第二节 短文改错(共10小题.每小题1分.共10分) Born to be the basketball player, Kobe Bryant 76. showed his shooting talent in an early age. He has always 77. occupied with proving his skills on the court and improving 78. himself. Having enjoyed a successfully high school basketball 79. career, Kobe went straight into the NBA after graduated. So 80. far, Kobe has led the Lakers to four NBA championships. 81. Thus, he is never content with his past achievements. He 82. is famous for getting his teammates stay up late practising. 83. When he learned a new move, he asks his teammates to practise 84. it with him after it is perfect. “When you win, you have to 85. constantly look for ways to get better. Kobe said. 查看更多



第二节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分l5分)
“Practice makes perfect” was an old saying. It tells us that it            76.____________    
does not any matter if we are slow at doing something. As              77. ___________   
long as we keep on trying and practice, we’ll do a good job             78. ___________   
in the end. The saying is especial useful in English study.               79. ___________   
Since a student is poor at speaking, he should grasp every               80. ___________   
chance to open mouth and speak English. His oral English              81. ___________   
may be excellent one day due to his hard works. Not only is             82. ___________   
the saying useful in English study, it is also helpful in our             83. ___________   
daily life. To an extent, it is no short cut in doing everything            84. ___________   
since key to success lies in “Practice makes perfect”.                 85. ___________   


第二节  短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分l5分)





“Practice makes perfect” was an old saying. It tells us that it            76.____________    

does not any matter if we are slow at doing something. As              77. ___________   

long as we keep on trying and practice, we’ll do a good job             78. ___________   

in the end. The saying is especial useful in English study.               79. ___________   

Since a student is poor at speaking, he should grasp every               80. ___________   

chance to open mouth and speak English. His oral English              81. ___________   

may be excellent one day due to his hard works. Not only is             82. ___________   

the saying useful in English study, it is also helpful in our              83. ___________   

daily life. To an extent, it is no short cut in doing everything            84. ___________   

since key to success lies in “Practice makes perfect”.                 85. ___________   


第二节  短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)






 I received your letter was dated April l6 the day                   76.______           

before yesterday.All of our family greatly delighted to        77.______           

learn how you are getting along very well with your         78.______           

lessons.Time passes quickly.After dozens of days, you’ll      79.______           

finish the middle school.What pleases us most is that you     80.______           

do very well to make up your mind to enter for the college           81.______           

entrance examination this summer.What wonderful it is !     82.______           

Dad, as well as Mom and I, is with you.We wished         83.______           

you to make better use of your time.The full preparations           84.______           

you make, the surer of success you’ll certain be.             85.______


第二节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)






An English lady was finally decided that she really should        

learn to drive, and after many attempts, she past her              

driving test and told her husband that, to celebrate, he             

was going to drive him over to France for a holiday. But        

then a week after the trip, she suddenly announced that           

they wouldn’t take the holiday. “How did you change your        

mind?” he asked her by surprise. “Well, it’s all because            

of the business of driving on right.” She said, “I have              

been practising for three weeks now, but I still couldn’t            

get used to it—in fact, I’ve nearly killed three peoples.”         


第二节:短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
One day Rosa wrote to her friend, who was a doctor, invite him to  
have dinner with her families. A few days later the doctor wrote back
to her but she couldn’t read his writing because the letters were
written careless. Then she asked her husband for the help, but he
couldn’t read it, too. So the woman went to the chemist’s. The chemist in the shop studied the letter for a long time but he gave her large bottle of medicine. He told the woman she should eat twelve pills a day. Finally Rosa still had no idea whether her friend will come or not.

