How did the non-Chinese with no musical background react to the audiotape? (No more than 6 words.) 查看更多






1.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The concert is on December 24 th.

B.The man hasn't got the ticket for the concert.

C.Na Ying is going to sing two songs together with Sun Nan.

2.How much does the man charge the woman in the end?




3.What's the woman's phone number?




4.Who is Fidel probably?

A.It is Mary's pet.

B.It is Mary's baby.

C.It is George's pet.

5.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a booking office.

B.On a plane.

C.At an airport.




6.What do the man's parents do?


B.Restaurant owners.

C.Supermarket owners.

7.What did the man sell to the students?





8.What color of overcoat does the woman like?

A.The black one.

B.The silver white one.

C.The silver grey one.

9.What does the woman think of the overcoat?

A.It is of bad quality.

B.It is very expensive.

C.Its style is old.

10.Who is the man probably?

A.A salesman.

B.The woman's husband.

C.The woman's friend.


11.What can we know about Betty?

A.She works in a Mexican hotel.

B.She has been to Mexico.

C.She is a guide.

12.What was the weather like in Mexico City?




13.What does Betty suggest to the woman?

A.Putting off their trip.

B.Reading the guide book.

C.Making early plans.


14.When did the woman dream of becoming a singer?

A.When she was 12 years old.

B.When she was 5 years old.

C.When she met Rene.

15.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman's parents were singers.

B.The woman's father sent the tape to Rene.

C.The woman's parents ran a piano bar.

16.How did Rene feel when he first heard the woman singing?

A.He was moved.

B.He was surprised.

C.He was disappointed.


17.What will the listeners do after the talk?

A.Make a campfire.

B.Take a guided tour.

C.Go for a nature walk.

18.When did the National Park Service begin?

A.In the early 1800s.

B.In the late 1800s.

C.In the late 1700s.

19.What does the speaker say about the national park?

A.It was declared the first national park in the world.

B.A large group of people found the land now called Yellow Stone.

C.All the parks were managed by the National Park Service before 1916.

20.What is one of the speaker's duties?

A.Protecting the plants.

B.Guiding nature walks.

C.Answering the visitors’ questions.





1.How did Charles travel through Australia?

A.By bus.

B.By car.

C.By train.

2.Where is the man speaker now?

A.In a hotel.

B.In his home.

C.In a restaurant.

3.What do we know about the man?

A.He wants to get a new position.

B.He is asking the woman for help.

C.He enjoys letter writing.

4.Who is probably the man speaker?

A.A lawyer.

B.A driver.

C.A policeman.

5.What was Mary probably doing when the conversation took place?

A.Having supper out with her classmate.

B.Doing homework with her classmate.

C.Attending a party at a classmate’s home.




6.What are the girl’s strengths?

A.PE, English and science.

B.Science, business and computer.

C.PE, science and business.

7.Which field does the girl intend to go into?





8.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.The history of planes.

B.The changes of life.

C.The invention of electric lights.

9.When was it unusual to see a plane?

A.In the early 1960s.

B.In the 16 th century.

C.In the early 1900s.

10.Why can we use electrical lights?

A.Because someone invented ways to use electricity.

B.Because we have more money than before.

C.Because we don’t need to pay much for them.


11.Where was Jenny when the hurricane took place?

A.At her father’s friend’s.

B.On her way home.

C.At home with her husband.

12.When did the hurricane hit the area where Jenny lived?

A.At noon on August 30.

B.At 5∶00 a.m.on August 30.

C.At 3∶30 a.m.on August 29.

13.Why did they drive very slowly on the way back?

A.Too many cars were on the road.

B.Broken branches were everywhere.

C.There was a very strong wind.


14.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Father and daughter.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Close friends.

15.What does Susan have to do on Saturday morning?

A.See a movie.

B.Clean the house.

C.Go to the doctor.

16.Where does Susan have to go to at 12:30?

A.To the dentist.

B.To the school.

C.To the playground.

17.What time is Susan meeting with Julie?

A.At 2∶00.

B.At 4∶30.

C.At 5∶30.


18.Why did the man refuse to buy a TV set in the past?

A.He thought it was useless.

B.Because it took up much time.

C.Because it was too expensive.

19.What did he use to do in the evening?

A.He slept at home.

B.He played games at home.

C.He read books.

20.What do we know about the speaker?

A.He is a person who can’t change his mind.

B.He is a person who is eager to learn more.

C.He is a person who can’t get along well with others.


It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10 th and 11 th centuries. As wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry (嫁妆) or decimum. Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion (遗弃),but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important. The decimum was the wife’s right to receive a tenth of all her husband’s property. The wife had the right to withhold consent, in all transactions the husband would make, And more than just a right: the documents showed that she enjoyed a real power of decision, equal to that of her husband. In no case did the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife.
The wife shared in the management of her husband’s personal property, but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance(遗产,继承物)against husbands who tried to exceed their rights, and on occasion they showed a fine fighting spirit. A case in point is that of Maria, Vivas, a Catalan woman of Barcelona. Having agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited, for the needs of the household, she insisted on compensation. None being offered, she succeeded in dragging her husband to the scribe to have a contract duly drawn up assigning her a piece of land from Miro’s personal inheritance. The unfortunate husband was obliged to agree, as the contract says, “for the sake of peace.” Either through the dowry or through being hot-tempered, the Catalan wife knew how to win herself, within the context of the family, a powerful economic position.
【小题1】 A decimum was      .

