A. shouting B. crying C. cheering D. screaming 查看更多



Hearing my name being called, I walked quickly to the stage. But, I was about to 36   for my diploma when the medical-school 37   asked my parents, Anna and Carlo Michelotti, to stand. Surprised, they  38   from their seats in the audience. They looked at each other and seemed puzzled. He told the crowd that my parents, an immigrant Italian couple from a farm outside Chicago, had 39   send their six children to top colleges and graduate schools. (Three of us would 40   doctors, two were already lawyers and one was a physicist.) "It's remarkable," the head of our department said, everyone 41   loudly. Mama's face lighted up with 42   .

My mother was a(n) 43    . When she was three, her parents immigrated in 1926 to Chicago's South Side, where my grandfather worked making ice cream. 44    with her then life, Mama made every effort to push for a better situation. At 16, she graduated first in her high-school class, went on to secretarial school, and 45   worked as an executive secretary for a railroad company.

I knew that I had to 46   everything we had achieved or would achieve to my parents. When we were young children, my mother, especially, was our mentor(启蒙老师). Not until I became an adult did I realize how 47   she was---she always challenged us to succeed-and then showed us the way!

36. A. arrive            B. get          C. call           D. reach

37. A. director          B. principal      C. manager       D. headmaster

38. A. raised            B. rose         C. lifted          D. pulled

39. A. tried to           B. sought to     C. managed to     D. attempted to

40. A. become          B. grow         C. act            D. prove

41. A. screaming        B. crying        C. shouting       D. cheering

42. A. pride            B. embarrassment  C. shyness        D. anger

43. A. German         B. Italian         C. British        D. American

44. A. Unfamiliar       B. Unprepared     C. Undefined     D. Unsatisfied

45. A. eventually       B. successfully     C. naturally       D. extremely

46. A. contribute       B. relate           C. owe          D. devote

47. A. diligent         B. special         C. acute          D. strange

