Which word in the selection means the rank of importance? 查看更多



When was the last time your family sat down together to have a dinner?

  The speed at which we live today no longer allows for slow eating habits. Most people work long hours. There is lots of fast food and eating out is now on the increase. Often, food is eaten in front of the television in silence, or a child eats alone in front of the computer.

  When I was a child, every evening around the same time, one of the children would be asked to set the table, and then we'd go and wash our hands: before the meal. This was the time of day when we would talk about our day at school. But now things have changed a lot.

  A family environment plays an important role for children in learning to communicate with others and understanding table manners, such as waiting for others to finish before leaving the table and not speaking with a mouth full of food. Parents’ likes and dislikes of a certain food will also influence a child's own likes and dislikes. Studies have shown that children who often eat with their families have better results at school than children who eat with their families less than twice a week.

  Regular meal times give children the chance to discuss their problems with family members. They can also learn to respect others around the table. Talking to your children over dinner is the best way of having their-trust. Children learn good eating habits from their parents at a very young age. Family meals are important. Prepare them for your children.

1.Some families eat less together because __________.

A. most children live in a school                  

B. people are busy with their work

C. table manners change a lot                    

D. food in the restaurant is better

2.Children who often eat with their families _________.

A. turn out to do better in their studies         

B. prefer to share food with others

C. show concerns about families                

D. are interested in cooking

3.Which word can best describe the writer's attitude towards eating together with families?

A. Supportive.     B. Doubtful.       C. Worried.       D. Grateful.

4.Which would be the best title of the passage?

A. Table manners of a family             B. The importance of meals

C. Why should the family eat together?     D. How to choose food for your family?



Recently I paid a visit to Harvard University, where there are top class scientists and professors and the best academic system in the world.
I was pretty shocked when I first stepped onto the campus. Well, it’s not even really a campus. It’s more like a district in a small town.
Harvard’s main buildings are from the 18th century. They look very old and simple. You might even say they’re a little shabby. They don’t fit the modern idea of university at all. The buildings are surrounded by grass and trees, so I felt as if I had walked into a medieval castle. But when I looked across the street, busy shops and in-fashion students made me feel like I was in the 21st century again. It creates a strong contrast(对照) and brings a special atmosphere to the school.
Our tour guide Gary took us around and told us, “You see this grass field in the center of the school? Here is where they host their graduation ceremony. They just set up tents and benches and have a very simple ceremony. Unbelievable! Who would think the most talented students just graduate on the lawn?”
I saw some students put a blanket on the grass and lie down to read a book. When I listened to the soft sound of pages turning, along with the chirping(鸟叫声) of the birds, I felt very calm. There was no competitive feeling at all.
Harvard has the world’s first computer in its science center and there are hundreds of high-end computers too. Its religion and the literature departments are also among the best. It is the perfect mix of tradition and new technology. It makes Harvard a very attractive place to study in.
I hope one day I’ll attend my dream school---Harvard.
【小题1】 The article is mainly about ______.

A.the author’s campus life in Harvard
B.the author’s impression of Harvard
C.Harvard’s old buildings
D.the academic system at Harvard
【小题2】According to the article, in which fields is Harvard top in the world
A.Literature, art, and law
B.Religion, law and arts
C.Literature, arts and computer science
D.Religion, computer science and literature
【小题3】Which word can be used to describe the Harvard campus?


David Beckham was born in 1975 in London, at a place called Leytonstone. When he was a young boy, his greatest passion was in football. He played it whenever he had the chance. Sometimes he would go and watch a game with his friends. When David Beckham was 12 years old, he won the Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills award. This was an important step forward for this young boy, and it led him to go for a visit to a football training camp in Spain. As a boy he played for schools of Essex and also for his county team.

In 1991, he become a trainee with Manchester United. This meant that he could practise football as much as he wanted to and play for the highly successful Manchester United Youth Cup team and Under-21. In April, 1995 he played his first football league game against Leeds United. During 1995and 1996, David became a regular member of the team and Manchester United won in both football seasons, with David scoring many goals.

His goals made him a household name. In the first game of the 1996~1997 season, he scored a surprising goal from beyond the halfway line; seeing the goalkeeper a little way out of his goal, Beckham sent the ball over the goalkeeper’s head and into the goal. It was a wonderful goal and Beckham became famous overnight. He continued to score astonishing goals, Especially from free-kicks. The speed of one of his shots was timed at 157 kph. He also had the ability to make the ball go from left to right, or right to left, whenever he chose. Goalkeepers were never sure where the ball was going, and it regularly ended up in the goal.

Which word can take the place of the underlined word “passion” in Paragraph 1?

  A. success            B. interest.            C.prize                 D. skill

The unusually surprising way that he scored goals___________.