A.the wife’s inheritance from her father
B.a gift of money to the new husband
C.a written contract
D.the wife’s right to receive one-tenth of her husband’s property
【小题2】 In the society described in the passage, the legal standing of the wife in marriage was      .
A.higher than that of her husband B.lower than that of her husband
C.the same as that of her husbandD.higher than that of a single woman
【小题3】 What compensation did Maria Vivas get for the field?
A.Some of the land Miro had inherited.B.A tenth of Miro’s land.
C.Money for household expenses.D.Money from Miro’s inheritance.
【小题4】 Which of the following is Not mentioned as an effect of the dowry system?
A.The husband had to share the power of decision in marriage.
B.The wife was protested from desertion.
C.The wife gained a powerful economic position.
D.The husband was given control over his wife’s property.


While I was in 9 th grade, I built a circuit (电路装置) for the traffic system of our city. After getting the first prize. I got this valuable advice from my father; “Do whatever interests you, and don’t let the work challenge you, make sure you are challenging that work.”
I have always preferred the projects which are challenging and related to real life problems. I clearly remember building a shipping program several years ago. I divided the whole project into several small sections. When I understood it clearly, used my brainstorming skill on it, and gave some basic ideas. Then I asked my professor for help before jumping into coding (编码). At first, I did not know how to ask questions correctly and always asked the question “How do I do it?” As I  kept working and discussed with my professor, I became more comfortable and those “how ”questions soon turned into “what if I do this and that” types of questions.
It took me four days to write the code. The desire to solve the problem kept me sleepless all nights brainstorming in even greater details. Every time I saw my program running smoothly, I exploded with joy. I still remember the last day of my work. I was getting some problem and didn’t know what to do. At that moment, a man came in to clean. He has headphones, and he was dancing while cleaning the room. Seeing this, I burst out laughing. That moment calmed me. I regained energy and interest and started to work again, and soon I fixed the problem.
My success in the project proved that breaking up a large problem into small parts could help find a possible solution. Discussing the problem with others was also very beneficial. Now I have gained the confidence to attempt any kind of project.
59.According to the passage, the writer was interested in          .
A.developing traffic systems
B.doing challenging projects
C.winning great prizes
D.writing different codes
60.The writer asked the question “how do I do it” at first because         .
A.he had no clear idea about his program
B.he was too shy to express himself
C.he wanted to he understood easily
D.he preferred this kind of question
61.We learn from the passage that the writer’s shipping program         .
A.would benefit people a lot
B.was done together with others
C.was difficult and needed patience
D.cost much money and energy
62.What would be the best title of the passage?
A.Do It Yourself
B.No Pains, No Gains
C.Learning with interest
D.Practice Makes Perfect


All over Britain there are ruins of castles that reflect their entire past. Over the years, legends have focused on these castles.
Castell Coch
This castle was built in the 1870's. Lfor Bach was once the owner of this castle many decades ago, and it is told that he hid a treasure in the nearby tunnel(地道). Rumors say that it is guarded by three eagles waiting for Lfor to return to collect his treasure.
Luffness Castle
In the basement(地下室) of this castle is a huge door leading to a room. The family kept this door open at all times, but one day the door was found locked and the key was missing. The whole family was surprised. The door was so big that it could not be broken down. One day the son of the family shone of a torch the door. He discovered that the key was on the inside of the room. To this day the door remains locked from the inside.
Toddington Castle
  This castle was built during the 13th century. This castle has a local legend that tells about a witch who was put in prison within the castle and died. It is told that her spirit remains and if you put your ear to the floor at Easter, you can hear her cooking below.
Castell Gwynionydd
A legend rests on this castle that states the devil(魔鬼) was the one who built it. It is said the devil had a problem with some people and had planned on punishing them. On his way, the devil met a cobbler(修鞋匠).The cobbler pointed out that it was still a reasonable distance until he would reach his destination. The cobbler displayed how many shoes he had worn out. Listening to him, the devil did not think his plan was worth so much effort and gave up his plan.
50.Which of the castles mentioned in the passage is said to be guarded by several birds?
A.Castell Coch.          B.Luffness Castle.      
C.Toddington Castle.   D.Castell Gwynionydd.
51.Which of the following castles is related to the legend about a witch?
A.Castell Coch.         
B.Luffness Castle.      
C.Toddington Castle.  
D.Castell Gwynionydd.
52.We can learn from the passage that          .
A.Castell Coch is said to be built by the devil
B.Castell Gwynionydd is a great place to celebrate Easter
C.Luffness Castle was once broken down
D.Toddington Castle dates back to the 13 th century

