocked             B.drawn             C.stuck     D.tied

8.A.wasted            B.counted         C.spent     D.lost

9.A.miss                B.skip           C.fail          D.stop

10.A.frightened        B.disturbed         C.surprised   D.concerned

11.A.problems          B.complaints         C.positions    D.challenges

12.A.Seize             B.Get            C.Catch        D.Take

13.A.in                 B.beyond           C.toward       D.on

14.A.offered            B.managed       C.happened  D.attempted

15.A.unconsciously       B.silently           C.seriously    D.uncomfortably

16.A.curious            B.changed          C.bright         D.widened

17.A.task               B.act             C.example     D.performance

18.A.so that            B.even if            C.now that    D.in case

19.A.dropped           B.pushed           C.pressed      D.placed

20.A.giving             B.encouraging       C.promising  D.respecting



One winter morning I bought a copy of the New York World and turned its pages until I got the “Help Wanted Unskilled” section.A small advertisement held my   36 .It read, “Easy job.Good wages.No experience   37  .” It sounded like the job I was   38   .Easy job.Good wages.Those four words  39   now and then in my brain as I was traveling to the address indicated in the   40   .Easy job.Good wages.Easy job.Good wages.Easy ...

    When I got to the place I saw a series of large  41  half filled with water, out of which I noticed   42   the necks of many bottles of various sizes and shapes. 43  these basins there were a number of workers sitting on small wooden benches.All had their  44  in the water of the basin, the left hand holding a  45  and the thumb nail of the right hand scratching(刮;擦) the labels on   46  .

    I sat down on a  47   beside one of the basins and started to work on one bottle.As the minutes went by I noticed that the  48   of the water started to  49   from my hand to my body.But  50   still, the delicate thumb of my right hand was  51  by the minute into a full?? blown tomato?? colored finger.A numb(麻木的)pain began to be felt  52   from my right thumb.Then I began to feel as if the pain was coming from a finger bigger than all my body.

    After three hours of this I told the manager I’d  53  .He figured I had  54  69 cents at 23 cents an hour.With the money, I left the working place.“Easy job.Good wages.” came to my brain again.Looking at my hands, I  55    myself, “Can easy job get good wages?”

A.eyes              B.attention             C.decision           D.breath

A.necessary          B.relevant           C.practical           D.primitive

A.running after      B.looking for         C.heading for       D.looking after

A.circled         B.moved             C.flashed           D.attacked

A.letter           B.sign             C.advertisement     D.post

A.baskets         B.bowls              C.pots             D.basins

A.hiding          B.sticking            C.rising                   D.breaking

A.In             B.Above             C.Under           D.Around

A.arms           B.hands            C.legs                D.feet

A.knife          B.snail             C.bottle               D.brush

A.that                  B.those               C.them                D.it

A.chair          B.bench             C.bottle              D.sofa

A.smell          B.coldness           C.color             D.steam

A.spread         B.travel            C.recycle           D.accelerate

A.worse         B.better            C.more             D.rather

A.going         B.finding           C.growing          D.becoming

A.now and then   B.here and there     C.one by one         D.little by little

A.adapt          B.equip               C.bargain             D.quit

A.taken          B.offered            C.earned              D.created

A.thought        B.asked            C.found              D.hated




    It was a cold winter morning. Half asleep at the train station, I stared into the distance,   31   for the train to take me to my   32   in Boston. The world was quiet. The very few people on the street kept to themselves,   33   their steaming cups of coffee.

Reaching into my pocket as the   34   was approaching, my numb hand searched for the $ 20 bill to pay my fare. The pocket was   35  ! I searched through my bag and then I felt   36  . Unless the money dropped from the sky, I’d be   37   there.

“What’s the matter?” A short, elderly man stood before me.

“Oh, nothing…Well, I   38   my money and now I can’t pay for the ticket. I’m going to   39   my math class and the train is leaving.”

“Here, use this.”

The man held a $ 20 bill. I looked up,   40  . People just didn’t do that any more. Everyone worried about their own   41  , rarely stopping to think about others, especially teenage strangers.

“Thank you, but no, I can’t.”

  42   it—go!” The man pushed me   43   the train. I bought a round-trip ticket, and he refused the change I   44   to give him back. I did not know what to say — a million thoughts raced through my mind, yet I stood   45  .

