22. first time I met him in his office, he shook me by hand warmly and then introduce himself to me. A.The;不填 B.The; The C.The; a D.A,不填 查看更多



_________ first time I met him in his office, he shook me by _________ hand warmly and then introduce himself to me.

A. The; 不填     B. The; the          C. The; a            D. A; 不填


_________ first time I met him in his office, he shook me by _________ hand warmly and then introduce himself to me.

  1. A.
    The; 不填
  2. B.
    The; the
  3. C.
    The; a
  4. D.
    A; 不填


     first time I met him in his office, he shook me by        hand warmly and then introduce himself to me.

       A.The;不填  B.The; The   C.The; a       D.A;不填

