In Rose’s opinion, growing up means . A. becoming older B. learning more knowledge C. becoming more mature C. trying new things B Sep. 30 I moved into the dormitory today-an ugly building and near a busy main road too. My room is small but quite pleasant. I must get some posters for the walls, though. I met a few fellow students at supper They all look much younger than me. They are, of course! Oct. 07 Lectures began last Monday. So far they haven’t been very interesting (except for the man who lectures on drama. He’s first class). Personally, I’d much rather go to the library and read, but I have to attend ten lectures a week. Those are the `rules’! Well, at least you meet people there. Oct. 12 I really don’t like life in the dormitory at all. The food is bad and the students are noisy. They stay up half the night and play games just outside my room. When on earth do they sleep? When do they work? Besides, I don’t like my room. It’s just like living in a box! It looks even smaller now, with the posters on the wall. I am wondering how long it will be before I can feel as comfortable as I did living in my high school dormitory. Oct. 26 I tried to explain some of my problems to my supervisor today. She listened-but that was about all. `You have to go to lectures, you know, Ann, she told me. “And the dormitory is cheap and convenient.’ `Cheap and convenient’! Well, it isn’t `cheap’ if you can’t eat the food and it isn’t `convenient’ if you can’t sleep at night! Oct. 30 I can’t believe it! Three other students-I met them at a lecture and they’re all about my own age-have invited me to share a flat with them. It’s in an old house and it has its own kitchen, so we can cook for ourselves. And my room-right at the top of the house-is fantastic! Nov. 10 I moved into my new room last Sunday. I feel really happy. Life is going to be so much more fun from now on! 查看更多




This year some twenty-three hundred teenagers(young people aged from13~19)from all over the world will spend about ten months in U.S. homes. They will attend U.S. schools, meet U.S. teenagers, and form impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.

Here is a two-way student exchange in action. Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George’s family. In turn, George’s son Mike spent a year in Fred’s home in America.

Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months’ study the language began to come to him. School was completely different from what he had expected—much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.

Family life, too, was different. The father’s word was law, and all activities were around the family rather than the individual. Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car.

“Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon learn to like it.”

At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his idea. “I suppose I should criticize(批评)American schools,” he said. “It is far too easy by our level. But I have to say that I like it very much. In Germany we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that maybe your schools are better in training for citizens. There ought to be some middle ground between the two.”

This year ________teenagers will take part in the exchange programme between America and other countries.

twenty-three hundred

thirteen hundred

over three thousand

less than two thousand

The whole exchange programme is mainly to__________.

help teenagers in other countries know the real America

send students in America to travel in Germany

let students learn something about other countries

have teenagers learn new languages

Fred and Mike agree that__________.

America food tasted better than German food

German schools were harder than American schools

Americans and Germans were both friendly

There were more cars on the streets in America

What is particular in American schools is that________.

there is some middle ground between the two teaching buildings

there are a lot of after-school activities

students usually take fourteen subjects in all

students go outside to enjoy themselves in a car


You might think that “global warming” means nothing more than a rise in the world’s temperature But rising sea levels caused by it have resulted in the first evacuation(撤离)of an island nation—the citizens of Tuvalu will have to leave their homeland.
During the 20th century , sea level rose 8—12 inches. As a result ,Tuvalu has experienced lowland flooding of salt water which has polluted the country’s drinking water.
Paani Laupepa , a Tuvaluan government official ,reported to the Earth Policy Institute that the nation suffered an unusually high number of fierce storms in the past ten years .Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damaging storms.
Laupepa expressed dissatisfaction with the United States for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement calling for industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions(导致温室效应的气体排放),which are a main cause of global warming . “By refusing to sign the agreement ,the US has effectively taken away the freedom of future generations of Tuvaluans to live where their forefathers have lived for thousands of years,” Laupepa told the BBC.
Tuvalu has asked Australia and New Zealand to allow the gradual move of its people to both countries .
Tuvalu is not the only country that is vulnerable (易受影响的)to rising sea levels .Maumoon Gayoon ,president of the Maldives ,told the United Nations that global warming has made his country of 311,000 an “endangered nation”.
【小题1】The text is mainly about           .

