Who is Susan? A. The man’s friend. B. The woman’s friend. C. Mary’s friend. 查看更多






1.How did Charles travel through Australia?

A.By bus.

B.By car.

C.By train.

2.Where is the man speaker now?

A.In a hotel.

B.In his home.

C.In a restaurant.

3.What do we know about the man?

A.He wants to get a new position.

B.He is asking the woman for help.

C.He enjoys letter writing.

4.Who is probably the man speaker?

A.A lawyer.

B.A driver.

C.A policeman.

5.What was Mary probably doing when the conversation took place?

A.Having supper out with her classmate.

B.Doing homework with her classmate.

C.Attending a party at a classmate’s home.




6.What are the girl’s strengths?

A.PE, English and science.

B.Science, business and computer.

C.PE, science and business.

7.Which field does the girl intend to go into?





8.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.The history of planes.

B.The changes of life.

C.The invention of electric lights.

9.When was it unusual to see a plane?

A.In the early 1960s.

B.In the 16 th century.

C.In the early 1900s.

10.Why can we use electrical lights?

A.Because someone invented ways to use electricity.

B.Because we have more money than before.

C.Because we don’t need to pay much for them.


11.Where was Jenny when the hurricane took place?

A.At her father’s friend’s.

B.On her way home.

C.At home with her husband.

12.When did the hurricane hit the area where Jenny lived?

A.At noon on August 30.

B.At 5∶00 a.m.on August 30.

C.At 3∶30 a.m.on August 29.

13.Why did they drive very slowly on the way back?

A.Too many cars were on the road.

B.Broken branches were everywhere.

C.There was a very strong wind.


14.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Father and daughter.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Close friends.

15.What does Susan have to do on Saturday morning?

A.See a movie.

B.Clean the house.

C.Go to the doctor.

16.Where does Susan have to go to at 12:30?

A.To the dentist.

B.To the school.

C.To the playground.

17.What time is Susan meeting with Julie?

A.At 2∶00.

B.At 4∶30.

C.At 5∶30.


18.Why did the man refuse to buy a TV set in the past?

A.He thought it was useless.

B.Because it took up much time.

C.Because it was too expensive.

19.What did he use to do in the evening?

A.He slept at home.

B.He played games at home.

C.He read books.

20.What do we know about the speaker?

A.He is a person who can’t change his mind.

B.He is a person who is eager to learn more.

C.He is a person who can’t get along well with others.




1.What has the woman done?

A.She has seen her doctor.

B.She has called her doctor in.

C.She has taken some medicine.

2.How much did the man earn each week last year?




3.Where is Mary probably now?

A.At school.

B.At home.

C.In the street.

4.What does Helen have to do?

A.Read three books in a month.

B.Read a book in a month.

C.Read three books in a week.

5.What did the man intend to do at first?

A.To visit an exhibition.

B.To buy some books.

C.To buy some artworks.




6.Who broke Frank's camera?


B.Frank himself.


7.Where can Frank get Alice's camera?

A.At the Baker's.

B.At Alice's home.

C.At Alice's uncle's home.


8.Who does the woman see?

A.Bill Franks.

B.Albert Einstein.

C.Tom Hansks.

9.Where are the speakers probably now?

A.In London.

B.In New York.

C.In Paris.

10.What will the speakers do next?

A.Attend a party.

B.Visit a friend.

C.Say hello to an actor.


11.Who is Mike?

A.Susan's son.

B.Bob's son.

C.John's son.

12.Where is the driver of the small red car now?

A.In his house.

B.In the police station.

C.In the hospital.

13.What does Susan give Bob?

A.A caculator.

B.The key to her car.

C.The key to her desk.


14.What do we know about Miss Yang?

A.She wrote a letter to the company.

B.She has worked for ten years.

C.She built a nursery.

15.How long shall Miss Yang work every day?

A.2 hours

B.5 hours

C.10 hours.

16.Why does Miss Yang want to work part-time?

A.Because the job is badly paid.

B.Because she has to work for another company.

C.Because she has to look after her mother.

17.When shall Miss Yang start her work?


B.The day after tomorrow.

C.Next monday.


18.What is the first important thing to do on the first day in college?

A.Find out where the classrooms are.

B.Know about the professors.

C.Arrive at the classroom on time.

19.What is an advantage of“Welcome Week”to new students?

A.They can receive a teaching plan.

B.They can meet new friends.

C.They can learn about a professor's lecture style.

20.How should a new student take notes during a class?

A.With a laptop.

B.With a desktop.

C.With a pen and a notebook.






1.Where is Wellington?

A.It’s in Japan.

B.It’s in New Zealand.

C.It’s in Asia.

2.What do we know about the weather in New Zealand?

A.The warmest months are from June to August.

B.The coldest months are from December to February.

C.There is plenty of rain there.

3.Where was Rose born?

A.In London.

B.In Canada.

C.In America.

4.What sport does the woman like best?




5.How long has the woman had the car?

A.About 6 years.

B.About 5 years.

C.About 4 years.




6.Who does Mary want to see?

A.The policeman.

B.Mr Zhang.

C.A doctor.

