A.spotted B.seen C.noticed D.watched 查看更多




  Rushing for the showers,no one noticed Mayo's empty bunk.In any event,he usually go up earlier to join the other special assignment Marines for an hour of physical training.But Mayo's fellow Marines assumed he was fulfilling naval duties at the hazardous-materials division.No one went looking for him.

  The sun was burning off layers of fog over the sea when Mayo paused to re-inflate his coveralls.After eight hours in the ocean,his throat was raw with thirst.Every muscle in his body cried for rest.

  Inspecting the closely,Mayo spotted a pencil-size hole.He removed his watch the cinched fabric. The coveralls retained air for ten minutes at a time now,but the effort of keeping them inflated was becoming increasingly difficult.

  Mayo resisted an impulse to check the time.If he kept looking at his watch,he decided-ed,that would just heighten his anxiety.Besides,the sun told him it was midmorning.By noon,he thought,search planes from the carrier should be over his position.

Now the sun was low in the sky.Where are the airplanes?They had to come in day-light for him to be seen.He peered from horizon to horizon until the glare caused his eyes to tear.

  Mayo watched the fiery red sun about to sink below the horizon.Desperately he scanned the sky for search planes.God,let them come.Then abruptly the sun dipped out of sight,and darkness crept over the sea.Mayo felt exhausted to the marrow(骨髓)of his bones.Just last as long as you can,he told himself.

  But he had fought the ocean for more than 24 hours,and he past his limit of endurance.His dehydrated(虚脱的)body,wooden with fatigue,was of closing down.As the waves subsided,his eyes clamped shut,and his head slumped forward on the bulge of coveralls at his chest.When,someone had found his missing and informed his parents Stan and Cindy Mayo.

  The jangle(响声)of the telephone in the living room awakened Stan and Cindy Mayo at 4 a.m.On Wednesday,November 29.Dashing down the hall,Stan had the phone off the look with seconds.“ Hi,”someone said,“ How are you doing?”

1.Which is true according to the first paragraph?

[  ]

A.The companies of Mayo noticed his missing and informed it to the captain that morning.

B.Mayo was fulfilling naval duties at the hazardous-materials division.

C.Mayo was joining the physical training.

D.No one knew he was fallen into the sea.

2.Why did it become more difficult to keep his coveralls inflated?

[  ]

A.Because Mayo had no enough energy to reinflate it.

B.Because it is too wet.

C.Because it is hard to reinflate.

D.Because the coveralls had been broken.

3.The hope of Mayo when he was in the sea is________.

[  ]

A.a ship would turn up

B.an airplane would search and save him

C.to see his parents

D.to see his girlfriend

4.We can infer from the passage that________.

[  ]

A.the man who spoke most be Mayo

B.he was saved at last

C.may he someone informed the parents about Mayo's death

D.it may be the parents'friend who called to them



The British usually expect one or two snowfalls each year, but the amount of snow rarely affects everyday life.   36, this week Britain has had the worst snow it has   37  in around 18 years. Some places had more than 30cm in a day.

The bad weather  38   severe trouble. More than 3000 schools  39  to close as teachers and pupils were unable to get to school.

School   40  weren’t too unhappy about it, though, as they headed  41  to play in the snow, building snowmen, having snowball fights, sledging and some even snowboarding and skiing.

In London, bus   42  were stopped for a day and the underground and trains were cancelled.   43  motorways in the country had to close.

Many people were unable to get to work and  44  is thought that the cost of this lost labour is around &1 billion to businesses and the economy.

  45  wanting to leave the country had problems too. Runways were   46  at all the UK’s major airports   47  the amount of snow. Hundreds of flights were cancelled,   48  some passengers trapped at airports.

So   49  is the UK so ill-prepared for snow? The mayor of London, Boris Johnson,   50  that there aren’t enough snow –ploughs and gritters(撒沙机) and it doesn’t make sense to buy   51 equipment when it snows so infrequently.

The southeast of England was the hardest __52__ at the beginning of the week but the snow is now  53   northwards where the chaos continues.

More ice and snow is forecast   54 the week and the advice from travel and weather organizations is to stay indoors  55 you really need to venture out!

36、A、Therefore        B、But        C、However        D、Actually

37、A、spotted          B、seen      C、noticed         D、watched

38、A、had           B、caused      C、did            D、met

39、A、had           B、used        C、ought           D、dared

40、A、teachers       B、children    C、workers        D、boys

41、A、up             B、down       C、away         D、out

42、A、services        B、stations     C、stops         D、drivers

43、A、Important        B、Wide      C、Big            D、Major

44、A、this           B、that       C、it               D、what

45、A、Someone        B、Anyone     C、Everyone        D、Nobody

46、A、stopped        B、trapped     C、closed          D、cancelled

47、A、despite          B、of          C、in spite of        D、because of

48、A、leaving          B、making     C、getting          D、sending

49、A、how          B、why      C、when         D、where

50、A、announced       B、explained   C、suggested D、predicted

51、A、such          B、so         C、this           D、that

52、A、hit             B、knocked    C、beaten          D、attacked

53、A、falling           B、making     C、moving         D、forming

54、A、within           B、before       C、until          D、throughout

55、A、as             B、if           C、unless           D、when


