From the passage we can infer that . A. it’s dangerous for a man to be under stress from work for a long time B. it’s likely for a man to be free from stress if he lives a healthy life C. it’s very stressful for a working man to share the care of children with his wife D. it’s common for a man to be the only wage-earner in a family nowadays B For many of us, cartoon strips are simply one of our pastimes. The popular Japanese manga provides us with an escape from reality into a world of fantasy, adventure and romance. With much less text and pictures running for pages, it fits perfectly into today's fast, throwing away city lifestyle. But Tsai Chih-chung, a famous Taiwanese illustrator , doesn't agree. He believes cartoons can be a bridge connecting traditional Chinese culture and wisdom with the modern world in a much wittier and more acceptable way. He has interpreted Lao Zi, Confucius, Mencius, Zhuang Zi and Sun Zi and made their works accessible to a global audience. He has also produced two books about Zen , introducing oriental philosophy. His cartoons are humorous yet full of wisdom and are admired as an easy way to learn Chinese classics. After avoiding the public for ten years, Tsai made a comeback in late April with seven new works. But does his age, 61, work as a gap between him and his young readers? Tsai doesn't think so. The topics he has covered range from philosophy in a time of individuality to the learning and memorizing techniques used at school. "Every child is a genius and has the potential beyond his own imagination," he said. If popular Japanese manga is purely for entertainment, Tsai's work, to a large extent, is to light the power of thinking in a light-hearted way. Tsai uses different forms of water to refer to people. In his eyes some people are like an ocean, some are like vapor , while others may be ice or rain. But in essence they share a similarity – human being's forever chasing for the true and the good. "The person who thinks over life issues is not necessarily a scholar or a philosopher," he said. "I've dedicated my whole life to thinking and individual freedom, not making a living." 查看更多



Maxwell had not held a steady job in almost two years. Today was a big day, because he was going to a job interview that he felt good about. The secretary he had talked to on the phone sounded friendly and encouraging.

Maxwell was a typist. His fingers danced on the keyboard. However, his people skills were not nearly as good as his typing skills. Sometimes his mouth got in the way of his employment. At his last steady job, his boss had told him to start making coffee every morning. Maxwell laughed. “I’m not making coffee,” he said. “It’s not part of my job description.”

“Read the employee manual again,” his boss said. “Your job description is anything I say it is.”

“That’s a woman’s job,” said Maxwell. “Do it yourself.”

His boss was still yelling as Maxwell walked out of the building. He felt great about telling off the boss. A few days later, the reality of not having a job hit home. He had to pay the rent and utility bills, and he had to eat. What was he going to do?

He thought about apologizing and asking for his job back. But how would that look? Then again, who cares how it looks when you’re almost broke? After thinking about it for another week, he finally called his boss and apologized. His boss accepted his apology, but said that he had already hired a replacement.

Maxwell contacted a temporary job agency, which provided him enough occasional work to pay his bills. But none of the companies that he was sent to were hiring. So Maxwell was excited about finally getting an interview for a steady job.

Maxwell’s drive to the interview was disappointing. The traffic was congested and the neighborhood looked rough. It took him 45 minutes to get there. The building was covered with graffiti.(涂鸦)

The interview started 30 minutes late. Not bothering to apologize, the manager lit a cigarette and took a sip from his coffee cup. He leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on his desk. He asked Maxwell a lot of questions. Maxwell thought that each question was stupider than the preceding question. The final question was, “Where would you like to be 10 years from now?”

What does that have to do with typing? Maxwell wondered. Stupid questions from a rude man in a lousy neighborhood! Where would he like to be 10 years from now?

“Anywhere but this dump!” Maxwell said angrily, as he stood up and walked out.

51.Maxwell lost his last steady job because_________.

A. he was not a qualified typist.                

B. he couldn’t make coffee

C. he was not skillful enough in communicating with people.

D. he didn’t apologize in time.

52.The underlined word ‘congested’ most probably means _________.

A. too blocked or crowded                             

B. dangerous and poor

C. light and slow-moving                          

D. constant but fast-flowing

53.According to the passage, which statement is right about the job interview?

A. Maxwell was 30 minutes late.              

B. The manager got no manners in the interview.

C. The interviewer asked a lot of silly questions except the last one.

D. Maxwell misunderstood the interviewer’s questions.

54.After the interview, we can infer that _________.

A. Maxwell will celebrate his big day.

B. The manager will apologize to Maxwell.

C. Maxwell will finally get this post.    

D. Maxwell will have to find another job interview.


Maxwell had not held a steady job in almost two years. Today was a big day, because he was going to a job interview that he felt good about. The secretary he had talked to on the phone sounded friendly and encouraging.