7.What is Mr Zhang doing?

A.He is telephoning someone.

B.He is having a talk with some guests.

C.He went out on business.

8.What time will Mr Zhang be free?





9.Where is Mum?

A.In the kitchen.

B.In the sitting room.

C.In the bathroom.

10.Where is their father?

A.He is in his company.

B.He is away on business.

C.He is in the bedroom.

11.What makes mother cry?

A.The heavy housework.

B.The naughty children.



12.Where did the story happen?

A.On the bus.

B.At the bus stop.

C.On the way to work.

13.Why did Henry ring the bell twice?

A.He wanted the bus to go on.

B.He wanted the driver to hear him more clearly.

C.He wanted to make fun of the conductor.

14.Why did the conductor shout at Henry?

A.Because Henry rang the bell.

B.Because Henry rang the bell twice.

C.Because Henry wanted to get off on the way.

15.How did Henry think about the happening?

A.He didn’t realize his mistake.

B.He wanted to complain to his wife.

C.He didn’t agree to the rule.




1.What factory will be built outside the city?

A.A car factory.

B.A computer factory.

C.A tractor factory.

2.Why does the man live in the countryside?

A.It’s near the school.

B.It’s quiet.

C.His house is too old.

3.What does the woman mean?

A.The machine was just repaired.

B.The clerk doesn’t like to be troubled.

C.She can help him.

4.What’s wrong with Tom?

A.He’s ill in hospital.

B.He’s ill at home.

C.He has to stay at home.

5.What will the woman probably do?

A.She will go to meet the man.

B.She will go to the theatre to see her parents.

C.She will stay at home with their sisters.




6.What is the topic of the conversation?

A.The weather.

B.Life in the country.

C.Holiday in the country.

7.Where did Jane spend the nights in the country?

A.In a farmer’s house.

B.In the open air.

C.At a friend’s home.

8.What was the weather like in the country?

A.It was fine.

B.It was rainy.

C.It was terrible.


9.Where was Susan going when Bob met her?

A.To the work place.

B.To her home.

C.To a supermarket.

10.What does Susan do at her supermarket?

A.Cleaning the place.

B.Putting things in order and wrapping fruits and vegetables.

C.Looking after sick customers.

11.What does Bob do?

A.He works in a garden.

B.He works in a garage.

C.He works on a farm.


12.How is the woman planning to spend the coming weekend at the beginning?

A.To see a foreign film.

B.To hear a concert.

C.To watch a ball game on TV.

13.What suggestion does the woman’s brother give in spending the time?

A.To watch the final football game.

B.To go to the cinema.

C.To watch the final football game on TV.

14.Why does the man refuse to go to the football game together with the woman?

A.Because he wants to stay at home to watch TV.

B.Because he wants to take care of his mother.

C.Because his mother doesn’t allow him to watch the football match.

15.Which one is the home team?








1、What’s the woman’s telephone number?




2、What does the man mean?

A.He does not want to help the woman.

B.He does not know how to help the woman.

C.He is too busy to help the woman.

3、What can we know from the conversation?

A.The desk lamp is in good condition.

B.The desk lamp can be fixed on time.

C.The man cannot fix the desk lamp.

4、What will Ken do?

A.Go to the party.

B.Go to the cinema.

C.Stay at home.

5、Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.At a handbag shop.

B.At a supermarket.

C.At a lost-and-found office.




6、Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a photography class.

B.At a bus station.

C.At an office.

7、What should the woman do tomorrow morning?

A.Send the letters.

B.Type the letters.

C.Read the letters.


8、Why is the woman so angry?

A.The boy bought an expensive umbrella.

B.The boy did not buy a new umbrella.

C.The boy lost an umbrella again.

9、What is the boy going to do?

A.Fetch his cellphone for his mother.

B.Tell his mother about his study.

C.Go to his room to study.


10、When does the conversation take place?

A.In the morning.

B.At noon.

C.In the evening.

11、What is wrong with Mary’s daughter?

A.She has a high fever.

B.She has a bad cold.

C.She has a bad cough.

12、What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Look after her daughter Susan at the hospital.

B.Watch over her baby at her home.

C.Go to the hospital with her.


13、What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Father and daughter.

C.Customer and assistant.

14、Who is Karen?

A.Nancy’s sister.

B.Nancy’s daughter.

C.Nancy’s friend.

15、Where is the girl living now?

A.In Scotland.

B.In England.

C.In America.

16、What does the girl’s father do now?

A.He is a professor.

B.He is a businessman.

C.He is a French teacher.


17、What is the weather in the West Coast like?




18、What is the weather in the East Coast like?




19、Which place will most likely have 1 to2 feet of snow?



C.The Sierras.

20、What was the highest temperature recorded on Monday?

A.35 degrees.

B.83 degrees.

C.48 degrees.





W:David, so you are taller than Smith.

M:That’s right.

But I’m shorter than Tom.

1.Who is the shortest of the three?




M:Pop music is really boring to all people.

W:I can’t agree with you.Most of the young people enjoy it.

M:Simply because they are too young.

2.Who is the man?

A.He is a young man.

B.Maybe he is an old man.

C.He is a pop music lover.

