He has his faults, but, , he is a good helper. A. all in all B. above all C. after all D. first of all 查看更多



--- Don’t look down upon Bob. He has his own advantages.

    --- Oh, yes. ____ others are weak , he is strong.

A. When           B. Where           C. While        D. If



Jeremy Wirick, 9, has been back in school for less than two months, but he has already had several asthma(哮喘)attacks. A recent attack happened on October 2, after he pushed himself too hard in physical exercise. Running, power walking, jogging and push-ups took their toll. When Jeremy got home an hour or two later, he was out of breath. He needed to use a nebulizer(喷雾器), a machine that helps send medicine quickly to the lungs, to get his breathing back to normal.

Asthma attacks like Jeremy increase in September and October. More than six times as many asthma sufferers who are primary-school age need hospital treatment in the fall as in the summer.

Experts believe many factors can cause back-to-school asthma. Kids get together in close spaces, they start passing viruses around. A viral infection(感染) can cause an asthma attack. There are also certain fall allergies(过敏症)that can cause attacks. Exercise is another common cause of an attack. Besides, the stress of school can make asthma worse.

Parents can play a big role in helping kids with asthma start the school year right. Dawne Gee’s 10-year-old son, Alexander, has had asthma since he was a baby. Before the school year starts, she tells school workers in writing about her son’s asthma.

The Gees live in Kentucky, which has passed laws allowing students to carry their asthma medication(药物治疗)with them at school. Alexander’s mom makes sure he has his inhaler(人工呼吸器)with him when he goes to school and that he keeps it on hand at all times. In Delaware, where Jeremy lives, kids are allowed to carry their inhalers at school.

The American Lung Association says that about 6.2 million American children suffer from asthma. Asthma is the chronic (慢性) illness that causes students to miss the most days of school. There are many things that schools can do to help students control their asthma

1.The passage mainly deals with _______.

A. how to prevent and treat Asthma        B. what Asthma is and its medication

C. the side-effects Asthma has on kids      D. the causes of Asthma and how to control it at school

2.By saying “Running, power walking, jogging and push-ups took their toll.”, the writer means that_____.

A. physical exercise affected their health

B. physical exercise gave them a deep thought

C. asthma attacks made them like physical exercise

D. asthma attacks could be cured through physical exercise

3.Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the passage?

A. Kids are likely to suffer asthma attacks in the fall

B. Stress can add to the risk of asthma attacks

C. Medication can cure asthma quickly

D. Asthma attacks will need necessary medical treatment

4.The passage lists many factors that cause asthma attacks except_____.

A. A viral infection    B. unhealthy habits   C. certain fall allergies   D. physical exercise

5.The following paragraph is probably going to talk about______.

A. tips on asthma for schools             B. a survey on students with asthma

C. the effects asthma has on students      D. further understanding of Asthma



Today, as I was relaxing at the beach, I couldn't help but eavesdrop(窃听,偷听) on a conversation four high school kids were having on the beach blanket next to me. Their conversation was about making a positive difference in the world. And it went something like this…
"It's impossible to make a difference unless you're a huge company or someone with lots of money and power," one of them said.
"Yeah man," another replied. "My mom keeps telling me to move mountains – to speak up and stand up for what I believe. But what I say and do doesn't even get noticed. I just keep answering to ‘the man’ and then I get slapped back(山谷回声) in place by him when I step out of line."
"Repression…" another snickered.
I smiled because I knew exactly how they felt. When I was their age, I was certain I was being repressed and couldn't possibly make a difference in this world. And I actually almost got fired from school once because I openly expressed how repressed(压抑) I felt in the middle of the principals’ office.
I Have A Dream.
Suddenly, one of the kids noticed me eavesdropping and smiling. He sat up, looked at me and said, "What? Do you disagree?" Then as he waited for a response, the other three kids turned around too.
Rather than arguing with them, I took an old receipt out of my wallet , tore it into four pieces, and wrote a different word on each piece. Then I crumbled the pieces into little paper balls and handed a different piece to each one of them.
"Look at the word on the paper I just gave you and don't show it to anyone else." The kids looked at the single word I had handed each of them and appeared confused. "You have two choices," I told them. "If your word inspired you to make a difference in this world, then hold onto it. If not, give it back to me so I can recycle the paper." They all returned their words.
I walked over quickly , sat down on the sand next to their beach blanket and laid out the four words that the students had returned to me so that the words combined to form the simple sentence,        "I have a dream."
"Dude, that's Martin Luther King Jr.," one of the kids said.
"How did you know that?" I asked.
"Everyone knows Martin Luther King Jr." the kid snarled. "He has his own national holiday, and we all had to memorize his speech in school a few years ago."
"Why do you think your teachers had you memorize his speech?" I asked.
"I don't really care!" the kid replied. His three friends shook their heads in agreement. "What does this have to do with us and our situation?"
"Your teachers asked you to memorize those words, just like thousands of teachers around the world have asked students to memorize those words, because they have inspired millions of repressed people to dream of a better world and take action to make their dreams come true. Do you see where I'm going with this?"
"Man, I know exactly what you're trying to do and it's not going to work, alright?" the fourth kid said, who hadn't spoken a word until now. "We're not going to get all inspired and emotional about something some dude said thirty years ago. Our world is different now. And it's more screwed up than any us can even begin to imagine, and there's little you or I can do about it. We're too small, we're nobody."
I smiled again because I once believed and used to say similar things. Then after holding the smile for a few seconds I said, "On their own, ‘I' or ‘have’ or ‘a’ or ‘dream’ are just words. Not very compelling or inspiring. But when you put them together in a certain order, they create a phrase that has been powerful enough to move millions of people to take action – action that changed laws, perceptions, and lives. You don't need to be inspired or emotional to agree with this, do you?"
The four kids shrugged and struggled to appear totally indifferent, but I could tell they were listening intently. "And what's true for words is also true for people," I continued. "One person without help from anyone else can't do much to make a big difference in this crazy world - or to overcome all of the various forms of repression that exist today. But when people get together and unite to form something more powerful and meaningful then themselves, the possibilities are endless.
Together is how mountains are moved. Together is how small people make a big difference.
1.Why were the kids repressed?

