A. happily B. officially C. sadly D. fully 查看更多




 Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” Once __41 __, such opportunities are like valuable diamonds hidden in the sand.

Several years ago, I spoke at a school about how we were surrounded by “___42___  ” if we could only recognize them. A man stopped by to see me, and I remembered him as somebody who had suffered through a(n) ___43___ divorce (离婚) and was examining what was most important to him. He took a small ___44___ out of his pocket. Here is what he said to me that day.

“I ___45___ on this stone when I was leaving church last Sunday. You had spoken about  ___46___ opportunities—diamonds. I put the stone in my ___47___ to remind me to look for those “diamonds” that I need. I have been trying to sell my business . On Monday morning, a man who seemed interested in ___48___ some of my stock (股票) stopped by. I thought, ‘Here’s my diamond—don’t let it ___49___!’ I sold the entire stock to him by noon. Now my next diamond is to find a new ___50___  !”

Not long afterward, he did find a new and better job. From then on, he decided to keep his stone with him all the time as a ___51___ to look for “diamonds” as he dug through the ___52___ of life.

Richard DeVos is right when he points out. “This is an exciting world. It is filled with opportunities. Great moments wait around every corner.” Those moments are diamonds that,   ___53___ left unrecognized, will be forever lost.

Are you looking for “diamonds” every day? If not, you may ___54___ pass them by! Perhaps there is a diamond of opportunity hidden in the difficulty you’re ___55___ now.

A.given            B.discovered            C.sent          D.made

A.opportunities        B.dangers           C.diamonds      D.chances

A.painful          B.stupid                C.normal            D.original

A.ball             B.stone             C.paper         D.flower

A.stepped          B.depended          C.fought            D.based

A.stealing         B.accepting         C.recognizing       D.realizing

A.purse            B.pocket                C.bag           D.house

A.selling          B.buying                C.hunting           D.casting

A.go off           B.give in               C.stay up       D.watch out

A.buyer            B.job              C.stock             D.rock

A.scene            B.prize             C.reminder      D.power

A.difficulties     B.hopes             C.characters        D.cases

A.unless           B.though                C.for           D.if

A.happily          B.easily                C.luckily           D.dangerously

A.expressing       B.satisfying            C.breaking      D.experiencing


My wife and I went to a supermarket, there we bought some cold drinks and cakes. After we came out of the supermarket, we noticed that in the front of the supermarket was a nice little garden with benches for people relax on. We sat there and started enjoying the things we have just bought. There was ten small cakes in the bag and we couldn’t eat all of it. I wanted to share, but of whom? A young boy appeared. He was looking into the trashcan for nothing to eat. We had just finished three of the ten cakes. So, I took the remained pieces and gave them to him. He thanked me and ran away in a happily mood.



We are going on a long train journey. Out of the windows, we can see cars running on nearby highways, children waving at a crossing, cattle grazing(吃草) on a distant hillside, smoke pouring from factories, village houses and city skylines.
But   36  in our minds is the final destination(目的地). On a certain day at a certain hour, we will  37  into the station. Bands will be playing and flags   38  . Once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will   39  and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a(n)   40   jigsaw(拼图) puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles(过道), damning(诅咒) the minutes for waiting, waiting for the station.
“When we reach the  41  , that will be it!” We cry “When I am 18.” “When I  42  a new 450SL Mercedes Benz!” “When I put the   43  kid through college.” “When I have   44  off the debts!” “When I get a promotion(提升).” “When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live   45  ever after!”
  46  , we come to realize that there is no such station as we arrive at once and for all. The  47  joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It   48  leaves us behind.
“Cherish(珍视) the moment” is a good   49  . It is the burdens(负担) of today that drive us to keep on   50  . And it is the regrets over yesterday that motivate(激发) us to overcome the   51  and look forward to the future.
So   52  pacing the aisles and counting the miles.   53  , climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot(赤脚) more   54  , swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived   55  we go along. The station will come soon enough.
【小题1】A hidden      B faint      C deep      D buried
【小题2】A pull      B get      C approach      D arrive
【小题3】 A floating      B waving      C raising      D shaking
【小题4】A come up      B come around      C come out      D come true
【小题5】A divided      B separated      C completed      D united
【小题6】A station     B age      C target      D point
【小题7】A borrow      B buy      C order      D rent
【小题8】A first      B best      C last      D eldest
【小题9】A cut      B left      C taken      D paid
【小题10】A happily      B fully      C anxiously      D freely
【小题11】A Believe it or not      B Sooner or later      C Once again      D All at once
【小题12】A simple      B basic      C true      D final
【小题13】A eventually(最后)      B accidentally      C instantly      D constantly
【小题14】A motto(箴言)      B sentence      C concept     D slogan(标语)
【小题15】A pushing      B trying      C working      D sticking
【小题16】A effort      B mistake      C challenge      D fault
【小题17】A consider      B stop      C go on      D plan on
【小题18】A Besides      B Thus      C However      D Instead
【小题19】A often      B gently      C quickly      D slowly
【小题20】A if      B unless      C as      D once


