A. waved B. stared C. noticed D. laughed 查看更多



Many years ago when the world was a simpler place there lived a shoemaker. He used __16__ silk and soft leather(皮革) to make the greatest shoes. Colorful shoes lined the shelves of his store.

One little girl, Rachel, often looked through the _17__ into the store. One day while Rachel was looking again, the shoemaker __18__ at her side. “Well, dear, which shoes would you take?” he said, smiling.

Rachel was __19__ as she hadn’t noticed the little man. “Oh! I …I was just __20__,” Rachel said. “I can’t afford them and I would never take anything that doesn't belong to me.”

The shoemaker said, “I meant to give you a pair as a(n) __21__ .” Rachel stared at the shoemaker. A small pointed(尖尖的) ear could be seen underneath(在…底下) his hat. The guy __22__ Rachel’s curious gaze(凝视) and fixed his hat tightly over his ear _23__.

“Why don't you wear a pair of your own beautiful shoes?” Rachel questioned him, smiling.

“I am always working and have no need of __24__ shoes,” he explained.

Rachel’s smile __25__. “I have no need of good shoes either,” Rachel said in a sad voice and limped (一瘸一拐地走) away.

A few days later, Rachel was walking past the shoe shop when the shoemaker waved her into the shop. Looking around, Rachel said, “You have every color of the rainbow here.”

The shoemaker said, “They are the colors of the rainbow, Rachel.” __26__ a drawer(抽屉), he took out the most beautiful pair of shoes Rachel had ever seen. The shoemaker placed the shoes onto her feet. “Take a __27__, Rachel,” he said.

“I …I can’t,” Rachel said with a tear.

“Yes, Rachel, you can,” the shoemaker __28__.

Rachel stood up staight. Deliberately(小心翼翼地) she took a __29__, followed by another and another. “I can do it. I can do it,” she said, walking easily across the floor, not limping at all.

The shoemaker laughed __30__ and said, “I told you they were magic shoes…”




























































































Not many people talk to my son. It isn’t that they don’t want to. My son is two years old, and he’s  36 . I used to become  37  when strangers stared at us when we had conversations. But embarrassment soon became pride when I   38   that people were only staring because they thought our language was  39 . And indeed it is. He can  40  more with his face and  41  than most children of his age can say with their voices. To me, nothing is more beautiful than a child’s small hands  42  “I love you ”or “Mama, hold me ”.

People will  43 up to us, sometimes embarrassed and nervous, sometimes shy, but always  44  about this beautiful language we use. And  45  we do meet someone who “speaks” his language, it’s a unique and wonderful gift. Last week the whole family went to a nearby Zuka Juice. I noticed many people  46  us sign with Noah.

     Near the front door were two missionaries(传教士).One of them was  47  our conversation, and  48  at Noah. Noah waved back and smiled.  49  the young man did next made my heart leap and tears come to my eyes.

     I watched with  50  as his hands formed the signs for “You are beautiful”. I controlled my tears and watched him do it  51 . Noah turned and looked at me, his eyes huge,  52  to say, “MOM, DID YOU SEE THAT?!” The young man then signed to Noah, “How are you?” Noah did a few baby signs back, and  53 .

His  54   with my son was like a ray of sunshine. Even now when I  55  to what he said, it brings tears to my eyes. There aren’t many moments like that for Noah, and it’s a memory I’ll treasure forever.


