第一节 单词拼写(共5小题.每小题1分.满分5分) 76.Abraham Lincon a slavery in the United states.76. 77.It’s rude to laugh at people with .Rather we should try out best to give them a hand.77. 78.Her mother usually a her on the piano.78. 79.She is not really crying; she is only acting to gain your .79. 80.The child was a by his mother at the age of 5. 80 查看更多



第一节 单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 l 分.满分 10 分)

1.Over the last 25 years, Ashrita Furman has broken _________(大约地)93 Guinness records.

2.Good movies and native novels broaden our h__________ .

3.Australian Day celebrations are an excellent way to encourage __________ (宽容),respect and friendship among all the people of Australia.

4.India has a large number of f__________ English speakers.

5.We are __________ (在一定程度上)responsible for his depression and unhappiness.

6.Helen Keller is a great writer and educationalist, whose confidence, p__________ and devotion win our complete faith in her.

7.Shakespeare wrote about such things as good and evil, love and hate, greed and ___________ (牺牲).

8.Martin Luther King played an important role in fighting against racial d___________.

9.Language ___________ (习得)is a kind of language learning which takes place usually in an informal learning setting.

10.There was no ___________ (平等)of opportunity for women at that time.







1. They are to put on an e_____________ of French paintings in the Oriental Hall next week.

2. My father used to smoke a lot but he has q___________ smoking since last year.

3. It is a_____________ true that the sun rises in the east.     

4. She has received formal keyboard training. C_____________, she can type much faster than I.

5. Can you t_____________ this English poem into Chinese?

6. The a___________ temperature in summer in Quzhou is about 20℃. 

7. The soldier was awarded a medal for his b____________ in the war.

8. The temperature is above n_____________ all over the world and it’s time we took measures.

9. Who is to b____________ for the fire in the kitchen?

10. I felt n___________ and uncertain because it was my first travel abroad.






1. They are to put on an e_____________ of French paintings in the Oriental Hall next week.

2. My father used to smoke a lot but he has q___________ smoking since last year.

3. It is a_____________ true that the sun rises in the east.     

4. She has received formal keyboard training. C_____________, she can type much faster than I.

5. Can you t_____________ this English poem into Chinese?

6. The a___________ temperature in summer in Quzhou is about 20℃. 

7. The soldier was awarded a medal for his b____________ in the war.

8. The temperature is above n_____________ all over the world and it’s time we took measures.

9. Who is to b____________ for the fire in the kitchen?

10. I felt n___________ and uncertain because it was my first travel abroad.


第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题05分,满分5分)

The train leaves at nine according to the train s___________ 

The jewels are her personal ___________( 财产)

We should be in h_______ with our environment.

They fully intend to _______(反对) the decision.

They r_________ him for saving the child..

There are four q______in a basketball match.

We must obey all school _______(规章) when we are at school.

Bad weather ________(使。。受挫)his attempt to climb Mt. Everest.

Due to the financial crisis, our profits continue to d_______.

People find LiuQian’s magic shows _______ (耳目一新) and fascinating.


第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)


The fall in prices is _______ (有益的) to small businesses.

One of his _______ (雄心) is to become a pilot.

He suffered from a bad cold, _______ (陪伴) by fever.

When the fire got out of control, the captain told the sailors to _______ (放弃) ship.

You had better go now, _______ (要不然) you will miss the train.

His nationality is not a _______ (相关的) point.

Fishing _______ (占据) most of his free time.

The professor wrote a letter _______ (推荐) her for the job.

He showed a lot of _______ (同情) for the homeless girl.

He _______ (拖) us out to a concert on a cold night.