In a small village, there lived a potter(陶工) who had a donkey. Every day his donkey would carry soil from the ___1___ to his house. Since the field was quite far off, the potter would ___2___ under a tree midway, tying(拴) his donkey nearby.
One day, the potter __3__ to take the rope with which he tied the donkey every day. When he reached the __4__, he became worried and didn’t know what to do. At that time, a saint(圣人) __5__ to be passing by. When the potter told the saint what his __6__ was, he said, “Take the __7__ to the place where you tie him every day. __8__ to tie him using an imaginary rope. He won’t run away.” The potter did what the saint had said.
When he woke up, to his __9__ and relief, he found the donkey standing in the __10__ place. But to his frustration, when he prepared to leave for __11__, the donkey did not move. __12__, the potter saw the wise saint again and told him about the donkey’s __13__ behavior. The saint said, “Go and pretend to untie the rope.” The potter __14__ the saint’s advice.
Now the donkey was ready to leave for home. The potter thanked the wise saint and went home __15__ his donkey.
1. A. factory      B. garden           C. field             D. village
2. A. stand        B. rest             C. sing             D. dance
3. A. forgot       B. decided          C. expected         D. agreed
4. A. stone        B. tree             C. bridge           D. house
5. A. failed        B. attempted        C. happened        D. managed
6. A. animal       B. plant            C. problem         D. result
7. A. bird         B. flower           C. donkey          D. rope
8. A. Believe      B. Learn           C. Wish           D. Pretend
9. A. surprise      B. disappointment    C. anger           D. regret
10. A. similar      B. special           C. same           D. wrong
11. A. field        B. school           C. home           D. hospital
12. A. Quickly     B. Luckily           C. Unfortunately    D. Badly
13. A. funny       B. foolish           C. proper          D. strange
14. A offered       B. followed         C. refused         D. received
15. A. happily      B. sadly            C. seriously       D. casually


完形填空:(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)


During my second year of college I was looking around for a place to live. One Sunday after church the pastor(牧师) told me to stay in his daughter’s room because his daughter was studying abroad for one year.

To be  21 , I really didn’t want to stay with “the pastor’s family”. He told me how much the  22  would be — a very low figure that  23  one home-cooked meal a day. I thought about the  24  and decided to move in.

At the end of the term I had planned to find  25  living place, since the daughter was to  26  home. To my delight, they  27  that I share a room with their son. I seemed to have been adopted into their  28  —her people. I  29  accepted the offer.

As I emptied the daughter’s bedroom, I thought it might be  30  to have a little sister to look after. But when I later met my new sister, I  31  that she was more independent than I first  32 .

We finally feel in love,  33 , and have looked after each other for many years. There have been times that life turned out more  34  than either of us could have known. But we have always been able to go  35  largely because we knew that we are deeply  36  .

It isn’t about marriage …it’s about  37 . It’s about mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers and special friends who are as  38  as family. It’s about anybody who can say, “I’ll be  39  —you can count on me. I’ll try to look after you and sometimes I will need you to look after me.”

Is there somebody you can depend on? And are others counting on you? We travel the path of life best when there is   40  to look after, and when someone is looking after us.



A. honest

B. surprised

C. friendly

D. please


A. price

B. rent

C. money

D. pay


A. had

B. included

C. made

D. contained


A. idea

B. plan

C. service

D. offer


A. same

B. different

C. another

D. extra


A. return

B. go

C. get

D. leave


A. ordered

B. agreed

C. arranged

D. suggested


A. house 

B. family

C. group

D. friends


A. happily

B. sorrowfully

C. evidently

D. efficiently


A. bad

B. exciting

C. nice

D. strange


A. realised

B. thought

C. knew

D. doubted


A. saw

B. told

C. imagined

D. believed


A. separated

B. parted

C. left

D. married


A. smooth

B. challenging

C. hard

D. different


A. backward

B. eastward

C. forward

D. westward


A. hated

B. cared

C. felt

D. liked


A. friendship

B. relation

C. love

D. family


A. close

B. good

C. far

D. long


A. away

B. out

C. in

D. around


A. nobody

B. somebody

C. anybody

D. everybody