M:Mary, have you found a job at the market?

W:No, I wish I were a boy.

3.What does the woman imply?

A.A boy is stronger than a girl.

B.A boy can find a job more easily than a girl.

C.She doesn’t like to be a girl.

W:How many eggs did you buy from the supermarket this morning?

M:A dozen.But four were broken on my way home.

4.How many eggs does the man have now?




W:What do you think of the football game we watched last night?

M:It is no better than the one we are watching now.

5.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Neither of the football games is good.

B.Both of the football games are good.

C.The football game they are watching is better than the one they watched last night.




M:The American pop star Jackson is in our city.

W:That’s great.

M:I’m very fond of Jackson, so are my parents and my sister.

W:Are you going to the Jackson’s concert?

M:Yes.My family will go there.I’m going to buy tickets for tonight’s concert.

W:Why not buy a ticket for me?I’m busy now, I have to type two letters for my boss, David.

M:With pleasure.

W:100 yuan, please.

M:Oh, your change, twenty yuan, here you are.

6.How many tickets will the man possibly buy for tonight’s Jackson’s concert?




7.What job does the woman probably do?





M:Sit down, please, take it easy.What is your name, please?


M:What is the matter?Madam?

W:My house was broken into last night.

M:Can you describe what happened last night?

W:Yes.At six o’clock, my husband and I left home to attend a friend’s birthday’s party.We didn’t get home until mid-night.When I opened the door, we found that someone had entered our house by the window.

M:Have you got anything stolen?

W:Yes.My diamond necklace is gone, so are my computer and two valuable vases.

M:Can you tell me anything more?

W:Oh, the man living opposite our house said he had heard a sound of glass being broken at about eleven.After a while, he saw a tall man with long hair came out of my house.

M:Well, we will look into the case right away.If we have any news, we will let you know.

8.What in the man in the conversation?

A.A policeman.

B.Alice’s husband.

C.Alice’s neighbor.

9.When was the woman’s house broken into?

A.At twelve last night.

B.At around 11 last night.

C.At seven yesterday evening.


M:Susan, is your cousin beautiful?

W:No, she is not as good-looking as you thought.She is an ordinary girl.But she is very tall.You are taller than I, but she is even taller than you.

M:Does she use any make-up?

W:No, she doesn’t like to.She is very natural.

M:Does she have a good figure?

W:I don’t think so.But she looks very healthy.She is also very lively and very lovely.

M:Do you like her because of that?

W:That’s not the main reason.I like her because she is gentle and understanding.

M:Oh, everyone likes such a girl.

W:Yes.And she always wears a sweet smile.

M:I see.No wonder you’re always talking about her.

10.What did the man used to think of Susan’s cousin?

A.Very beautiful.



11.Who is the shortest of the three people?


B.The man.

C.Susan’s cousin.

12.What is the main reason for Susan’s liking her cousin?

A.Because Susan’s cousin is very tall.

B.Because Susan’s cousin is very healthy.

C.Because Susan’s cousin is gentle and understanding.


M:Mrs Speneer, what time is Mr Black’s flight expected to arrive at Boston Airport?

W:Around 2 p.m.sir.Will you go with the company car to meet him?

M:Yes.So I’d better leave here no later than now.How about the hotel for Mr Black and his party?

W:I made the reservations for them last week and checked again yesterday, to be sure everything is ready.

M:Including the welcome room for tonight’s reception.

W:That’s right.The manager promised me that everything would be exactly as we have requested.

M:Excellent.I want everything to be the very best.

W:I’m sure it will be.That manager has never let us down yet.

M:We want to make a good impression.Not just to be sure that this business deal is a success, but pay back the wonderful treatment we received from them in Tokyo last year.

13.What is the man going to do?

A.Take a flight for Japan.

B.Drive the woman to the hotel.

C.Meet a guest at the airport.

14.Where will Mr Black stay after his arrival?

A.At a hotel.

B.At the man’s house.

C.At the woman’s house.

15.What will take place that evening?

A.Mr Black’s arrival.

B.A hotel reception.

C.A business meeting.

16.Why does the man want to make a good impression?

A.To repay Mr Black’s kindness.

B.To get invited back to Tokyo.

C.To increase the hotels business.


Bill, Ed and Arnold are three musicians who are discussing ways in which they will perform together on stage in front of an audience.Bill says, “Here’s what I have in mind, when the curtain goes up, I’ll come out and play the violin.Then the curtain goes the piano.Then the curtain goes down.Then the curtain goes up...”

“Wait a minute, ”interrupt the other two.“What are we supposed to do?”Bill says.“The curtain doesn’t go up and down by itself.”

17.What instrument do Ed and Arnold play?

A.The violin.

B.The piano.


18.According to Bill, who will be performing on the stage?

A.Ed and Arnold.

B.Bill, Arnold and Ed.


19.Who asked the question, “What are we supposed to do?”

A.Bill and Ed.

B.Ed and Arnold.

C.Bill, Ed and Arnold.

20.According to Bill, what will Ed do?

A.Pull the curtain up and down.

B.Play he instruments with the other two.

C.Play an instrument by himself.

