A. at home B. on time C. in high spirits D. in low spirits 查看更多



Nancy had just got a secretary's job in a big company to work in the sales department. on day was the first day that she went to work, so she was very  1 .She got up very early and arrived at the  2  at twenty to eight. She 3  the door open and found nobody there. “I am the  4  to arrive.” She thought and came to her desk. She was surprised to  5  a large bunch of flowers on it. They were fresh. She  6  the flowers from the desk and smelled them. “Oh, how lovely!” Nancy  7  joyfully. She then looked round for a  8  to put them in. “Somebody has sent me flowers the  9  first day!” She thought happily. “But who could it be?” She began to wonder.

The day passed very  10  and Nancy did everything with great interest and 11  .For the following days of the week, the first thing Nancy did was to change water for the flowers. And then she  12  herself in her work.

Then came another Monday. When she came near her desk she was overjoyed to see a(an)  13 bunch of flowers there. She quickly put them in the vase, replacing the old ones.

The same thing happened again the next Monday, Nancy felt it  14  and this time she began to think of ways to find out the  15 .

On Tuesday afternoon, she was sent to  16  a plan to the general manager's office. She had to stay for a while at his secretary's desk  17   his directives .She happened to see on the desk a big note book  18  “Records of managers' meetings”, and glanced at the  19  pages. Suddenly her eyes fell on these words: “In order to keep the secretaries  20  ,the company has decided that every Monday morning a bunch of fresh flowers should be sent to each secretary's desk.”

Later, she was told that their general manager was a business management psychologist.

1. A.depressed           B.encouraged             C.excited            D.surprised

2. A.office                 B.workshop               C.Classroom       D.bookshop

3. A.forced                B.pushed                   C.Turned           D.knocked

4. A.last                    B.second                   C.Third              D.first

5. A.uncover             B.smell                      C.Find               D.pick

6. A.picked up           B.threw away            C.stared at          D.took up

7. A.cried                  B.Laughed                 C.wept               D.replied

8. A.jar                     B.Box                       C.bottle              D.vase

9. A.happy                B.very                       C.funny             D.quite

10. A.slowly              B.normally                 C.quickly           D.hardly

11. A.wisdom            B.bravery                  C.passion           D.enthusiasm

12. A.buried              B.dressed                  C.Devoted          D.seated

13. A.old                   B.Red                       C.blue                D.new

14. A.special              B.angry                     C.strange          D.difficult

15. A.sender              B.receiver                  C.manager          D.waiter

16. A.send for           B.hand out                 C.try out            D.hand in

17. A.asking for          B.waiting for           C.looking for     D.searching for

18. A.marked             B.written                   C.printed            D.signed

19. A.closed              B.damaged                C.pinned            D.half-opened

20. A.at home            B.on time                  C.in high spirits   D.in low spirits



Nancy had just got a secretary's job in a big company to work in the sales department.Monday was the first day that she went to work, so she was very  36 .She got up very early and arrived at the _37_ at twenty to twenty to eight.She _ 38 the door open and found nobody there."I'm the _39 to arrive." She thought and came to her desk.She was surprised to  40 a large bunch of flowers on it.They were fresh.She  41___ the flowers from the desk and smelled them.

Oh, how lovely!"" Nancy  42 joyfully.She then looked round for a  43  to put them in. Somebody has sent me flowers the _ 44___ first day?'" She thought happily." But who could it be?" She began to wonder.The day passed very _45_ and Nancy did everything with great interest and __46__.For the following days of the week, the first thing Nancy did was to change water for the flowers.And then she _47_ herself in her work.Then came another Monday.When she came near her desk she was overjoyed to see a (an)_48___ bunch of flowers there.She quickly put them in the vase, replacing the old ones.

The same thing happened again the next Monday, Nancy felt it 49 and this time she began to think of ways to find out the 50

One Tuesday afternoon, she was sent to 51  a plan to the general manager's office.She had to stay for a while at his secretary's desk waiting for his 52 .She happened to see on the desk a big note book on which were _53_ "Records of Manager' meetings" , and glanced at the  54  pages.Suddenly her eyes fell on these words;" in order to keep the secretaries 55  the company has decided that every Monday morning a bunch of fresh flowers should be sent to each secretary's desk." Later, she was told that their general manager was a business management psychologist.