A.rapid changes in earth’s temperature
B.bad effects of global warming
C.moving of a country to a new place
D.reasons for lowland flooding
【小题2】According to scientists ,the direct cause of more and fiercer storms is           .
A.greenhouse gas emissions in industrialized nations
B.higher surface water temperatures of the sea
C.continuous global warming
D.rising sea levels
【小题3】Laupepa was not satisfied with the United States because it did not        .
A.agree to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions
B.sign an agreement with Tuvalu
C.allow Tuvaluans to move to the US
D.believe the problems facing Tuvalu were real
【小题4】The country whose situation is similar to that of Tuvalu is          .
A.Australia B.New ZealandC.the MaldivesD.the United States


Liverpool, my hometown, is a unique city. It is so unique that in 2004 it became a World Heritage (遗产) Site.  

I recently returned to my home city and my first stop was at a museum on the River Mersey. Blanketed in mist (薄雾), Victorian architecture rose from the banks of the river, responded to the sounds of sea-birds, and appeared unbelievably charming. When I headed toward the centre, I found myself surrounded by buildings that mirror the best palaces of Europe. It is not hard to imagine why, on first seeing the city, most visitors would be overpowered by the beauty of the noble buildings, which are solid signs of Liverpool’s history.  

As if stress its cultural role, Liverpool has more museums and galleries (美术馆) than most cities in Britain. At Walker Art Gallery, I was told that it has best collections of Victorian paintings in the world, and is the home of modern art in the north of England. However, culture is more than galleries. Liverpool offers many music events. As Britain’s No.1 music city, it has the biggest city music festival in Europe, and its musicians are famous all over the world. Liverpool is also well-known for its football and other sports events. Every year, the Mersey River Festival attracts thousands of visitors, madding the city a place of wonder.  

As you would expect from such a city, there are restaurants serving food from around the world. When my trip was about to complete, I chose to rest my legs in Liverpool’s famous Philharmonic pub (酒馆). It is a monument to perfection, and a heritage attraction itself.  

Being a World Heritage Site, my home city is certainly a place of “outstanding universal value”. It is a treasure house with plenty of secrets for the world to explore.  

  68. Visitors who see the city for the first time would be deeply impressed by________

  A. its charming banks

  B. its famous museums

  C. its wonderful palaces

  D. its attractive buildings

  69. The third paragraph is developed mainly by______

  A. providing different examples

  B. following the order of space

  C. making comparisons

  D. analyzing causes

  70. The author uses the Philharmonic pub to prove that_______

  A. Liverpool is a well-known city for its restaurants

  B. Liverpool is an impressive place full of attraction

  C. a pub is a wonderful place for visitors to relax themselves

  D. a pub is a perfect choice for visitors to complete their journey

  71. What is the passage mainly about?

  A. The universal value of the world heritage in Liverpool

  B. The exciting experience of the author in Liverpool

  C. The special cultural atmosphere of Liverpool

D. The beautiful historic sites of Liverpool



  Pete Rose was a great baseball player. Though I have never met him, he taught me something  31 that changed my life.
  Pete was being  32 in spring training the year he was about to break Ty Cobb’s all-time hits record. Suddenly one reporter asked him, “Pete, you only need 78 hits to reach your nearest  33 . How many at-bats(击球)do you think it’ll take you to get the 78 hits?” Without hesitation, Pete just  34 at the reporter and said,“78.” The reporter yelled back, “Ah, come on, Pete, you don’t think you’ll get 78 hits in 78 at-bats, do you?”
  Mr. Rose calmly  35 his philosophy with the reporters who were  36 waiting for his reply to the claim.“Every time I  37 up to the plate(击球区),I  38 to get a hit!  39 I have it in mind,I have no right to step into the batter’s(击球手)box! It is 40 expectation that has enabled me to get all of the hits in the first place.”
  When I thought about Pete Rose’s  41 and how it applied to everyday  42 ,I felt a little embarrassed. As a business person,I was hoping to increase my  43 . As a father,l was hoping to be a good dad. As a married man,I was hoping to be a good husband. The truth was that I was a fairly good salesperson,I was not so 44 a father,and I was an okay husband. I immediately decided that being okay was not  45 ! I wanted to be a great salesperson,a great father and a great husband. I  46 my attitude to a positive one,and the results were 47 .I was fortunate enough to win a few sales trips,I won Coach of the Year in my 48 baseball league,and I share a loving relationship with my wife,Karen,with whom I am 49 to enjoy the rest of my life!
 50 ,Mr. Rose!
31.A.reliable     B.enjoyable       C.valuable      D.unbelievable
32.A.admired      B.interviewed      C.watched       D.trained
33.A.decision     B.record         C.level        D.goal
34.A.stared      B.shouted        C.glared       D.pointed
35.A.enjoyed      B.shared         C.discussed      D.reviewed
36.A.anxiously     B.nervously       C.cheerfully     D.impatiently
37.A.climb       B.jump        D.step
38.A.seem          C.expect       D.compete
39.A.Though      B.Unless         C.Because       D.When
40.A.abrupt      B.simple        C.positive      D.considerate
41.A.plan       B.idea          C.ability       D.behaviour
42.A.agenda      B.exercise        D.lire
43.A.sales       B.skills         C.experiences     D.experiments
44.A.wise       B.kind          C.mean        D.bad
45.A.explicit     B.helpful        C.enough       D.practical
46.A.changed      B.added         C.devoted       D.contributed
47.A.hopeful      B.amazing        C.funny        D.disappointing
48.A.son’s      B.wife’s        C.friend’s      D.customer’s
49.A.supposed     B.expected        C.encouraged     D.determined
50.A.Good luck     B.Best regards      C.Thanks       D.Congratulations


