23.Since its entry into Chinese market, Google has been enjoying legal market access and national treatment. A.the; a B.不填,不填 C.a,the D.the,不填 查看更多



21.Since its entry into ________ Chinese market, Google has been enjoying ________ legal market access and national treatment.

A. the; a                            B. 不填; 不填               C. a; the                            D. the; 不填



Since its entry into ________ Chinese market, Google has been enjoying ________ legal market access and national treatment.

A. the; a      B. 不填; 不填  C. a; the    D. the; 不填



Since its entry into ________ Chinese market, Google has been enjoying ________ legal market access and national treatment.

  1. A.
    the; a
  2. B.
    不填; 不填
  3. C.
    a; the
  4. D.
    the; 不填



Since its entry into ________ Chinese market, Google has been enjoying ________ legal market access and national treatment.

A. the; a  B. 不填; 不填      C. a; the  D. the; 不填


Since its entry into ________ Chinese market, Google has been enjoying ________ legal market access and national treatment.

A. the; a   B. 不填; 不填    C. a; the    D. the; 不填

