excuse, forgive, pardon 都表示 原谅 宽恕. Excuse 原谅.指有意放过人们在社会.习俗方面的具体行为.如错误.疏忽或失职.不予以指责和惩罚. Please excuse me for using your telephone without asking permission. I thought you wouldn't mind. Forgive 饶恕 宽恕 赦免.感情色彩较浓.表示不但放弃一切报复要求.而且打消一切复仇的心理.不再愤恨.强调主观和内心的宽恕. She was so kind as to forgive her intimate friend who had betrayed her when she was in a great difficulty. Pardon 原谅 宽恕.正式用语.指放弃处罚要求.予以赦免.尤其指由上级按法律正式赦免过失或过错. 原谅时.同excuse. It became necessary to fly our lives, but we couldn't expect to be pardoned. 查看更多