Maxwell was a typist. His fingers danced on the keyboard. However, his people skills were not nearly as good as his typing skills. Sometimes his mouth got in the way of his employment. At his last steady job, his boss had told him to start making coffee every morning. Maxwell laughed. “I’m not making coffee,” he said. “It’s not part of my job description.”

“Read the employee manual again,” his boss said. “Your job description is anything I say it is.”

“That’s a woman’s job,” said Maxwell. “Do it yourself.”

His boss was still yelling as Maxwell walked out of the building. He felt great about telling off the boss. A few days later, the reality of not having a job hit home. He had to pay the rent and utility bills, and he had to eat. What was he going to do?

He thought about apologizing and asking for his job back. But how would that look? Then again, who cares how it looks when you’re almost broke? After thinking about it for another week, he finally called his boss and apologized. His boss accepted his apology, but said that he had already hired a replacement.

Maxwell contacted a temporary job agency, which provided him enough occasional work to pay his bills. But none of the companies that he was sent to were hiring. So Maxwell was excited about finally getting an interview for a steady job.

Maxwell’s drive to the interview was disappointing. The traffic was congested and the neighborhood looked rough. It took him 45 minutes to get there. The building was covered with graffiti.(涂鸦)

The interview started 30 minutes late. Not bothering to apologize, the manager lit a cigarette and took a sip from his coffee cup. He leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on his desk. He asked Maxwell a lot of questions. Maxwell thought that each question was stupider than the preceding question. The final question was, “Where would you like to be 10 years from now?”

What does that have to do with typing? Maxwell wondered. Stupid questions from a rude man in a lousy neighborhood! Where would he like to be 10 years from now?

“Anywhere but this dump!” Maxwell said angrily, as he stood up and walked out.

51.Maxwell lost his last steady job because_________.

A. he was not a qualified typist.                

B. he couldn’t make coffee

C. he was not skillful enough in communicating with people.

D. he didn’t apologize in time.

52.The underlined word ‘congested’ most probably means _________.

A. too blocked or crowded                             

B. dangerous and poor

C. light and slow-moving                          

D. constant but fast-flowing

53.According to the passage, which statement is right about the job interview?

A. Maxwell was 30 minutes late.              

B. The manager got no manners in the interview.

C. The interviewer asked a lot of silly questions except the last one.

D. Maxwell misunderstood the interviewer’s questions.

54.After the interview, we can infer that _________.

A. Maxwell will celebrate his big day.

B. The manager will apologize to Maxwell.

C. Maxwell will finally get this post.    

D. Maxwell will have to find another job interview.



  Wind, water, fire and ice-these powerful natural forces have shaped the land of America in the past.They are still changing it today.

  The Colorado River slowly cut down through stone to make the Grand Canyon(大峡谷).

  Long ago, ice sheets cut Yosemite Valley and the Great Lakes, and glaciers(冰川)are still on the move in Alaska.

  Wind and rain storm hit the land from time to time.Fires sometimes burn down forests and destroy the homes of wild animals.This happened in Yellowstone Park in 1988.

  Dead volcanic mountains such as Haleakala on Maui and Carter Lakein Oregon are beautiful to look at.But there are several active volcanoes in the US, especially along the Pacific Coast.There are also many earthquakes in this area.Scientists can do nothing to control earthquakes or volcanoes.This was shown clearly on May 18, 1980.At 8∶32 that morning, Mount St Helens in Washington state broke out.The top of the mountain was blown off.

  Over 60 people-campers, scientists, journalists, forest workers-were killed.Hundreds of square miles of forests were knocked down.In towns over 100 miles away, day suddenly became night.An ash cloud hid the sun for many hours.Towns and fields in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho were covered with dirty gray ash.

  Scientists knew that Mt St Helens might erupt(爆发)soon.But no one could say when.And no one expected the terrible strength of the eruption.Many people were surprised and unready.Harry R.Truman, 84, owned a small hotel in Mt St Helens.Scientists had asked people to move away because the volcano was becoming dangerous.

  But Harry Truman would not leave his home.Now it is covered with many feet of dirty ash.A small cross stands above the place where Harry probably died.Perhaps it is better that he did not see the destruction of Mt St Helens, the once beautiful lake, and the forests.

  But slowly, life is returning to the dead area around the mountain.Grass and small plants are beginning to grow again.Deer and birds have been seen.The land will never be the same as it once was.Perhaps Mt St Helens will erupt again.But this is all part of nature's pattern of change, and man has little power to control it.


Choose the best title for this passage.

[  ]


Wind, water, fire and ice


Volcano's beauty and danger


The power of nature


Natural force shape beautiful land of America


After the eruption of volcano, what makes the sky turn dark?

