I always hated it when people asked me where I lived。 It was not that I did not like my home town,but just that it was called Panfromifwecanton! Few people believed there was such a place, and even fewer people could say it.
Actually, it is quite easy to pronounce.All you have to do is to break it into syllables Pan-from-if-we-can-ton.A syllable is a small unit of sound built around a single vowel sound.
The vowels are a, e, I, o, u(and y when it sounds like an i).
Most words can be pronounced by breaking them into syllables.That is why Mary Poppins found it so very easy to say the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocius.Can say it?Try!
Breaking a word into smaller parts can also help you to spell the word correctly.You pay attention to each sound, rather than slurring them together.
As well as breaking a word down into its sounds, you can break a word down into its units of meaning.For example, sometimes you will find that a long word is made up of smaller words you already know, such as overcoat, raindrop, handbag.
A word can be broken down into three main parts:a prefix, which comes at the beginning; a root, or base, which is the main part of the word; and a suffix, which comes at the end.The trick here is knowing what they mean because a lot of them come from Latin and Greek.
When you see a long word, don’t worry.Look at it carefully, break it down, and you’ll see it.