36. A. blind    

B. weak   

C. deaf

D. childish

37. A. embarrassed       

B. angry           

C. afraid

D. excited

38. A. remembered       

B. meant  

C. learned      

D. informed

39. A. complex 

B. strange 

C. beautiful     

D. smooth

40. A. sing     

B. say    

C. teach

D. appreciate

41. A. legs     

B. hands   

C. nose

D. head

42. A. saying    

B. signing 

C. proving      

D. writing

43. A. walk    

B. add    

C. take

D. put

44. A. anxious  

B. curious 

C. careful      

D. hopeful

45. A. when    

B. how   

C. although     

D. since

46. A. questioning       

B. imitating

C. learning     

D. watching

47. A. finding out      

B. staring at

C. listening to   

D. checking on

48. A. knocked 

B. looked 

C. laughed      

D. waved

49. A. how    

B. what   

C. why

D. when

50. A. amazement

B. doubt 

C. anger

D. fear

51. A. another  

B. again   

C. more

D. all

52. A. even if 

B. in case 

C. now that     

D. as if

53. A. bored   

B. smiled 

C. confused     

D. refused

54. A. appearance

B. agreement       

C. conversation  

D. connection

55. A. add up  

B. stand up

C. break into    

D. think back



      A mother and daughter living in my community are two of the most unfriendly people I have ever come
across in my life. They are totally separated, mixing with   1  . As they drive past   2   they keep their eyes
looking away and make no sign of acknowledgement. The only fame they have is making a nuisance (讨厌
的人) of themselves to the local police station by   3   music played too loud, dogs barking more than once
a day and any other petty   4   gripe (把柄).
      On moving into this neighborhood, I was   5   of these two but decided I would make up my own mind.
This proved quite a   6   to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my
door and blast (猛烈抨击) me with some   7   or other.
      I   8   answered politely and made sure I   9   as they went past my place and also made the effort now
and then to make a kind remark about their garden or pets.
      Time passed and in October, as part of the Kindness Rock Give (送爱心石活动), Maureen and I  10  to
place a kindness rock in their garden. Their  11  remained unchanged, however, and I continued to be as
friendly as possible. During the Easter, we decided once again to  12  these two unhappy ladies to our
list and left a packet of cookies on their  13 . Imagine my  14  when two days later they  15  at my gate and
jokingly said they are considering hanging their Christmas stocking on their gate, and they  16  me a bunch
of flowers!
      So, my fellow gifters, do not  17  on your random gifts of kindness. You may never know just what
this  18  to others, nor how many broken or  19  hearted people you may just change with a simple act
of  20 .
(     )1. A. nobody     
(     )2. A. ladies     
(     )3. A. composing  
(     )4. A. important  
(     )5. A. accused    
(     )6. A. challenge  
(     )7. A. jokes     
(     )8. A. seldom     
(     )9. A. waved      
(     )10. A. started    
(     )11. A. smile      
(     )12. A. add        
(     )13. A. place      
(     )14. A. interest   
(     )15. A. whispered     
(     )16. A. brought    
(     )17. A. take in    
(     )18. A. refers     
(     )19. A. kind       
(     )20. A. sorrow     
B. someone        
B. neighbors    
B. requesting    
B. easy        
B. warned       
B. job              
B. advice      
B. never         
B. stared         
B. continued   
B. attitude      
B. recommend        
B. roof            
B. smile       
B. stopped     
B. wished         
B. take up      
B. means       
B. light           
B. hope      
C. anyone            
C. friends           
C. reporting     
C. interesting      
C. reminded        
C. task               
C. explanation   
C. always             
C. noticed             
C. mentioned          
C. decision     
C. reduced            
C. gate               
C. surprise          
C. shouted         
C. threw                
C. give in           
C. relates          
C. hard          
C. imagination     
D. nothing        
D. relatives         
D. explaining     
D. little           
D. convinced      
D. matter             
D. complaint     
D. sometimes         
D. laughed         
D. decided          
D. anger          
D. drove          
D. fence            
D. face              
D. wandered      
D. expected          
D. give up                            
D. contributes      
D. warm          
D. kindness     