[  ]


The smoke


The clouds.


The fog.


The ash.


The underlined word “it” means ________.

[  ]


The body of old Harry


The location of Harry's home


The opening on top of Mt St Helens


The place where Harry probably died


We can infer from this article that ________.

[  ]


Washington and Oregon are neighboring states


Colorado River runs through Yosemite Valley


The eruption of Mt St Helens also caused trouble with the Yellowstone Park


Scientists never knew Mt St Helens was active




  If you can’t catch the bad guy, it’s game over-----this is the rule of life for computer game players. But similar thoughts might be worrying US president George W. Bush as he prepares for the election year with the world’s most wanted man still out of his reach.

  The hunt for Laden has been going on since the attack on New York’s World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Progress has been slow and, with John Kerry winning the race last Tuesday to compete against Bush in November’s presidential elections, the president needs results.

  “If Laden can be caught before the presidential election, Bush will get an upper hand,” a senior US official told the New York Times.

  The American public’s support for the war in Iraq has been falling, especially as the Bush government cannot find the banned weapons it said were in the country. But the way in which the president’s popularity rose following the arrest of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in December shows how useful the capture of Laden would be.

  The latest information suggests the election will be close, with 48 percent of Americans saying they will vote for Bush and 46 percent backing Kerry.

  In order to seize Laden, thousands of US soldiers were moved from Iraq to Afghanistan earlier this week, according to a US official Further efforts have been made to strengthen Afghanistan’s border area with Pakistan, with soldiers checking nearby villages more frequently than before.

64. The American presidential election will be held between _____and ____.

  A. George W Bush; Jimmy Carter          B. John Kerry; Thomas Jefferson

  C. George W Bush; John Kerry              D. George Bush; John Kerry

65. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. The arrest of Saddam did Bush some good. 

B. The American soldiers have sent Laden to prison.

C. The arrest of Laden will make no difference to the election.

D. Laden may hide himself far away from the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan

66. We can infer from the passage that _____.

  A. it’s difficult to catch Laden               

B. Bush will lose the presidential election

  C. Americans didn’t set out to catch Laden until 2003

  D. American presidential election will take place in October

67. What does the underlined word “banned” in paragraph 4 mean?

  A. Advanced.    B. Dangerous.      C. Forbidden        D. Expensive.


A towering South American plant that is believed to kill animals with its spikes(尖刺) and use their rotting bodies as fertilizer is about to bloom(开花) in England. A rare Puya chilensis was planted at a greenhouse in Surrey, a county in the southeast of England about 15 years ago. However, despite its frightening description, the tall, spiked plant is considered a threatened species.

The Royal Horticultural Society has been feeding the plant a diet of liquid fertilizer. “In its natural habitat in the Andes it uses its razor sharp spikes to snare and trap sheep and other animals, which slowly starve to death and rot at the base of the plant, providing it with a bag of fertilizer,” reads a description on the RHS website, which adds that the plant gives off a “gruesome scent.”

But does the plant actually trap and eat sheep? Other sources have simply said it is “believed” that the plant traps small animals with its spikes. After the animals die of starvation, the plant is "believed" to then use their rotting bodies as fertilizer to feed itself.

"I'm really pleased that we've finally persuaded our Puya chilensis into producing flower," horticulturalist Cara Smith said in a press release on the RHS site. Regardless of whether it actually traps sheep, the plant does have sharp spikes that can grow up to 12 feet high and 5 feet wide. However, it’s not all death and danger for this plant. Its flowery blooms reportedly provide nectar(花蜜) for bees and birds.

The Puya chilensis blooms annually in its native land of Chile, but this is the first time it has done so after more than a decade of cultivation efforts from the RHS. "We keep it well fed with liquid fertilizer as feeding it on its natural diet might prove a bit problematic,” Smith said. "It's growing in the dry section of our glasshouse with its deadly spines well out of reach of both children and sheep alike."

1.From the passage we learn that in England the Puya chilensis _____.

A. feeds on man-made liquid fertilizer

B. often kills sheep and other animals

C. has once bloomed 15 years before

D. uses animals' rotting bodies as fertilizer

2.The underlined word “snare” in the second paragraph probably means“_________”.

A. catch                      B. stop                        C. fight                        D. kill

3.We can infer from the passage that _____.

A. it's dangerous to feed the plant

B. it's certain that the plant kills sheep

C. it's difficult for the plant to bloom in England

D. it's rare for the plant to bloom in South American

4.What does the writer mainly tell us?

A. A new plant is discovered in Chile.

B. How a rare plant is fed in England.

C.  A rare plant is going to bloom in England.

D. How a plant traps animals in South America.


