It’s fun to watch the expression of a child. A. facing; excited B. faced; exciting C. facial; excited D. face; exciting 查看更多



Long bus rides are like television shows. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end with commercials (商业广告) thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window. “Buy Super Clean Toothpaste.” “Drink Good Wet Root Beer.” “Fill up with Pacific Gas.” Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the television set off, are you spared the unending cry of “You Need It! Buy It Now!”
The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting, even if you’ve traveled that way before. Usually some things have changed, new houses, new buildings, sometimes even a new road. The bus driver has a style of driving and it’s fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is particularly reckless (鲁莽的) or daring, the ride can be as thrilling (惊心动魄的) as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will the driver move into the right or the left hand lane? After a while, of course, the excitement dies down. Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride. Food always makes bus rides more interesting. But you’ve got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.
The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there’s a kind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat of course, has become harder as the hours have passed. By now you’ve sat with your legs crossed, with your hands in your lap, with your hands on the armrests, even with your hands crossed behind your head. The end comes just at no more ways to sit.
68.   The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because _____.
A. the commercials both on TV shows and on billboards along the road are fun
B. they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end, with commercials in between
C. the drivers are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on buses
D. both traveling and watching TV are not exciting.
69.   According to the passage, what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus trip?
A. Buses on the road.     B. Films on television.
C. Advertisements on the billboards.     D. Gas stations.
70.   The writer of this passage would probably favor _____.
A. bus drivers who aren’t reckless B. driving alone
C. a television set on the bus  D. no billboards along the road
71.   What is the purpose of this passage?
A. To give the writer’s opinion about long bus trips.
B. To persuade you to take a long bus trip.
C. To explain how bus trips and television shows differ.
D. To describe the billboards along the road.
72.   The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are _____.
A. exciting     B. comfortable       C. tiring  D. boring



第二节: Bryan、Olga、Scott、Anna 和David正在进行一项“企业家成功秘诀调查”。他们将采访几位企业家。第61-65题是他们拟定的采访话题。阅读下面刊登在Entrepreneur(《企业家》)杂志上6位企业家的成功感言(A.B.C.D.E和F),为每位采访者选定最佳采访对象,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

1.Bryan: What comes first, the customer or the profit?

2.Olga: How important is an entrepreneur’s ambition to his/her company’s growth?

3.Scott: How does an entrepreneur make use of his/her advantages?

4.Anna: Why do successful entrepreneurs seem to enjoy their work?

5.David: What attitude should an entrepreneur have toward his/her social responsibilities?


Sheri Poe

Ryka Inc.

Since I started this company in my kitchen seven years ago. I always dreamt of what it would be some day. Focusing on that goal helps me get through tough times .To get the kind of success that you want, you need to dream big .That’s the starting point, Every success story begins with big dreams. You need to have big dreams for yourself, like being somebody rich, famous or fulfilled .You need to have a clear goal of what you want to achieve.

Also, I think it’s really important that the people you’re working with are as committed to the same goal as you are, so you can support each other and keep each other energetic.


Anita Roddick

The Body Shop Inc.

In America, we have a shop in Harlem where 50 percent of the profits go into the community development, and the other 50 percent go toward the funding of a similar shop elsewhere in the United States. The pride that shop brings to the staff and local people inspired me.

What The Body Shop does successfully is use our facilities in the street and shopping centers to talk about real human issues like AIDS. recycling, human rights, and community service or to encourage people to speak out against anything they consider to be unjust. Knowing our products are symbols of social change is really encouraging.


Ben Cohen

Ben &Jerry’s Homemade Inc.

I’m energized by the people I work with. I’m very relationship-driven, which a think is different from most entrepreneurs. I’m inspired by doing things that are not normal and that most people think don’t fit into the business world or don’t make any sense.

In business, you are judged by the company you keep—from your management team, board of directors, and strategic partners. Maybe the lady you met in a trade association meeting can help you secure funding, or the gentleman at a conference can provide you with management advice.


Richard Melman

Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises

A. number of years ago, I was interviewed by someone who was writing a book on enterprises. He asked me. ”What’s the opposite of work?” I answered. ”Lazy” He started laughing and said, ” Believe it or not, a lot of entrepreneurs say the same thing.”

The average person thinks the opposite of work is play, but to an entrepreneur, work is play. I think it all adds up to having fun. it’s fun to create; it’s fun to entertain, and it’s fun to make people happy with our service. When it stops being fun. I’ll stop doing it.


Frank Toskan

Make-Up Art Cosmetics(M.A.C)

One of the nicest things anyone ever said to me was, “I hate makeup, but I love M.A.C.” That’s what moves me on. Even people who don’t wear makeup can appreciate our company, what it stands for, its values, and the way we do business.

We work from an inverted pyramid, where the customers are always at the top, Our customers inspire me and keep me going. They and our staff, not money, make me enthusiastic. If I had stayed in this business just for the money, I would have closed down years ago.


Kenneth Cole

Kenneth Cole Productions Inc.

You can’t be everything to everybody. Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. To be effective, you need to identify your strengths and concentrate on them, you’ll become more successful if you are able to channel your efforts to areas that you do best. In business, for example, if you know you are good at marketing, then give, I full play. Seek help or assistance in areas that you may be poor at, such as accounting or bookkeeping. To turn your weakness into strength, consider taking hands-on learning or training.





1.What is the man going to do?

A.He is going to have dinner.

B.He is looking for a hotel.

C.He is trying to find the nearest street.

2.Does the woman agree to the idea of learning Chinese?

