What is the main purpose of this text? A. To call on people to pay more attention to housing problems. B. To prove that some standards are needed for affordable housing. C. To ask society to help homeless people and low-income families. D. To introduce healthy, environmentally clever-and affordable housing. 解析:本文为科技说明文.作者通过介绍Fox Point居住群的boiler rooms,阐述这种房子环保节能的优点.以及在许多城市受到欢迎的事实. 1 C 写作意图题.根据第一段最后两句可知.作者介绍开水房实际上是从一个侧面展示整个建筑群的环保节能的特点. 2 A 细节理解题.根据第三段第二句“Meeting the standards increases housing construction costs by 2%, which is rapidly paid back by lower running costs. 可知.达到这一标准可使建筑成本提高2%.但由于其运行成本低.很快会得到弥补. 3 B 细节理解题.根据第四段第二句“Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse-gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused, by housing. 可知. 4 D 写作目的题.本文的主要目的是给读者介绍这种住房的节能环保的特点. B We already know the fastest, least expensive way to slow climate change: use less energy. With a little effort, and not much money, most of us could reduce our energy diets by 25 percent or more-doing the Earth a favor while also helping our wallets. Not long ago, My wife, PJ, and I tried a new diet-not to lose a little weight but to answer an annoying question about climate change. Scientists have reported recently that the world is bending up even faster than predicted only a few years ago, and that the consequences could be severe if we don’t keep reducing emissionsof carbon dioxide(CO2)and other greenhouse gases that are trapping heat in our atmosphere. We decided to try an experiment. For one month we recorded our personal emissions of CO2. . We wanted to see how much we could cut back, so we went on a strict diet. The average US householdproduces about 150 pounds of CO2 a day by doing common-place things like turning on air-conditioning or driving cars. That’s more than twice the European average and almost five times the global average, mostly because Americans drive more and have bigger houses. But how much should we try to reduce? For an answer, I checked with Tim Flannery, author of The Weather Makers: How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth. In his book, he had challenged readers to make deep cuts in personal emissions to keep the world from reaching extremely important tipping points, such as the meltingof the ice sheets in Greenland or West Antarctica. “To stay below that point, we need to reduce CO2 emissions by 80 percent, he said. Good advice, I thought. I’d opened our bedroom windows to let in the wind. We’d gotten so used to keeping our air-conditioning going around the clock. I’d almost forgotten the windows even opened. We should not let this happen again. It’s time for us to change our habits if necessary. 查看更多





  You are going to read a text about the tips on resume writing, followed by a list of examples.Choose the best example from the list A-F for each numbered subheading(41-45).There is one extra example which you do not need to use.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)

  The main purpose of a resume is to convince an employer to grant you an interview.There are two kinds.One is the familiar“tombstone”that lists where you went to school and where you’ve worked in chronological order.The other is what I call the“functional”resume-descriptive, fun to read, unique to you and much more likely to land you an interview.

  It’s handy to have a“tombstone”for certain occasions.But prospective employers throw away most of those unrequested“tombstone”lists, preferring to interview the quick rather than the dead.

  What follows are tips on writing a functional resume that will get read-a-resume that makes you come alive and look interesting to employers.

1.Put yourself first:

In order to write a resume others will read with enthusiasm, you have to feel important about yourself.

2.Sell what you can do, not who you are:

Practice translating your personality traits, character, accomplishments and achievements into skill areas.There are at least five thousand skill areas in the world of work.

Toot your own horn!

Many people clutch when asked to think about their abilities.Some think they have none at all!But everyone does, and one of yours may just be the ticket an employer would be glad to punch-if only you show it.

3.Be specific, be concrete, and be brief!

Remember that“brevity is the best policy.”

4.Turn bad news into good:

Everybody has had disappointments in work.If you have to mention yours, look for the positive side.

5.Never apologize:

  If you’ve returned to the work force after fifteen years as a parent, simply write a short paragraph(summary of background)in place of a chronology of experience.Don’t apologize for working at being a mother; it’s the hardest job of all.If you have no special training or higher education, just don’t mention education.

  The secret is to think about the self before you start writing about yourself.Take four or five hours off, not necessarily consecutive, and simply write down every accomplishment in your life, on or off the job, that made you feel effective.Don’t worry at first about what it all means.Study the list and try to spot patterns.As you study your list, you will come closer to the meaning:identifying your marketable skills.Once you discover patterns, give names to your cluster of accomplishments(leadership skills, budget management skills, child development skills etc.)Try to list at least three accomplishments under the same skills heading.Now start writing your resume as if you mattered.It may take four drafts or more, and several weeks, before you’re ready to show it to a stranger(friends are usually too kind)for a reaction.When you’ve satisfied, send it to a printer; a printed resume is far superior to photocopies.It shows an employer that you regard job hunting as serious work, worth doing right.

  Isn’t that the kind of person you’d want working for you?


A woman who lost her job as a teacher’s aide due to a cutback in government funding wrote:“Principal of elementary school cited me as the only teacher’s aide she would rehire if government funds became available.”


