2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首.谓语表示运动的动词.w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m注意:1) 上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词.如果主语是人称代词则不能倒装.Here he comes. Away they went. 2) 谓语动词是be的时候.不能倒装. Here it is. Here you are.3) 形容词短语/分词短语位于句首.引起倒装 *typical of characteristic of *coinciding with + n 4) 表示地点范围的介词短语位于句首.谓语动词为系动词.一定引起倒装 In-+系动词+主.主同. *在倒装句型答案中不能出现there *常考介词要倒装:among between in at beneath 常考的系动词:be lie exist remain rest 部分倒装 查看更多



There is a fine line between a parent who is active and open-minded and one that doesn’t know when to let go (放手). As my daughter, Nicole, prepares to leave home for college, I’m discovering how hard it is to stay on the   36   side of this line. When I hold   37   the apron strings (围裙带) connecting us, Nicole, eager to   38   independence, tries to loosen my grasp. What results is a (an)  39   mother-daughter, push-me, pull-you kind of tango.

   For the past two years, it’s gone like this:

   My question: “Have you thought of taking an advanced placement class (高阶课程) so that you can earn college credit?”

   Nicole’s  40  : “No, I’m not interested in that.”   ………

   Two months ago, she was   41   to a great university. However, I was still the mother having a   42   time letting go. The night before the introductory meeting of the university, I had read the course catalog carefully and   43   courses which I thought looked good. We met on the campus the next afternoon, and Nicole’s face   44   with excitement. “I have had my entire schedule figured out,” she said. “Already?” I was astonished,  45   she should have discussed it with me. I examined the schedule. Nicole hadn’t taken a (an)  46   one of the courses I had suggested. Every course she had chosen   47   suited her interests. Just then I saw a mature, capable young woman with a   48   mind and the ability to shape her future. She no longer needed her mother’s   49   every decision she made. I felt proud, though still a bit          50  .

   I   51   the lessons carefully. Nicole has struggled to learn over the past 18 years:  52  , sympathy, and hard work. There have been a few holes along the way.  53  , she is well-equipped and eager to   54   the future. The next step, I recognized, was mine to take: giving my daughter and myself the   55   we both needed.

1. A. left              B. right    C. either              D. each

2.A. onto               B. up           C. back             D. out

3. A. keep              B. refuse       C. taste            D. bear

4. A. embarrassing      B. relaxing     C. lively           D. beautiful

5.A. comment            B. word         C. concept          D. response

6.A. received           B. invited      C. treated          D. accepted

7. A. good              B. great        C. hard             D. easy

8.A. taken          B. underlined   C. offered          D. emphasized

9.A. lit up         B. built up     C. turned up        D. made up

10.A. imagining     B. thinking     C. hoping           D. adding

11.A. only              B. just         C. even             D. single

12. A. mostly           B. hardly       C. exactly          D. slightly

13. A. sharp            B. normal       C. different        D. typical

14.A. encouraging       B. evaluating   C. disagreeing      D. agreeing

15.A. anxious           B. excited      C. sad              D. tense

16. A. reviewed         B. observed     C. checked          D. studied

17.A. ability           B. honesty      C. responsibility   D. punctuality

18. A. Therefore        B. Instead      C. Still            D. Besides

19. A. embrace          B. discover     C. determine        D. lead

20.A. character     B. strength     C. relief           D. independence



One day, a young man was cleaning out his late grandfather’s belongings when he 1 a bright red envelope. Written on the 2 were the words, “To my grandson. ”  3 it was his grandfather’s handwriting, the boy opened the envelope. A letter inside read;

Dear Ronny,

Years ago you 4 to me for help. You said, “Grandpa, how is it that you’ve  5 so much in your life? You’re still full of 6 ,but I’m already 7 of struggling. How can I get that same enthusiasm that you’ve got?”

I didn’t know what to say to you then. But knowing my days are numbered, I figure that I  8 you an answer. So here is what I believe.

I think it has something to  9 with how a person looks at things. I call it “keeping your eyes wide open”.

First, realize that is filled with surprises, but many are good ones. If you don’ keep 10 for them, you’ll miss half the excitement. Expect to be excited 11 ,and you will be.

When you meet with 12 ,welcome them. They’ll leave you wiser, stronger, and more capable than you were the day before. When you make a mistake, be 13 for the things it taught you. Learn to use that lesson to help you reach your goals.

It’s also important to  14 exactly what you want . Then keep your mind focused on it , and be prepared to receive it.

As you grow with the years, you’ll be given bigger shoes to fill. So be ready for endings as well as challenging 15 .

Sometimes we have to be brave enough to move from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Life isn’t just reaching peaks. Part of it is moving from one 16 to the next. If you 17 too long in between, you might be tempted(诱惑)to  18 . Leave the past in the past. Climb the next mountain and enjoy the view.

Most important of all, never give up on yourself. The person that ends up a winner is the one who resolves(决心,决定)to  19 . Give life everything you’ve got, and life will give its best 20 to you.