For the train ride I was silent. I began to see the world through   46   eyes. That man made a difference with such a simple   47  .

A week later I was at the train station again, with an extra $20   48   I saw the man. And there he was.

“Excuse me, sir, I believe I owe you this.” I   49   the money into his hand.

Failing to refuse, he said, “Just remember to do the same for someone in your shoes some day.” I smiled,   50  .

The elderly man is my hero. For many, heroes are famous, but my hero is a giving stranger who taught me a lesson in life. I will never forget his kindness.


1.A. watching           B. looking          C. reaching         D. arranging

2.A. home               B. class            C. office           D. factory

3.A. serving            B. carrying         C. minding          D. making

4.A. chance             B. crowd            C. driver           D. train

5.A. deep               B. empty            C. messy            D. tight

6.A. hopeless           B. useless          C. relieved         D. dissatisfied

7.A. blocked            B. drawn            C. stuck            D. tied

8.A. wasted             B. counted          C. spent            D. lost

9.A. miss               B. skip             C. fail             D. stop

10.A. frightened        B. disturbed        C. surprised        D. concerned

11.A. problems          B. complaints       C. positions        D. challenges

12.A. Seize             B. Get              C. Catch            D. Take

13.A. in                B. beyond           C. toward           D. on

14.A. offered           B. managed          C. happened         D. attempted

15.A. unconsciously     B. silently         C. seriously        D. uncomfortably

16.A. curious           B. changed          C. bright           D. widened

17.A. task              B. act              C. example          D. performance

18.A. so that           B. even if          C. now that         D. in case

19.A. dropped           B. pushed           C. pressed          D. placed

20.A. content           B. scared           C. annoyed          D. numb






One winter morning I bought a copy of the New York World and turned its pages until I got The "Help Wanted Unskilled" section.A small advertisement held my   36  .It read:"Easy job.Good wages.No experience  37  ."it sounded like the job I was   38   .Easy job.Good Wages.Those four words  39   now and then in my brain as I was traveling to the address indicated in the   40  .Easy job.Good wages.Easy job.Good Wages.Easy...

When I got to the place I saw a series of large  41   half filled with water, out of which I noticed   42   the necks of many bottles of various sizes and shapes. 43  these basins there were a number of workers sitting on small wooden benches.All had their   44   in the water of the basin.the left hand holding a   45 and the thumb(拇指)nail of the right hand   46   the labels(标签)on it.

I Sat down On a   47   beside one of the basins and started to work on one bottle.As the minutes went by I noticed that the  48   0f the water started to   49   from my hand to my body.But   50  still, the delicate thumb of my right hand was   51   by the minute into a full-blown tomato-colored finger.A numb(麻木)pain began to be felt   52   from my right thumb.Then I began to feel as if the pain was coming from a finger bigger than all my body.After three hours of this I told the manager I'd   53   .He figured I had   54   69 cents at 23 cents an hour.

With the money, I left the working place."Easy job.Good wages...."came to my brain again.Looking at my hands, I  55   myself, "Can easy job get good wages?"

1.A.eyes             B.attention      C.decision       D.breath

2.A.necessary        B.relevant       C.practical      D.primitive

3.A.running after B.looking for       C.heading for D.looking after

4.A.circled          B.moved          C.flashed        D.attacked

5.A.letter           B.sign           C.advertisement D.post

6.A.baskets          B.bowls          C.pots           D.basins

7.A.hiding           B.sticking       C.rising         D.breaking

8.A.In               B.Above          C.Under          D.Around

9.A.arms             B.hands          C.legs           D.feet

10.A.knife           B.snail          C.bottle         D.brush

11.A.painting        B.decorating     C.refreshing     D.scratching

12.A.chair           B.bench          C.bottle         D.sofa

13.A.smell           B.coldness       C.color          D.steam

14.A.spread          B.travel         C.recycle        D.accelerate

15.A.worse           B.better         C.more           D.rather

16.A.going           B.finding        C.growing        D.becoming

17.A.now and then B.here and there    C.one by one     D.little by little

18.A.adapt           B.negotiate      C.bargain        D.quit

19.A.taken           B.offered        C.earned         D.created

20.A.thought         B.asked          C.found          D.hated