One resume I received included the following:“invited by my superior to straighten out our organization’s accounts receivableSet up orderly repayment schedule, reconciled accounts weekly, and improved cash flow 100 per centRewarded with raise and promotion.”Notice how this woman focuses on results, specifies how she accomplished them, and mentions her reward-all in 34 words


For example, if you have a flair for saving, managing and investing money, you have money management skills.


An acquaintance complained of being biased when losing an opportunity due to the statement“Ready to learn though not so well educated”.


One of my former colleagues, for example, wrote resumes in three different styles in order to find out which was more preferred.The result is, of course, the one that highlight skills and education background.


A woman once told me about a cash-flow crisis her employer had faced.She’d agreed to work without pay for three months until business improved.Her reward was her back pay plus a 20 percent bonus.I asked why that marvelous story wasn’t in her resume.She answered,“It wasn’t important.”What she was really saying of course was“I’m not important.”


Boiler rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is clean and cool. Fox Point is a very new 47-unit living building in South Bronx, one of the city’s poorest areas. Two-thirds of the people living there are formerly homeless people, whose rent is paid by the government. The rest are low-income families. The boiler room has special equipment, which produces energy for electricity and heat. It reuses heat that would otherwise be lost to the air, reducing carbon emissions while also cutting costs.

 Fox Point is operated by Palladia, a group that specializes in providing housing and services to needy people. Palladia received support from Enterprise Community Partners (ECP), which helps build affordable housing by providing support to housing developers.

ECP has created national standards for healthy, environmentally clever and affordable homes which are called the Green Communities Standards. These standards include water keeping, energy saving and the use of environmentally friendly building materials. Meeting the standards increases housing construction costs by 2%, which is rapidly paid back by lower running costs. Even the positioning of a window to get most daylight can help save energy.

Michael Bloomberg, New York’s mayor, plans to create 165,000 affordable housing units for 500,000 New Yorkers. Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse-gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused by housing. So he recently announced that the city’s Department of Housing and Preservation and Development (DHPD) , whose duty is to develop and keep the city’s supply of affordable housing, will require all its new projects to follow ECP’s green standards.

Similar measures have been taken by other cities, such as Cleveland and Denver, but New York’s DHPD is the largest city developer of affordable housing in the country.

1.What is the purpose of describing the boiler room in the first paragraph?

A. To explain the measures the city takes to care for poor people. 

B. To suggest that affordable housing is possible in all areas.

C. To show how the environment-friendly building works.

D. To compare old and new boiler rooms.

2.What is an advantage of the buildings meeting the Green Communities Standards? 5

A. Lower running costs.    

B. Costing less in construction.   

C. Less air to be lost in hot days.

D. Better prices for homeless people.

3.It can be learned from the text that        .

A. New York City is seriously polluted

B. people’s daily life causes many carbon emissions in New York City

C. a great number of people in New York City don’t have houses to live in

D. some other cities have developed more affordable housing than New York City

4.What is the main purpose of this text?

A. To call on people to pay more attention to housing problems.

B. To prove that some standards are needed for affordable housing.

C. To ask society to help homeless people and low-income families.

D. To introduce healthy, environmentally clever and affordable housing.



Boiler rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is clean and cool. Fox Point is a very new 47-unit living building in South Bronx, one of the city’s poorest areas. Two-thirds of the people living there are formerly (以前) homeless people, whose rent is paid by the government. The rest are low-income families.  The boiler room has special equipment, which produces energy for electricity and heat. It reuses heat that would otherwise be lost to the air, reducing carbon emissions(碳排放)while also cutting costs.

Fox Point is operated by  Palladia, a group that specializes in providing housing and services to needy people. Palladia received support from Enterprise Community Partners (ECP), which helps build affordable housing by providing support to housing developers.

ECP has created national standards for healthy, environmentally (环境方面) clever and affordable homes which are called, the Green Communities Standards. These standards include water keeping, energy saving and the use of environmentally friendly building materials.  Meeting the standards increases housing construction costs by 2%, which is rapidly paid back by lower running costs. Even the positioning of a window to get most daylight can help save energy.

Michael Bloomberg, New York's mayor, plans to create 165,000 affordable housing units for 500,000 New Yorkers. Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse-gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused by housing. So he recently announced that the city’s Department of Housing and Preservation and Development (DHPD) , whose duty is to develop and keep the city’s supply of affordable housing, will require all its new projects to follow ECP’s green standards.

Similar measures have been taken by other cities such as Cleveland and Denver, but New York’s DHPD is the largest city developer of affordable housing in the country.


1.What is the purpose of describing the boiler room in the first paragraph?

    A.To explain the measures the city takes to care for poor people. 

    B.To suggest that affordable housing is possible in all areas.

    C.To show how the environment-friendly building works.

    D.To compare old and new boiler rooms.

2.What is an advantage of the buildings meeting the Green Communities Standards?

    A.Lower running costs.             B.Costing less in construction.   

    C.Less air to be lost in hot days                    D.Better prices for homeless people.

3.It can be learned from the text that_______________.           

