56.He is in good health both physically and m . 查看更多



Being healthy means taking care of yourself physically and mentally. Here are some of my best tips on how to do both:

Break a bad habit.

You don’t really “break” habits. You replace the unwanted behavior with some thing that prevents you from doing it and that doesn’t have unhealthy side effects. So if your problem is that you eat too much when you get home from work, find something new to do that is incompatible (不能共存的) with what you usually do. You can’t walk around the track at the school and pig out in your kitchen at the same time.

Grow your marriage.

Relationships are negotiated, and the negotiation never stops. It’s always a give- and – take, always requires work. It’s like if you planted a garden and came back six months later – you wouldn’t even be able to find it. You have to tend it, feed it, weed it, deal with the problems.

Beat stress.

My dog, Maggie, is the best anti – stress tool I have. A few minutes petting, scratching or playing with her, and                            . Exercise also helps. Just about every day, I’m on the tennis court. It’s a great workout, and if I don’t have that, I don’t cope as well, sleep as well or think as well.

Refocus your anger.

Expressing your anger is just not that good an idea. You say things you don’t mean, and you can’t un – ring that bell. Instead, recognize that anger is usually a symptom of hurt, fear or frustration (挫折),and deal with the causes rather than blow up. When you do that, you’re a problem solver.

Don’t medicate with food.

It never, ever works. You’re denying your issue by eating your way through it, instead of saying, Hey, I’ve got a problem.

1.What’s the best title? (Please answer within 10 words.)

2.Fill in the blank in the passage in your own words. (Please answer within 10 words.)

3.Translate the underlined sentence in the passage.

4.Which sentence in the passage is the closet in meaning to the following one?

    You do something without any bad effect on your health during the time when you usually do something harmful to your body.

5.Why does the writer mention gardens when he is supposed to say something about marriage?

(Please answer within 30 words.)


第三部分   完整句子(共两节,满分25分)
第一节 单词拼写(根据题中所给的汉语提示或首字母完整句子,每空一词)(共15小题,满分15分)
51.Undoubtedly, a good teacher has a good i           on his or her students.
52.During the talks in Copenhagen, all the 192 nations agree on the fact that climate  change is posing a threat to the           (生存) of human beings.
53.Social life in a village cannot c           with that of a large city.
54.Don’t worry;everything has been a          (安排) perfectly.
55.Building Wuhan-Guangzhou high speed railway is not an easy job; we must have enough           (专业的) engineers.
56.He is in good health both physically and m          .
57.You should follow your           (治疗) with plenty of rest in bed.
58.The three college students were highly praised for having the b          to jump into the Yangtze River to save the two boys.
59.There are so many graduates every year that it is hard to find a suitable o          .
60.Decide which of these            (陈述) are true and which are false.61.In these rows of houses live the peasants who           (提供) us with grain and vegetables.
61.The teacher           (责备) me for my carelessness yesterday.
62.What will you do if you find your house            (被闯入) into?
63.            (观看) from the top of the Lotus Mountain, Shenzhen looks more beautiful to us.
64.Being             (疲倦), I stopped to take a rest and drink some water.
65.I bought a great many books, on which I spent all my money that I        (积攒)。



第三部分    完整句子(共两节,满分25分)

第一节  单词拼写(根据题中所给的汉语提示或首字母完整句子,每空一词)(共15小题,满分15分)

51.Undoubtedly, a good teacher has a good i           on his or her students.

52.During the talks in Copenhagen, all the 192 nations agree on the fact that climate  change is posing a threat to the           (生存) of human beings.

53.Social life in a village cannot c           with that of a large city.

54.Don’t worry;everything has been a          (安排) perfectly.

55.Building Wuhan-Guangzhou high speed railway is not an easy job; we must have enough           (专业的) engineers.

56.He is in good health both physically and m          .

57.You should follow your           (治疗) with plenty of rest in bed.

58.The three college students were highly praised for having the b          to jump into the Yangtze River to save the two boys.

59.There are so many graduates every year that it is hard to find a suitable o          .

60.Decide which of these            (陈述) are true and which are false.61.In these rows of houses live the peasants who           (提供) us with grain and vegetables.

61.The teacher           (责备) me for my carelessness yesterday.

62.What will you do if you find your house            (被闯入) into?

63.            (观看) from the top of the Lotus Mountain, Shenzhen looks more beautiful to us.

64.Being             (疲倦), I stopped to take a rest and drink some water.

65.I bought a great many books, on which I spent all my money that I        (积攒)。



第三部分    完整句子(共两节,满分25分)

第一节  单词拼写(根据题中所给的汉语提示或首字母完整句子,每空一词)(共15小题,满分15分)

51.Undoubtedly, a good teacher has a good i           on his or her students.

52.During the talks in Copenhagen, all the 192 nations agree on the fact that climate  change is posing a threat to the           (生存) of human beings.

53.Social life in a village cannot c           with that of a large city.

54.Don’t worry;everything has been a          (安排) perfectly.

55.Building Wuhan-Guangzhou high speed railway is not an easy job; we must have enough           (专业的) engineers.

56.He is in good health both physically and m          .

57.You should follow your           (治疗) with plenty of rest in bed.

58.The three college students were highly praised for having the b          to jump into the Yangtze River to save the two boys.

59.There are so many graduates every year that it is hard to find a suitable o          .

60.Decide which of these            (陈述) are true and which are false.61.In these rows of houses live the peasants who           (提供) us with grain and vegetables.

61.The teacher           (责备) me for my carelessness yesterday.

62.What will you do if you find your house            (被闯入) into?

63.            (观看) from the top of the Lotus Mountain, Shenzhen looks more beautiful to us.

64.Being             (疲倦), I stopped to take a rest and drink some water.

65.I bought a great many books, on which I spent all my money that I        (积攒)。

