There is a c (7) between pollution and the death of trees. 查看更多



     There is a lake near a forest in Sweden. The water in the lake is very clear and everything is quiet and
still. On the far side of the water is some farmland and further away, across the field, is an old church built
on a hill. It has just stopped raining. The brook (小溪) flowing into the lake is full and there is still some
half-melted (半融化的)snow from last winter on the ground.
     The reason why the water is so clear, and everything is so quiet and still, is that most of the plant and
animal life in and around the lake is dead. There are no birds because all the fish and insects, which the
birds need for food, have disappeared. Many trees in the forest are losing their leaves and bark (树皮), and
are sick and dying. Others were blown down by the high winds of last winter, A farmer is working in a field
planting something, but unless he plants a stronger kind of seed this year. the crop will be between 25 to 40
percent lower than a few years ago. The stones of the old church tower are turning to powder and unless
the tower is repaired soon, it will fall down.
     All the death and destruction in this place is caused by the smoke coming out of factories and poisonous
gases from cars and trucks. And yet this silent lake is hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest factory
and highway.
1. What time of the year do you think it is?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Autumn
D. Winter
2. Why are there no animals or birds in or around the lake?
A. the weather is terribly cold
B. the area is polluted
C. the lake is quiet
D. they have all been killed
3. Why does the farmer have to plant a stronger kind of seed? Because______.
A. the soil becomes less and less
B. few plants can grow because of the pollution
C. the water in the lake can't be used to irrigate the field
D. the wind is too strong
4. What do you think is the best title of the passage?
A. A Beautiful Place of Interest
B. A Polluted Place
C. A Quiet Place in Sweden
D. A Faraway Mountain Area



1.Professor Holloway, an eye____________(专家), organized a national survey of eye diseases in children.

2.Someone in another car started making             (手势) and pointing at our tires.

3.There is a c             between pollution and the death of trees.

4.He was a little boy, but he b             as if he were an adult.

5.It was            (令人吃惊的)to everyone that the court had made such a decision.

6.               (不幸地)he won’t be here tomorrow evening.

7.The National Day was celebrated              (遍及) the country.

8.A museum should aim to e            as well as educate.

9.The novel describes the way of life of the o           people there.

10.She’s s            to bring up a family alone.



【小题1】Professor Holloway, an eye____________(专家), organized a national survey of eye diseases in children.
【小题2】Someone in another car started making             (手势) and pointing at our tires.
【小题3】There is a c            between pollution and the death of trees.
【小题4】He was a little boy, but he b            as if he were an adult.
【小题5】It was            (令人吃惊的)to everyone that the court had made such a decision.
【小题6】              (不幸地)he won’t be here tomorrow evening.
【小题7】The National Day was celebrated              (遍及) the country.
【小题8】A museum should aim to e           as well as educate.
【小题9】The novel describes the way of life of the o          people there.
【小题10】She’s s           to bring up a family alone.


 根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。(每空1分,满分 10分)

 1. He has t  (1)   his own novels into French from English.

2. People are _(2)__(迷惑的)about all the different labels on food these days.

 3. He could mime and act the fool doing _(3)_(平常的) tasks and his subtle acting made everything e  (4 )  .

 4. The children were   (5)   (争辩) over how to spend the money.

 5. He has broken two world records on the same day, which is quite an a  (6)  .

 6. There is a c (7)   between pollution and the death of trees.

 7. She __(8)__(观察) a man walking on the opposite side of the way.

 8. He needs a high income to s  (9) such a big family.

 9. There are four __(10)__(紧急情况) exits in the department store.


    第四节. 根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。(每空1分,满分 10分)

 1. He has t  (1)   his own novels into French from English.

2. People are _(2)__(迷惑的)about all the different labels on food these days.

 3. He could mime and act the fool doing _(3)_(平常的) tasks and his subtle acting made everything e  (4 )  .

 4. The children were   (5)   (争辩) over how to spend the money.

 5. He has broken two world records on the same day, which is quite an a  (6)  .

 6. There is a c (7)   between pollution and the death of trees.

 7. She __(8)__(观察) a man walking on the opposite side of the way.

 8. He needs a high income to s  (9) such a big family.

 9. There are four __(10)__(紧急情况) exits in the department store.