A.helped him to gain many prizes for Essex

B.kept him playing for Leeds United

C.offered him the chance to join the national team

D. made him popular in many British homes

Which of the following shows the right order of what Beckham experienced ?

a. Beckham played his first football league game.

b. Beckham won the Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills award.

c. Beckham played for Manchester United Youth Cup team.

d. Beckham went to Spain to join a football training camp.

e. Beckham played for the schools of Essex.

A. e, d, a, c, b     B. b, e, d, a, c     C. e, b, a, d, c      D. b, d, e, c, a

The passage is mainly talking about_________.

A.how Beckham became a successful football player

B.what abilities Beckham had to score so many goals

C.when Beckham became famous all over Britain

D.why Beckham could win in football league games


A team of US psychologists have found that talking to another person for ten minutes a day helps with memory.
"Socializing is just as effective as more traditional kinds of mental exercise in boosting memory and intellectual performance," Oscar Ybarra, a psychologist at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, said in a statement.
In one investigation, they analyzed data on 3610 people, aged 24 to 96.
They found that the higher their level of social interaction (交流), the better their cognitive (认知的) functioning.  Social interaction includes getting together or having phone chats with relatives, freinds and neighbors.
In another experiment, the researchers conducted lab tests on 76 college students, aged 18 to 21, to evaluate how social interactions and intellectual exercises affected the results of memory and mental performance tests.
The students were divided into three groups: the social interaction group had a discussion of a social issue for 10 minutes before taking the tests; the intellectual activities group completed three tasks (including a reading comprehension exercise and a crossword puzzle) before the tests; and a control group (对照组) watched a 10-minute clip (电源片段) of the Seinfeld television show.
"We found that short-term social interaction lasting for just 10 minutes improved participants’ intellectual performance as much as engaging in so-called ’intellectual’ activities for the same amount of time," Ybarra said.
The study was expected to be published in the February issue of the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
【小题1】The underlined word "boosting" in the second paragraph can be replaced by ______.

【小题2】Which is not included in social interaction?
A.Having a talk with a neighbor.B.Attending a birthday party.
C.Watching TV at home alone.D.Calling your classmates
【小题3】What’s the purpose of the experiment on 76 college students?
A.To judge the effect of social interaction on memory and intelligence.
B.To find out what is real social interaction.
C.To learn how much time is needed for social interaction.
D.To show the function of people’s cognition.
【小题4】Which of the following questions may be asked in the social interaction group in the experiment?
A.What does the author want to show us?
B.Do you like living in a big city or a small one?
C.Which word can be used to fill in the blank?
D.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
【小题5】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Intellectual exercises improve memory.
B.Different people have different ways of communication
C.Communicating with others keeps you healthy.
D.Social interaction makes you smart


I was feeling a little blue because my mother had been laid off from her job and she had lots of bills to pay. It left me wondering what was going to happen to us now. But it reassured me some when my mother told me she was relieved to be leaving since her boss wasn't the nicest person to be around.
I got off the college shuttle bus and started walking. That's when I heard piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people and the traffic. I walked a little slower so I could find out where it was coming from. Through the crowd I saw a young lady sitting at a piano with a carriage next to her.
She was singing songs about love, keeping on trying, and not underestimating the power within yourself. The way she was singing comforted me a bit. I stood there watching her play for about fifteen minutes, thinking that it must take courage to perform on your own in the middle of a crowded New York ferry terminal. 
So I stood there listening.
She must have felt my presence because she would occasionally look in my direction. By now I was telling myself that if she could perform in front of hundreds of people she didn't know then I could at least tell her how good she sounded. I walked over and put some money in her carriage and she said, "Thank you." Instead of continuing my way home, I said to her, "I have been going through a rough time lately, but you've made me hopeful again."
"I'm happy that I could help," she replied. "Why are you so sad?"
"Well, my mum told me she had got fired from her job, and that made me sad. I'm not so sure what to do ..."
"You see, here's the problem," she explained. "The way you were walking, your head was down. Don't look defeated, because opportunity comes in different ways and if your head is down you might never see it. You should smile more ... lift your head up."
I smiled faintly, amazed by how she was encouraging me. So, I asked her, "Why are you playing the piano in the middle of a crowded place? I've seen you do this more than once."
She explained to me that she sees a lot of negative people in the world and she tries to alleviate the pain and bring more positivity by sharing motivational music. She told me that when she wasn't making music she studied psychology. So, that was how she knew some of the things she was telling me.
I smiled a little wider because I knew that she was doing a good thing. So, after that we parted, my heart touched and lightened by a musical soul!
【小题1】We can learn from Paragraph 3 that the young lady sang to _________.

A.show her love for life
B.rid herself of low spirits
C.earn money for her schooling
D.inspire others to live positively
【小题2】Which word may best describe the young lady?
【小题3】Which do you think is the best title of the passage?  
A.An Unforgettable Experience
B.A Heart Touched By A Musical Soul
C.Music Can Do Wonders
D.A Good Deed Helped Me Out

