25.-How much did the guy you to fix your 3G mobile phone? -I don’t remember, but it was quite a lot. A.cost B.spend C.charge D.take 查看更多



—How much did the guy ________ you to fix your 3G mobile phone?

—I don’t rememberbut it was quite a lot.

Acost? Bspend

Ccharge Dtake



—How much did the guy________you to fix your 3G mobile phone?

—I don’t remember,but it was quite a lot.

A.cost               B.spend

C.charge              D.take



—How much did the guy________you to fix your 3G mobile phone?

—I don’t remember,but it was quite a lot.

A.cost       B.spend      C.charge      D.take



—How much did the guy________you to fix your 3G mobile phone?

—I don’t remember,but it was quite a lot.

A.cost B.spend   C.charge D.take



—How much did the guy _____ you to fix your 3G mobile phone?

— I don't remember, but it was quite a lot.

  A.cost  B.spend C.charge      D.take


