How did Jon Huntsman like Obama’s visit to China? (No more than 10 words.) SECTION C Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese 假如你叫李明.你的同学汤姆一年前随父母来中国.现在要回国了.请你代表全班同学起草一篇欢送辞.内容包括: 查看更多



Visiting US President Barack Obama said that he needed to know more about China. "The reason why I come here is that I’d like to deepen my understanding of China and its vision of the future," Obama told an audience of more than 500 local youths, many of whom were students from Fudan University and Tongji University.
  "We do not seek to impose(强加) any form of government on any other nation," Obama said, noting access to information and political participation are universal rights that guide America's openness. The China trip is also part of his first trip to Asia as president. In his wide-ranging speech in Japan on Saturday, Obama said he would well receive an energetic China as a powerful partner on urgent challenges. "The rise of a strong, prosperous China can be a source of strength for the community of nations," he told 1,500 prominent Japanese.
   The ongoing event attracted more than 100 reporters, the large majority of them from the US and the rest from China. The meeting on the fourth floor of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum was scheduled to last for 75 minutes, with Obama speaking for 15 minutes and the an-hour-long question and answer session.
    Before Obama's speech, Jon Huntsman, US ambassador to China said, "the timing could not be better for increasing bilateral relations(双边关系)at the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations ties". Obama met local leaders in the morning. He arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport just after 11 pm last night. The 48-year-old, the first US president to visit China within the first year of taking office, will fly to Beijing immediately after meeting the youths.

54. Why did Obama come to China? (No more than 12 words.)2分

55. When and where did Obama make his wide-ranging speech? (No more than 4              words.)2分

56. How long was Obama’s speech in Shanghai? (No more than 3 words.)3分

57. What did Jon Huntsman think of Obama’s visit to China? (No more than 10 words.)3分