36  A.depressed     B.encouraged      C.excited       D.surprised

37.A.office       B.workshop        C.classroom     D.bookshop

38.A.forced      B.pushed        C.turned       D.knocked

39.A.last        B.second        C.third        D.first

40.A.uncover      B.smell         C.find        D.pick

41.A.picked up      B.threw away      C.stared at       D.took up

42.A.cried        B.laughed        C.wept        D.replied

43.A.jar         B.box          C.bottle       D.vase

44.A.happy       B.very         C.funny        D.quite

45.A.slowly      B.normally         C.quickly        D.hardly

46.A.wisdom      B.bravery         C.passion ate      D.enthusiasm

47.A.buried       B.dressed        C.devoted        D.seated

48.A.old        B.red      C.blue       D.new

49.A.special      B.angry         C.strange       D.difficult

50.A.sender      B.receiver       C.manager       D.waiter

51.A.send for   B, hand out       C.try out     D.hand in

52.A.news       B.directives       C.gifts        D.receipts

53.A.marked       B.written        C.pressed      D.signed

54.A.closed      B.damaged        C.pinned     D.half-opened

55.A.at home      B.on time        C.in high spirits     D.in low spirits


    Have you ever gone to work to find that one of your coworkers is coughing and sneezing all day long? You do your best to keep a safe distance and wonder: Why did he or she come to work when they were ill? The reality for many Americans is that they do not have enough paid sick time each year to afford them the luxury of staying home because they don’t feel well.

    This problem doesn’t just affect the working employees who are sick,though. In an article by James Warren for Bloomberg Business Week, a second-grade school teacher, Stilli Klikizos shares about the sick children that must stay in school all day long because their parents can’t get off work to come and get them. In the past school year, she had several children who were unable to be picked up at school who were later diagnosed with H1N1.

    There is a movement called the Healthy Families Act in Congress that would change this situation for many Americans. The Healthy Family Act would require employers with 15 or more employees to provide 7 paid sick days a year for their workers. These days could be used not only for days when the worker is sick, but the time can also be used when caring for others, or going to routine doctor’s appointments.

    Those who are against the Act argue that many businesses are struggling to make ends meet owing to recession (经济衰退), and point out that this is the wrong time to force employers to add an additional expense.

    Those who support the Healthy Families Act say that our nation can’t afford to not take these measures. When an individual goes to work sick, they are possibly infecting their coworkers, clients and customers.

   According to a report by Katie Couric on the CBS evening news, three fourths of low wage earners get docked when they are sick. Those individuals include daycare workers and restaurant workers, whose health can affect the health of many.

41. Why do many Americans still come to work when they are sick?

A. They often ignore the illness if not serious.

B. They work in high spirits.

C. The cost of staying home is great.

D. The cost of medical treatment is high.

42. In the article mentioned in this passage, James Warren intends to say ______.

A. children need more thoughtful and considerate care

B. teachers are responsible for taking good care of children at school

C. parents shouldn’t leave the sick children at school

D. adults’ not having enough paid sick time may be bad for children

43. According to the Healthy Families Act, ______.

A. all the employers are required to provide 7 paid sick days a year for their workers

B. the employees can use the paid sick days to take care of their sick children

C. the employees could demand their companies pay for their medical bills

D. the employees can use the paid sick days to take a trip so as to relax themselves.

44. Why are some people against the Healthy Families Act?

A. Many companies’ financial situations are not so good due to the recession.

B. Companies have no such duty to provide paid sick time.

C. The nation can’t afford to do as the Act requires.

D. Usually one’s illness won’t infect his coworkers and customers.

45. The term "get docked" (Para 6) probably means"______ ".

A. get fired B. get paid C. lose their health     D. lose part of wages


  I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always tight, but we had a   36   over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always   37  . Not knowing we were poor, my kids just thought I was   38  . I’ve always been glad about that.

