Asimov began having stories published in science fiction magazines in 1939.1939年.阿西莫夫开始在科幻杂志上发表文章. [解释] have sth. done 表示“请某人做某事 .或“遭遇到某事 have sb. do让某人做-- have sb./sth. doing让--不停地做-- [典例] 1) We had our photo taken by a passer-by.我们请了个过路人给我们照相. 2) Be careful. It’s easy to have your pocket picked in a crowd like this.小心点.在这样的人群中容易被偷. 3) The coach has us doing the same thing all day. It’s boring.教练让我们整天做同样的事情.真乏味 4) As you have never been there before, I’ll have someone show you the way.既然你以前没去过.那我找人带你去. [练习] 汉译英 1) 与对手角逐时.他大腿受伤了不得不放弃比赛. 2) 残忍的老板让他的工人们整天工作. 3) 班主任让班长他不在时管理班级. Keys: 1) When struggling with the competitor, he had his leg broken and had to give up the match. 2) The cruel boss had his employees working all the morning. 3) The head teacher had the monitor manage the whole class when he was absence. 查看更多