     A mother and daughter living in my communlty are two of the most unfriendly people I have ever come
across in my life. They are totally separated, mixing with   1  . As they drive past   2   they keep their eyes
looking away and make no sign of acknowledgement. The only fame they have is making a nuisance (讨厌
的人) of themselves to the local police station by   3   music played too loud, dogs barking more than once
a day and any other petty   4   gripe (把柄).
     On moving into this neighborhood, I was   5   of these two but decided I would make up my own mind.
This proved qulte a   6   to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my door
and blast (猛烈抨击) me with some   7   or other.
     I   8   answered politely and made sure I   9   as they went past my place and also made the effort now
and then to make a kind remark about their garden or pets.
     Time passed and in October, as part of the kindness rock give (送爱心石活动), Maureen and I  10  to
place a kindness rock in their garden. Their  11  remained unchanged, however, and I continued to be as
friendly as possible. During the Easter give, we decided once again to  12  these two unhappy ladies to our
list and left a packet of cookies on their  13 . Imagine my  14  when two days later they  15  at my gate and
jokingly said they are considering hanging their christmas stocking on their gate, and they  16  me a bunch
of flowers!
     So, my fellow gifters, do not  17  on your random gifts of kindness. You may never know iust what this
  18  to others, nor how many broken or  19  hearted people you may just change with a simple act of  20 .
(     )1.A. nobody     
(     )2.A. ladies      
(     )3.A. composing   
(     )4.A. important  
(     )5.A. accused     
(     )6.A. challenge   
(     )7.A. jokes       
(     )8.A. seldom      
(     )9.A. waved       
(     )10.A. started     
(     )11.A. smile      
(     )12.A. add         
(     )13.A. place      
(     )14.A. interest     
(     )15.A. whispered    
(     )16.A. brought   
(     )17.A. take in       
(     )18.A. refers      
(     )19.A. kind         
(     )20.A. sorrow     
B. someone    
B. neighbors  
B. requesting 
B. easy        
B. warned     
B. job        
B. advice     
B. never      
B. stared     
B. continued  
B. attitude   
B. recommend     
B. roof       
B. smile       
B. stopped    
B. wished     
B. take up    
B means       
B. light       
B. hope       
C. anyone      
C. friends     
C. reporting   
C interesting  
C. reminded    
C. task        
C. explanation 
C. always      
C. noticed     
C. mentioned   
C. decision    
C. reduced     
C. gate        
C. surprise    
C. shouted     
C. threw       
C. give in     
C. relates     
C. hard        
C. imagination      
D. nothing     
D. relatives    
D. getting     
D. little       
D. convinced   
D. matter      
D. complaint   
D. sometimes             
D. laughed     
D. decided     
D. anger       
D. drove       
D. fence       
D. face        
D. wandered    
D. expected    
D. give up     
D. contributes 
D. wam          
D. kindness    


     A mother and daughter living in my community are two of the most unfriendly people I have ever come
across in my life. They are totally  1 , mixing with nobody. As they drive past neighbors they keep their
eyes looking away and make no sign of  2  . The only fame they have is making a nuisance (讨厌的人) of
themselves to the local police station by  3    music played too loud, dogs barking more than once a day
and any other petty (琐碎的) little  4  .
     On moving into this neighborhood, I was  5  of these two but decided I would make up my own mind.
This proved quite a  6   to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my
door and blast (猛烈抨击) me with some  7   or other. I  8  answered politely and made sure I  9 as they
went past my place and also made the effort now and then to make a kind 10 about their garden or pets.
     Time passed and in October, as part of the Kindness Rock Give, Maureen and I decided to place a
kindness rock in their garden. Their  11   remained unchanged, however, and I continued to be as friendly
as possible. During the Easter give, we decided once again to  12  these two unhappy ladies to our list and
 13 a packet of cookies on their gate. Imagine my  14  when two days later they   15 at my gate and
jokingly said they were  16  hanging their Christmas stocking on their gate, and they brought me a bunch of
     So, my fellow gifters, do not 17 on your random gifts of kindness. You may never know just what this
  18  to others, nor how many broken or 19  hearted people you may just change  20 a simple act of
(     )1. A. protected    
(     )2. A. enthusiasm  
(     )3. A. discussing  
(     )4. A. events      
(     )5. A. accused      
(     )6. A. challenge    
(     )7. A. quarrels    
(     )8. A. seldom      
(     )9. A. waved        
(     )10. A. difference  
(     )11. A. smile      
(     )12. A. add        
(     )13. A. shared      
(     )14. A. interest    
(     )15. A. whispered  
(     )16. A. imagining  
(     )17. A. take in    
(     )18. A. refers      
(     )19. A. kind        
B. depressed      
B. acknowledgement
B. requesting      
B. issues          
B. warned          
B. project        
B. opinions        
B. never          
B. stared          
B. account        
B. attitude        
B. recommend      
B. took            
B. anxiety        
B. stopped        
B. intending      
B. take up        
B. means          
B. light          
C. separated  
C. excitement  
C. reporting  
C. incidents  
C. reminded    
C. task        
C. explanations
C. always      
C. noticed    
C. gesture    
C. decision    
C. reduced    
C. left        
C. surprise    
C. shouted    
C. considering
C. give in    
C. relates    
C. hard        
D. equipped      
D. entertainment  
D. rejecting      
D. affairs        
D. convinced      
D. matter        
D. complaints    
D. sometimes      
D. laughed        
D. remark        
D. anger          
D. drove          
D. fixed          
D. doubt          
D. wandered      
D. approaching    
D. give up        
D. contributes    
D. warm          