    A.New York City is seriously polluted

    B.people’s daily life causes many carbon emissions in New York City

    C.a great number of people in New York City don't have houses to live in

  D.some other cities have developed more affordable housing than New York City

4.What is the main purpose of this text?

    A.To call on people to pay more attention to housing problems.

    B.To prove that some standards are needed for affordable housing.

    C.To ask society to help homeless people and low-income families.

    D.To introduce healthy, environmentally clever-and affordable housing.




Boiler rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is clean and cool. Fox Point is a very new 47-unit living building in South Bronx, one of the city’s poorest areas. Two-thirds of the people living there are formerly(以前)homeless people, whose rent is paid by the government. The rest are low-income families. The boiler room has special equipment, which produces energy for electricity and heat. It reuses heat that would otherwise be lost to the air, reducing carbon emissions(碳排放)while also cutting costs.

      Fox Point is operated by Palladia, a group that specializes in providing housing and services to needy people. Palladia received support from Enterprise Community Partners(ECP), which helps build affordable housing by providing support to housing developers.

ECP has created national standards for healthy, environmentally(环境方面)clever and affordable homes which are called, the Green Communities Standards. These standards include water keeping, energy saving and the use of environmentally friendly building materials. Meeting the standards increases housing construction costs by 2%, which is rapidly paid back by lower running costs. Even the positioning of a window to get most daylight can help save energy.

Michael Bloomberg, New York's mayor, plans to create 165,000 affordable housing units for500,000 New Yorkers. Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse-gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused, by housing. So he recently announced that the city’s Department of Housing and Preservation and Development (DHPD), whose duty is to develop and keep the city’s supply of affordable housing, will require all its new projects to follow ECP’s green standards.

Similar measures have been taken by other cities such as Cleveland and Denver, but New York’s DHPD is the largest city developer of affordable housing in the country.

1.What is the purpose of describing the boiler room in the first paragraph?

A.To explain the measures the city takes to care for poor people.

B.To suggest that affordable housing is possible in all areas.

C.To show how the environment-friendly building works.

D.To compare old and new boiler rooms.

2.What is an advantage of the buildings meeting the Green Communities Standards?

A.Lower running costs.                                  B.Costing less in construction.

C.Less air to be lost in hot days.                      D.Better prices for homeless people.

3.It can be learned from the text that, _____________.

A.New York City is seriously polluted

B.people’s daily life causes many carbon emissions in New York City

C.a great number of people in New York City don't have houses to live in

D.some other cities have developed more affordable housing than New York City

4.What is the main purpose of this text?

A.To call on people to pay more attention to housing problems.

B.To prove that some standards are needed for affordable housing.

C.To ask society to help homeless people and low-income families.

D.To introduce healthy, environmentally clever and affordable housing.


Boiler rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is clean and cool. Fox Point is a very new 47-unit living building in South Bronx, one of the city’s poorest areas. Two-thirds of the people living there are formerly (以前) homeless people, whose rent is paid by the government. The rest are low-income families.  The boiler room has special equipment, which produces energy for electricity and heat. It reuses heat that would otherwise be lost to the air, reducing carbon emissions(碳排放)while also cutting costs.

Fox Point is operated by  Palladia, a group that specializes in providing housing and services to needy people. Palladia received support from Enterprise Community Partners (ECP), which helps build affordable housing by providing support to housing developers.

ECP has created national standards for healthy, environmentally (环境方面) clever and affordable homes which are called, the Green Communities Standards. These standards include water keeping, energy saving and the use of environmentally friendly building materials.  Meeting the standards increases housing construction costs by 2%, which is rapidly paid back by lower running costs. Even the positioning of a window to get most daylight can help save energy.

Michael Bloomberg, New York's mayor, plans to create 165,000 affordable housing units for 500,000 New Yorkers. Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse-gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused by housing. So he recently announced that the city’s Department of Housing and Preservation and Development (DHPD) , whose duty is to develop and keep the city’s supply of affordable housing, will require all its new projects to follow ECP’s green standards.

Similar measures have been taken by other cities such as Cleveland and Denver, but New York’s DHPD is the largest city developer of affordable housing in the country.

What is the purpose of describing the boiler room in the first paragraph?

    A.To explain the measures the city takes to care for poor people. 

    B.To suggest that affordable housing is possible in all areas.

    C.To show how the environment-friendly building works.

    D.To compare old and new boiler rooms.

What is an advantage of the buildings meeting the Green Communities Standards?

    A.Lower running costs.             B.Costing less in construction.   

    C.Less air to be lost in hot days      D.Better prices for homeless people.

It can be learned from the text that_______________.           

    A.New York City is seriously polluted

    B.people’s daily life causes many carbon emissions in New York City

    C.a great number of people in New York City don't have houses to live in

    D.some other cities have developed more affordable housing than New York City

What is the main purpose of this text?

    A.To call on people to pay more attention to housing problems.

    B.To prove that some standards are needed for affordable housing.

    C.To ask society to help homeless people and low-income families.

    D.To introduce healthy, environmentally clever-and affordable housing.

