We’d better start off a little earlier, or we may in the traffic congestion. A. became stuck B. have to stick C. get stuck D. get sticking 查看更多




. We’d better start off a little earlier, or we may ____ in the traffic congestion.

 A. became stuck   B. have to stick   C. get stuck    D. get sticking 



We’d better start off a little earlier, or we may ______ in the traffic congestion.

  1. A.
    became stuck
  2. B.
    have to stick
  3. C.
    get stuck
  4. D.
    get sticking


. We’d better start off a little earlier, or we may ____ in the traffic congestion.

 A. became stuck   B. have to stick   C. get stuck    D. get sticking 


We’d better start off a little earlier, or we may ____ in the traffic congestion.

A. became stuck  B. have to stick  C. get stuck  D. get sticking



We’d better start off a little earlier, or we may ____ in the traffic congestion.

A. became stuck  B. have to stick  C. get stuck  D. get sticking