Steve Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, made his first public appearance since going on medical leave six weeks ago, taking the stage at a San Francisco media event to introduce the iPad 2, the second generation of the company’s tablet computer.
Thin but energetic, Mr. Jobs showed off a thinner iPad. “ We’ve been working on this product for a while and I just didn’t want to miss this day,” he said.
His absence has concerned investors, especially since the group has given no details of his condition. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2004 and had a liver transplant during almost six moths of medical leave in 2009. People close to him said last month his health had been changing.
Apple’s stock rose more than 2 percent in the minutes after Mr. Jobs began speaking, then gave up some of its gain as he detailed the iPad 2.
The iPad 2 will go on sale in black and white versions in the US on March 11 and in 26 other countries, including the UK and Germany, on March 25. The table is Apple’s biggest product launch since the iPhone three years ago, and is comparable to the iPhone as the most expected in Apple’s history.
Most of the improvements in the latest version had been expected, including front and rear-facing video, which allows video conferencing between iPads, Mac computers and the most recent iPhones and iPods, a larger speaker, a faster processor and other upgrades. The iPad 2 is one-third thinner than the original tablet and slightly lighter, with a 9.7-inch touchscreen. It can run movies, books, games and a complete range of applications. In the US it will work with AT&T and Verizon, the top two mobile carriers. The pricing will be the same to the 2010 iPad at its introduction, ranging from $499 to $829 in six models. But Apple dropped prices on the older iPad on Wednesday by $100 across the board.
Apple has made the most of its year-long head start in tablets, selling 15,000,000 units of the older iPad last year and taking about 85 percent of the market. Forrester predicted that the iPad 2 would clain 80 percent of the US market this year, or 20,000,000 out of 24,000,000 total shipped. This prediction was based on both the technical improvements to the iPad 2, and the distribution difficulties and higher prices for Apple’s rivals.
Motorola, BlackBerry maker Research in Motion, Samsung and others have brought out competing tablets, many based on Google’s Android software.
Mr. Jobs said the rest of the field was still catching up with the first iPad and their markets for applications designed for tablets had, at best, 100 small programs. This compares with 65,000 on Apple’s applications store.
【小题1】Why are the investors of Apple worried according to the text?

A.Apple’s stock price changes a lot
B.Steve Jobs’ health condition is not stable
C.The iPad 2 has some technical drawbacks
D.Apple faces strong competition from other companies.
【小题2】In what respect are the iPad 2 and the 2010 iPad exactly alike?
A.the weightB.the speaker
C.the thicknessD.the pricing at the introduction
【小题3】How many tablet computers were sold in the market last year?
A.about 15,000,000B.about 17,000,000
C.about 20,000,000D.about 24,000,000
【小题4】What makes Apple’s tablets superior to the competing tablets of other companies?
A.the low price
B.the Android software
C.the full kinds of models
D.the tens of thousands of applications
【小题5】What is the best title for the text?
A.Jobs on Stage to Introduce iPad 2
B.iPad 2 Better than the Original
C.Best Applications for iPad 2
D.iPad 2 vs. Competitors

