第一节 单词拼写 根据句意及首字母或汉语意思提示完成句子.(答案写在答题卷的横线上) 71.She did all she could to a good knowledge of English. 72.They could give at the court yesterday. 73.The club c of about 100 members. 74.He became when he thought about helping the poor people. 75.Hello.This is Helen, I’d like to make an a with Doctor White. 76.He is a selfish person.He only thinks of his own c . 77.I can’t c on my studies with all that noise going on. 78.He suffered many i in the accident. 79.Many people b to death for our happy life today. 80.I am sorry I hurt you, but that was not my i . 查看更多



第一节  单词拼写  根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

71. France is f          for its wine.

72. How can we d          our homeland if we don’t have an army?

73. Before visiting him, I called him up in a          .

74. No hunting is allowed in the p          .

75. He leaned over and w          something in his ear.

76. How did he           (反应) to the sudden change?

77. The drawers           (滑动)in and out easily.

78. Which country do you           (代表)?

79. He is           (摇摆) his legs on the chair.

80. His style is           (模仿)after Shakespeare.




第三部分  写(共三节,满分55分)

第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.In the USA, Thanksgiving Day is__________(庆祝)on the fourth Thursday 66.   

    In November every year.

67.London is the largest urban area in________(英格兰)and one of the largest 67.   

    cities in the world.

68.This page will teach you how to_______(发音) “ed” in English, for   68.   

    example, ‘decided’, ‘liked’ or ‘played’ .

69.The government has planned to_______(增加)spending on education every year.69.   

70.Many people realized how to stay ________(健康)nowadays.           70.   

71.It is said that the new________ (票)system will be operated from June 1st.     71.   

72. “Would you like another_________(巧克力)?”she said leaning against his shoulder.72.  

73.He noticed that it had ________(突然)grown colder.         73.   

74.He felt very_______-(饿)after four hours’ hard work.        74.   

75.People are strictly forbidden to_______(喝)alcohols such as beer in this restaurant.75.   


第二卷    作文(共35分)

第一节:单词拼写 (每小题1分,共10分)


76. He was e_____ chairman of the meeting.

77. People can communicate with each other by m_____ of the Internet.

78. I know you are d____ to hear all about my life here.

79. You should go now, o____ you’ll miss the bus.

80. As far as the engine is c_____, the car is fine.

81. People in this city have _____(代替) coal with gas for the purpose of cooking.

82. We all believe that he has the right _____(资格) for the job.

83. We _____(推荐) you as our manager.

84. I regretted the ____(购买) of the second-hand car.

85.The false _____(繁荣) of the spring and summer had ended.





第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


66. You must ask ________________(允许)if you want to leave early.

67. The coming measure will bring both economical and environmental benefits, the  

     ____________(后者) especially welcome.

68. She _______________(像) her sister in appearance but not in character.

69. People's abilities___________(不同), but their rights and opportunities should be the same.

70. Congo, a(n) _______________ (非洲)country, became independent in 1960.

71. The car he was driving was over 30 feet in ____________(长)and had a 2,500-horsepower   


72. There were ___________(总共)20 people at the dinner, including Mary and her daughter.

73. The book which the professor ____________(提到)to was not in the school library

74. Walt Whitman’s ____________(出生地)was restored in 2001 and it is a fine example of

   native Long Island craftsmanship.

75. All the _____________(女)workers in this factory got a present on March 8.

