A.ship B.train C.plane 查看更多



  America is a very large country, but traveling there is really very quick and easy. When you are paying a visit to the USA and want to see as much of the (1) as possible, you'd better travel by bus. There is fast 2 service between cities, for example, the Greyhound Bus Service. All of its buses have a picture of a dog on the side. Some buses have two storeys(层). The top covering of the bus is often made of glass. In the summer time, the heat of the sun will get in (3) the glass and you may (4) too hot. Although the buses are cooled by air-conditioner(空调), it doesn't (5) work well because the sunshine on the top storey is too (6) . The seats are very soft. Over each seat there is a reading light. On the long-distance journey, stops are made for meals at roadside (7) . You can have enough time to stretch your legs and have a good taste of food. It takes about three and a half (8) to cross America by bus with short stops for meals. Many people, especially tourists, like to (9) a bus around the country. If you have chances to visit America, don't (10) to try a bus.

(1) Acity




(2) Atrain




(3) Athrough




(4) Ahear




(5) Aalways




(6) Astrong




(7) Ahotels




(8) Ahours




(9) Awalk




(10) Aforget





1. Where is Helen from?  
A. England.
B. America.
C. Japan.
2. What subject is Helen interested in?
A. Chinese.
B. Maths.
C. History.
3. When will Helen visit China?
A. This June.
B. This July.
C. This August.
4. How will Helen go to Beijing?
A. By plane.
B. By ship.
C. By train.
5. Why does Helen like New York best?
A. Because it's both big and modern.
B. Because it's both old and beautiful.
C. Because it's both modern and beautiful.



A Japanese girl had learned English in the classroom for two years and she always wanted to visit London.Now she arrived there at last.When she went out of the station, she didn’t know the way to the hotel, so she asked a policeman standing at the station gate.She spoke slowly and clearly.But to her surprise, he didn’t understand her at all.She asked the same question again and again and then the policeman understood at last.He answered her, but she didn’t know what he was saying.Her teacher never spoke English like that!“ I’m a Japanese.I’m new here,” the girl said.The policeman spoke more slowly than before, and she listened very carefully, but still she couldn’t understand him.They looked at each other and smiled.Then he said something she understood.“You’ll soon learn English!” Then she knew that the English she had learned was quite different from the English people speak!


How did the Japanese girl get to London?

[  ]


By plane


By ship


By train


By car


Why was the girl surprised in that city?

[  ]


She couldn’t speak English freely.


The policeman didn’t understand her at all.


She asked the same question again and again.


The policeman understood her at last.


What can we learn from the story?

[  ]


The girl’s English was not good enough.


There are no good teachers in Japan.


The policeman spoke bad English.


The policeman didn’t know the way to the hotel.


     Mrs. White, a fifty-four-year-old woman, lives in a small town. Her husband died several years ago. Her
son, Ron, works in an office in London. And her daughter lives in the same town with her, but she lives in her
husband's house. Only the old woman stayed in the old house by herself.
     One day Mrs. White received a letter from Ron. The young man missed her very much. He hoped she
would go to the capital soon. The woman was happy and decided to start the next morning. She took a bus
to the railway station and bought a ticket. Before she was going in, suddenly she remembered she had not
locked the gate of the house. As she forgot her daughter's telephone number, she hurried to the post office
and bought a stamp and an envelope (信封). In her letter she told her daughter to lock the gate right now.
then she put the envelope into the post box. At the entrance a man stopped her and said, "Your ticket, please."
Mrs. White had a look at her hand, and began to cry: she was holding the letter in her hand.
1. Ron missed his mother because ______.
[     ]
A. he wanted her to look after him
B. she was too old to look after herself
C. he was afraid she would be ill at home
D. he thought she felt lonely at home
2. Mrs. White's husband has been dead ______.
[     ]
A. before several years
B. for a few years
C. since last year
D. many years ago
3. Mrs. White decided to go to London ______.
[     ]
A. by train
B. by bus
C. by plane
D. by ship
4. Mrs. White told her daughter to lock the gate because ______.
[     ]
A. she was more careful than her
B. she knew where she lived
C. she only had a daughter
D. nobody else was to ready to help her
5. Mrs. White began to cry because ______.
[     ]
A. the man didn't let her in
B. she had put the letter into the post box
C. she lost her letter
D. she had put the ticket in the envelope


     Jack lived in a town in the north. He wanted to visit some places in the south, but he didn't want to spend
too much money.
     Last summer he had a short vacation. He decided to take a trip to Hainan. He talked to a friend about his
plan. His friend said, "It's a long journey. If you go by plane, you'll get there in a few hours. Then you'll have
more time for sightseeing. If you go by train, it'll take you five or six days to get there."
     He left at the beginning of June and got back to work in the middle of the month. It took him more than
two weeks to make the grip.
     What was the matter? He went by ship for most of the journey.
1. Where did Jack live?
A. In the north.
B. In the south.
C. In the east.
D. In the west.
2. Where did he decide to take a trip?
A. In Hainan.
B. In Hang Hangzhou.
C. In Qingdao.
D. In Beijing.
3. When did he get back to work at last?
A. At the beginning of June.
B. In the middle of June.
C. At the end of June.
D. I don't know.
4. How long did it take him to make the trip?
A. Two days.
B. Less then two weeks.
C. Two weeks.
D. More than two weeks.
5. How did he go for most of the journey?
A. By bus.
B. By plane.
C. By ship.
D. By bike.