       It was Christmas time, and although there wasn’t   39   for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big   40   for the kids was the fun of Christmas   41  .

They planned weeks ahead of time, asking   42   what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved $120 for   43   to share by all five of us.

The big   44   arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and   45   them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop; then we would   46   back at the “Santa’s Workshop”.

Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits,   47   my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually   48  . She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies— fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didn’t say anything   49   we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door, 50   to be angry again. This is what she told me:

       “I was looking   51   thinking of what to buy, and I   52   to read the little cards on the ‘Giving Trees’.One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she   53   for Christmas was a doll. So I took the card off the tree and   54   the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn’t have anything.”

       I never felt so   55   as I did that day.

36. A. roof                          B. hat                          C. sky                         D. star

37. A. little                          B. less                         C. enough                   D. more

38. A. busy                        B. serious                   C. strict                       D. kind

39. A. effort                        B. room                       C. time                        D. money

40. A. improvement            B. problem                  C. surprise              D. excitement

41. A. shopping                 B. travelling                 C. parties                    D. greetings

42. A. the other                  B. each other              C. one by one        D. every other one

43. A. toys                       B. clothes                C. presents                D. bills

44. A. day                          B. chance                   C. cheque                   D. tree

45. A. forced                      B. reminded                C. invited                    D. begged

46. A. draw                        B. stay                        C. move                      D. meet

47. A. including                  B. besides                   C. except                    D. regarding

48. A. quiet                        B. excited                    C. happy                     D. ashamed

49. A. since                        B. after                        C. while                       D. until

50. A. waiting                     B. ready                  C. hoping               D. afraid

51. A. out                        B. over                        C. forward                   D. around

52. A. forgot                       B. stopped                  C. failed                      D. hated

53. A. wanted                     B. did                          C. got                          D. played

54. A. made                       B. searched                C. bought                    D. fetched

55. A. angry                       B. rich                         C. patient                    D. bitter


         I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always tight, but we had a   36   over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always   37  . Not knowing we were poor, my kids(孩子们) just thought I was   38  . I’ve always been glad about that.

         It was Christmas time, and although there wasn’t   39   for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big   40   for the kids was the fun of Christmas   41  .

They planned weeks ahead of time, asking   42   what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved $120 for   43   to share by all five of us.

The big   44   arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and   45   them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop; then we would   46   back at the “Santa’s Workshop”.

Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits,   47   my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually   48  . She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies — fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didn’t say anything   49   we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door,  50   to be angry again. This is what she told me.

         “I was looking   51   thinking of what to buy, and I   52   to read the little cards on the ‘Giving Trees.’ One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she   53   for Christmas was a doll(玩具娃娃). So I took the card off the tree and   54   the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn’t have anything.”

         I never felt so   55   as I did that day.

36. A. roof                                    B. hat                                   C. sky                          D. star

37. A. little                                   B. less                                  C. enough                  D. more

38. A. busy                                   B. serious                            C. strict                      D. kind

39. A. effort                                 B. room                                C. time                        D. money

40. A. improvement                     B. problem                     C. surprise               D. excitement

41. A. shopping                           B. travelling                        C. parties                            D. greetings

42. A. the other                          B. each other            C. one by one            D. every other one

43. A. toys                       B. clothes                            C. presents       D. bills

44. A. day                                     B. chance                            C. cheque                            D. tree

45. A. forced                          B. reminded                   C. invited                   D. begged

46. A. draw                                  B. stay                                  C. move                      D. meet

47. A. including                           B. besides                           C. except          D. regarding

48. A. quiet                                  B. excited                            C. happy                     D. ashamed

49. A. since                                  B. after                                C. while                      D. until

50. A. waiting                     B. ready                               C. hoping          D. afraid

51. A. out                                      B. over                                 C. forward                 D. around

52. A. forgot                                B. stopped                          C. failed                      D. hated

53. A. wanted                    B. did                                    C. got                                   D. played

54. A. made                                 B. searched                        C. bought                            D. fetched

55. A. angry                                 B. rich                                   C. patient                            D. bitter

