- ___is the meat. Please? - Ten yuan a kilo. A How much B How many C How old D How long [答案]A. [析]由对话的答语可看出其问句问的是价格.钱数作为整体.价格讲时.不论其值是多少都是不可数名词.要用how much 提问. 6 The boy's name is James Allen Green. So his given name is___. A James Allen B Allen Green C James Green D Mr. Green [答案]A. [析]英文的习惯与中文不同.中文是姓在前名字在后.而英文则是姓在最后.其第一个名字是由父母所起的.中间的名字可能是父母.教父所起的.但都可称作given name,而姓在英文中是family name. 7 Shanghai is one of the biggest___in our country. A city B city's C citys D cities [答案]D. [析]复音字母以y结尾的单词的复数形式要把y变成i再加es.one of 加名词的结构中的名词应用复数. 8 Would you please pass me___? A two paper B two papers C two pieces of paper D two pieces of papers [答案]C. [析]paper是不可数名词.如讲一张.两张纸时.要用量词piece. 9 September 10th is ___Day. A Teacher B Teachers C Teacher's D Teachers' [答案]D. 10 I only have___ bread for lunch today. A a bit B a bit of C little D few [答案]B. 11 “What would you like, Ann? “I'd like two___. A glass of milk B glasses of milk C glass of milks D glasses of milks [答案]B. 12 There isn't ___ paper in the box. Will you go and get ___ for me? A any, some B any, any C some, some D some, any [答案]A. [析]any用于否定句与疑问句.但如果要表达说话者真心实意希望得到肯定答复时.问句中要用some而不要按一般语法规律用any. 13 June 1st is___. A Children's day B children's Day C Children's Day D children's day [答案]C. 14 These foreign friends are___. A German B Germen C Germany D Germans [答案]D. 15 All the students are busy, so___ of them will go to the cinema. A many B little C a few D few [答案]D. [析]student是可数名词.而few用于可数名词.意为:几乎没有学生去电影院. 16 There are three___and seven___in the picture. A deers, sheeps B deers, sheep C deer, sheep Ddeer, sheeps [答案]C. [析]deer与sheep均是单复同形的名词. 17 Whose room is this? It's___. A my B Kike's and John's C our D Kike and John's [答案]D. [析]因为room为单数.所以不可能是Kike的一间与John的一间.应为二者共用的一间房子. 查看更多