A.Yes.She will come to China to learn Chinese.

B.Yes.She is planning to learn Chinese.

C.No.she doesn't think it is a good idea.

3.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.They are neighbors.

B.They are friends.

C.They are strangers.

4.What are the two speakers talking about?


B.Rivers and mountains.


5.What did the woman see in the yard?

A.She saw something.

B.She saw nothing.

C.She saw a yard.



6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the store.

B.In the lab.

C.In the playground.

7.What is the most probable result of the conversation?

A.The man will play tennis with the woman on Thursday.

B.The man will go to the game alone.

C.The woman will go to the game with the man.


8.Where are the man and the woman?

A.In the airport.

B.In the railway station

C.In the company office.

9.When does the train leave for Montreal?

A.At ten to nine.

B.At eight fifteen.

C.At ten past seven.


10.What does the woman ask the photographer to do?

A.She asks him to take a photo of her mother.

B.She asks him to take a photo of himself.

C.She asks him to take a photo of herself.

11.How much does one copy cost?

A.Eighteen dollars.

B.Three dollars.

C.Five dollars.

12.How does the photographer take her picture?

A.He asks her to stand there and say“cheese”.

B.He asks her to sit on the chair and say“cheese”.

C.He asks her to sit down and keep silent.


13.Who feels disappointed?



C.Both of them.

14.How did Jack play in the game?

A.He tried his best but he failed.

B.He didn't try his best so he failed.

C.He gave up trying so he failed.

15.Who is Mary?

A.A stranger.

B.Jack's mother.

C.A classmate of Jack's.

16.What does Mary ask Jack to do?

A.She invites him to go to the playground.

B.She invites him to come to her house.

C.She invites him to go to the coffee-house.


17.Who is the speaker?

A.A photographer.

B.A college student.

C.A college teacher.

18.What is the class like?

A.It's fun, but it takes very much work.

B.It's interesting, and it does not take any work.

C.It's boring, and it needs a lot of work.

19.How does the speaker find that his pictures come out better?

A.When he uses the new camera.

B.When he uses the very old camera.

C.When he takes his teacher's advice.

20.When will the course be over?

A.After the final exam.

B.Before the final exam.

C.After the students' graduation.


On the first day of school I brought my camera to school. I gave the students a piece of 8 ×11 cardboard(纸板), and asked them to write their names on both sides. As they finished, I asked them to get into groups of three to four students and took photographs of them holding their name cards.
After school, I developed the film and printed two sets of photos. That evening, I started to match the names with the faces. I kept one set of pictures at home for about a week so that I could review their names each night. On the second day of school, I put up the other set of photos as a bulletin board (公布栏), with a title such as "Presenting Room 108, ..."
The kids loved it! After I had learned all of their names I brought the second set back to school and stuck them onto an 8 ×11 sheet of paper. I placed it in the classroom for other teachers.
The cardboard name cards that were made on the first day were collected and put on a shelf. From time to time, they were given back to the students and placed on their desks so that guests or supply teachers (代课老师) could identify all of the students.
I’ve been doing this with my grade 7 students for the last nine years and they liked it. It’s fun to bring the photos out again at the end of the school year to see how much they have all changed in ten months.
【小题1】The cardboards were used to ______. some kind of game B.decorate the classroom
C.identify the students D.print the photos on
【小题2】The writer of the passage might be a ______.
A.head teacher
【小题3】Why did the writer leave the second set of the photos at home?
A.To memorize the students’ names at home.B.To make cardboard name cards for supply teachers.
C.To make a bulletin board in the classroom.D.To match the students’ names with their faces
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The students didn’t have to use the cardboard name cards to identify each other.
B.Other teachers couldn’t identify the students without the cardboard name cards.
C.The writer kept the cardboard name cards as a souvenir for nine years.
D.The guests will know the students’ names by reading the cardboard name cards.
【小题5】The passage mainly tells us ______.
A.a method of identifying studentsB.a method of decorating classrooms
C.the development of photographyD.the importance of cardboard name cards


Long bus rides are like television shows. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window. Buy Super Clean Toothpaste." "Drink Good Wet Root Beer." "Fill up with Pacific Gas." Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the television set off, are you spared the unending cry of "You Need It! Buy It Now!"

    The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting, even if you've traveled that way before. Usually some things have changed new houses, new buildings, sometimes even a new road. The bus driver has a style of driving and it’s fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is, particularly reckless ( 鲁莽的 ) or daring, the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will the driver move into the right or the left hand lane? After a while, of course, the excitement dies down. Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride. Food always makes bus tides more interesting. But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops,

   The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there's a kind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat of course, has become harder as the hours have passed. By now you’ve sat with your legs crossed, with your hands in your lap, with your hands on the armrests even with your hands crossed behind your head. The end comes just at no more ways to sit.

According to the passage, what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus trip?

   A. Buses on the road.                      B. Films on television.

   C. Advertisements on the billboards.          D. Gas stations.

What is the purpose of this passage?         

   A. To give the writer's opinion about long bus trips.

   B. To persuade you to take a long bus trip.    

   C. To explain how bus trips and television shows differ.

   D. To describe the billboards along the road.

The writer of this passage would probably favor_____.

   A. bus drivers who aren't reckless            B. driving alone

   C. a television set on the bus               D. no billboards along the road

The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because_____.

   A. the commercials both on TV shows and on-billboards along the road are fun

   B. they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end, with commercials in between

   C. the drivers are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on buses

   D. both traveling and watching TV are not exciting