Love always,


1. A. came out B. came off   C. came across D. came down

2. A. front   B. paper    C. back     D. cover

3. A. Realizing B. Learning   C. Regarding  D. Recognizing

4. A. went   B. came     C. asked    D. returned

5. A. finished B. achieved   C. contributed D. known

6. A. power   B. energy    C. magic    D. confidence

7. A. lacking  B. bored    C. tired    D. impatient

8. A. have   B. get     C. make     D. owe

9. A. connect  B. deal     C. make     D. do

10. A. watching B. looking   C. finding   D. preparing

11. A. once in a while     B. all the time C. at once D. right now

12. A. successes        B. worries   C. differences D. challenges

13. A. sad   B. eager    C. grateful   D. excited

14. A. achieve B. decide    C. receive   D. accept

15. A. shoes  B. difficulties C. lives    D. beginnings

16. A. side   B. road     C. peak     D. way

17. A. walk   B. climb    C. rest     D. move

18. A. sleep  B. quit     C. return    D. continue

19. A. lose   B. defeat    C. beat     D. win

20. A. away   B. out     C. back     D. over




Some post-80s graduates have given up the dream of working in a big city, and heading back home has become part of future job consideration. Two of the more common ones are trying to avoid the intense competition and the pressure, and seeing unprecedented opportunities in the growing economies back home.

Changping. a 22-year-old student from Hainan University, said that if he would decide on starting his business, he’d certainly return to his hometown, Xiangfan,in Hubei Province. That was because he has his own network of people who could help him in every way. Also, he could get some good business ideas like setting up advanced kindergartens in small cities. If no one was doing that, the chance ofbeing successful seemed higher.

But Chen Haihua,a college student from Guangzhou Medical College, said that she would plan to stick to a big city, Guangzhou, instead of going back to her hometown, Zhanjiang, in Guangdong Province. She wanted to struggle in the big city for a more exciting, better life. She explained that she also could be a role model, letting the kids in her hometown work hard Io go to key universities.


1.   以约30个词概括该短文的内容;

2.   然后以约120个词谈谈你对就业方向的看法,内容包括:

(1 ) 试分析在大城市和回家乡就业各自的有利因素;


(3)  选择的理由。


1.作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不 得直接引用原文中的句了

2.   作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;





Some post-80s graduates have given up the dream of working in a big city, and heading back home has become part of future job consideration. Two of the more common ones are trying to avoid the intense competition and the pressure, and seeing unprecedented opportunities in the growing economies back home.
Changping. a 22-year-old student from Hainan University, said that if he would decide on starting his business, he’d certainly return to his hometown, Xiangfan,in Hubei Province. That was because he has his own network of people who could help him in every way. Also, he could get some good business ideas like setting up advanced kindergartens in small cities. If no one was doing that, the chance ofbeing successful seemed higher.
But Chen Haihua,a college student from Guangzhou Medical College, said that she would plan to stick to a big city, Guangzhou, instead of going back to her hometown, Zhanjiang, in Guangdong Province. She wanted to struggle in the big city for a more exciting, better life. She explained that she also could be a role model, letting the kids in her hometown work hard Io go to key universities.
1.   以约30个词概括该短文的内容;
2.   然后以约120个词谈谈你对就业方向的看法,内容包括:
(1 ) 试分析在大城市和回家乡就业各自的有利因素;
(3)  选择的理由。
1.作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不 得直接引用原文中的句了
2.   作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;


Neighbors rescued a woman from her burning home early Monday morning,and three firefighters were hurt putting out the flames in Green Bay.

The fire was discovered around 4 o'clock at a three-story home in the South Quincy Street on the city's east side. Investigators(调查者) say 68-year-old Mary Taylor lives there with her two dogs.

“I got out of bed and went to the front window and could hear somebody was yelling(叫喊),‘Fire!’” Curt Dworak said.When he realized what was happening, he threw on some clothes and ran to help. “I was just hoping Mary wasn't in there,but her car was in the driveway,so I just reacted,” he said, “I just broke the glass and then went in through the window.”

Dworak yelled for Mary but got no response. As he searched,the fire grew and debris(碎片) started falling around him. I didn't know what to do. I yelled for her a couple more times,and then I heard her. Disoriented(分不清方向的)and unable to move, Mary was sprawling(趴) on the floor in the back of her house,so Dworak picked her up and carried her to safety.

Dworak, who has been hailed as a hero by Green Bay Fire Department but shrugged of the praise,said,“They would have done the same thing. Mary is a nice lady,and how could you live with yourself if you didn't do something like that?”

Mary was up and talking before she was taken to the hospital to be checked out. Dworak escaped without a thin cut.


 As soon as Dworak realized there was a big fire,he         .

    A. went to his front window and stood watching

    B. put on his clothes quickly and rushed there

    C. searched for Mary's crying in her room

D. put away his clothes and jumped off his house


 The sentence “ but her car was in the driveway” in Paragraph 3 implies(暗指) that


   A. Mary was just in the house.          B. Mary's car was in Dworak's way.

   C. Mary's car was broken.          D. Mary's car was in good condition.


The underlined Word “ hailed” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “          ”.

A. named         B. checked              C. praised              D. trained


What can we learn from the passage?

   A. It was Dworak who found the fire first.

 B. Dworak was badly injured by the fire.

   C. Mary lost consciousness in the flames. 

D. Mary is friendly to her neighborhood.