ABecause they were scolded by their teachers

BBecause they lacked confidence of making a difference in the world

CBecause they didn’t have lots of money or power.

DBecause one of them almost got expelled from school.

2.What did the writer do when one of the kids noticed him eavesdropping?

AHe argued with them.

BHe played a game with them.

CHe scooted over sat down on the sand next to their beach blanket .

DHe took an old receipt ,ripped it into four pieces, and wrote a different word on each piece.

3.Which of the following is not true?

A“I Have A Dream” was delivered by Martin Luther King.

BA national holiday was named after Martin Luther King to honor him.

CTeachers asked kids to memorize Martin Luther King’s famous speech.

DMartin Luther King made a difference because he is a man with power.

4.Give a proper Chinese translation to explain the underlined sentence.

A.车到山前必有路???????? B.从我做起

C.团结就是力量?????????? D.三人行,必有我师

5.Which of the following sentences is true according to the story.

AThe kids and the writer are complaining about their life.

BAll of the four kids don’t believe they can change the world.

CThe word on the paper inspires the four kids.

DThe writer’s purpose is to tell them to a faith in the life.

6.Which of the following can be the best title for the story?

AHow adults persuade kids

BHow small people make a big difference

CHow young adults build up their confidence

DHow create a better world to live in



Jonathan James looks like just another kid about to graduate from high school. But this 19-year-old Swede is anything but ordinary, from the computer in his parents’ home he helps the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) find out the world’s most wanted cyber criminals .

Jonathan first made headlines when he and another Swede, Fredrik Bjoerck, found out the maker of the “Melissa” virus in March 1999. He came to the aid of the FBI again on May 7, finding out the suspected sender of the dangerous “I LOVE YOU” virus. The suspect was caught in Manila on May 8.

Jonathan’s special skills are in hot demand as officials around the world express alarm at the “virtual” crimewave. In between studying for final exams, hanging out with friends and refereeing his younger brother’s football matches, the quiet, gentle teenager also gives lessons on e-security (电子安全) to large companies. He reads a lot and exchanges information with other computer experts to know much about the latest tricks of the hacker trade.

Many companies have already tried to employ him, but he is not interested at the moment. Instead, he plans to begin law school in the autumn at Sweden’s Uppsala University and start up his own e-security company.

Although he works with the FBI now, his family insists he’s just “a regular kid”. “Jonathan is a great kid, he has his friends and he does a lot more than just play with the computer,” his little sister Tessa said, adding that he helps the FBI because “he likes to help”, not because he’s looking for fame and recognition.

When the world was hit by the “Love Bug” virus, Jonathan was too busy preparing a speech on e-security to look into the problem. “Finally on May 7, I had some free time, so I began looking.” Within a few hours, he had found the suspect and e-mailed his method and results to the FBI. He said his work on the “Melissa” virus, which took three weeks to solve, was a big help in finding the suspect so quickly.

“This time I knew exactly where to start, I knew what to disregard and what to look at.”

1.The passage mainly wants to tell us that ___________.

A. Swedish kid helps FBI find out the most wanted cyber criminals

B. Jonathan is really a quiet, gentle and ordinary boy

C. many companies want the young computer expert to join in

D. any cyber criminals will surely be found out wherever they are

2.The public started to know something about Jonathan just from _________.

A. his helping the US FBI to find out the sender of the dangerous “I LOVE YOU” virus

B. his work together with Fredrik Bjoerck to find out the maker of the “Melissa” virus

C. his little sister’s talk about his good qualities as a regular kid and a good programmer

D. his speech on e-security to many computer companies after his fight against hackers

3. From Jonathan’s success in finding out the sender of the dangerous ‘Love Bug” virus we can infer that _________.

A. where there’s a will, there’s a way           B. experience is knowledge

C. hard work leads to success                   D. failure is the mother of success

4.What do we know about Jonathan?

A. He is a good fame hunter with various abilities.

B. He is such a brave fighter that any criminal will feel afraid.

C. He is an expert on security, not interested in running a company.

D. He is a regular kid but does something unusual.



He has his faults, but _________he is a good student.

A.in allB.after allC.all in allD.above all

