E A. A great drain on energy B. Expensive transportation C. Extra cost D. Market history E. Making a profit F. Demand for the water 80. The cost of transporting water is determined largely by how far it has to be carried and how high it has to be lifted. Growing cities and towns may have to go hundreds of kilometers to find the water needed to satisfy their increasing thirst. California cities have long imported water from hundreds of kilometers away. And China is constructing three canals that are 1,156 kilometers, 1,267 kilometers, and 260 kilometers long to transfer water from the Yangtze River to Beijing and other rapidly growing areas in the northern provinces. 81. Pumping water out of the ground or over land to higher elevations is energy-intensive. Pumping 480 cubic meters of water a height of 100 meters requires some 200 kilowatt-hours of electricity. At a price of 10¢ per kilowatt-hour, the cost is $20-not including the cost of the pump, the well, and the piping. One hundred meters is not an unusual lift for wells tapping falling supplies of groundwater. In Beijing and other areas in northern China, for instance, lifts of 1,000 meters are sometimes required. 82. In most places water is not purchased or exchanged in a market. But formal water markets are developing in the western United States, Australia, and Chile. Where these water markets do exist, they provide examples of how high the scarcity value of the water-that is, the amount that other potential users would be willing to pay for it-can be. Water prices in Australia’s markets peaked at near 75¢ per cubic meter in December 2006, climbing 20-fold in a year in part due to prolonged drought. In the U.S. West, water prices typically range between 3 cents and 10 cents per cubic meter. 83. In India, water scarcity has prompted some farmers to profit by selling their water instead of farming. The water they formerly used to irrigate their crops is instead pumped from their wells and trucked to nearby cities. The farmers are harvesting water rather than food and at the same time promoting a rapid drop in underground water tables. 84. Another factor affecting how much people pay for water is the amount it is subsidized . Water subsidies can be very large. For instance, water revenues in the city of Delhi are less than 20 percent of what it spends each year to provide water. On average worldwide, nearly 40 percent of municipal suppliers do not charge enough for water to meet their basic operation and maintenance costs. 第Ⅱ卷 查看更多





假如你是Li Lei, 下面是一封你的笔友Maria 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。
  提示词语:listen to, mother’s love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile
Dear Li Lei,
  I’m afraid I’ve got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me, "Be careful while crossing the street." "Put on more clothes." "Did you do a good job at school?" and so on. I’m annoyed(烦恼)。What shall I do?  


根据对话内容,选择恰当的句子补全下列对话。(每小题1分,共 5分)
(At the doctor’s)
A: Good morning, doctor!
B:    【小题1】     What’s wrong?
A: I have a sore throat.   【小题2】     
B: How long have you been like this?
A:   【小题3】   
B: Have you taken your temperature?
A: Yes. My temperature is OK.
B:   【小题4】  Say “Ah”… You have a cold.
A: Is it serious?
B: Nothing serious.     【小题5】    You’ll get better soon.
A: Thank you, doctor!

A.I’m feeling terrible.
B.I’m sorry to hear that.
C.Open your mouth.
D.I have a fever.
E. Take the medicine three times a day.
F. Good morning, young man!
G. Since yesterday morning.



(1)为了节约原料,硫酸和硝酸的物质的量之比最佳为:    ;为了吸收该反应中产生的尾气,请选择下列中合适的装置       

方案2:将空气或氧气直接通入到铜粉与稀硫酸的混合物中,发现在常温下几乎不反应。向反应液中加少量FeSO4,即发生反应,生成硫酸铜。反应完全后,加物质甲调节pH ,铁元素全部沉淀(一般认为铁离子的浓度下降到10-5mol·L-1,就认为沉淀完全),然后过滤、浓缩、结晶。
已知:Ksp[Cu((OH)2]≈10-22, Ksp[Fe((OH)2]≈10-16,  Ksp[Fe((OH)3]≈10-38
如开始加入的铜粉为3.2 g,最后所得溶液为500 mL,溶液中含有铁元素0.005 mol。
A.CaOB.NaOHC.CuCO3D.Cu2(OH)2CO3 E、Fe2(SO4)3
将3.2g铜丝放到45 mL 1.5mol·L-1的稀硫酸中,控温在50℃。加入18mL 10%的H2O2,反应0.5h,升温到60℃,持续反应1 h后,过滤、蒸发浓缩、减压抽滤等,用少量95%的酒精淋洗后晾干,得CuSO4·5H2O 10.5g。


In the mid 1990s, people started doing business on the Internet. At that time, there were two kinds of companies. First, there were traditional companies which sold things in stores. Then, there were Internet companies which didn’t have stores, they sold things only over the Net.
Traditional companies didn’t want to lose any business. Quickly, they created their own websites and began selling things over the Net. These are the so-called “brick and click” companies. Many stores are made of brick, and you click on your mouse to buy things with your computer. That’s where the name “brick and click” comes from.
By the late 1990s, e-businesses like Amazon.com, Buy.com, and eToys.com were in trouble. Their profits(利润) were not very high, and there was a lot of competition. Many of these businesses lost a lot of money, and in 2000, many e-businesses were out of business.
In the world of e-commerce(电子商务), companies are fighting for every dollar and every customer. Will brick and click companies win the war? Only time will tell.
【小题1】Many traditional companies created their own websites in               .

A.the early l990s B.the mid l990s
C.the late l990sD.1990s
【小题2】Why were Internet companies in a lot of trouble in the late 1990s?
A.Competition was heavy.
B.Their websites were bad.
C.They didn’t know what to sell.
D.Their profits were high.
【小题3】Which would be a brick and click company?
A.A clothing company with no website.
B.A bookseller with five stores and an Internet site.
C.A video seller with a big website but no stores.
D.A restaurant.

