3 名词性wh-从句 1)由wh-词引导的名词从句叫做名词性wh-从句.Wh-词包括who, whom,. whose, whoever, what, whatever, which, whichever等连接代词和where, when, how, why等连接副词.Wh-从句的语法功能除了和that-从句一样外.还可充当介词宾语.宾语补语和间接宾语等.例如: 主语: How the book will sell depends on its author. 书销售如何取决于作者本人. 直接宾语:In one's own home one can do what one likes. 在自己家里可以随心所欲. 间接宾语:The club will give whoever wins a prize. 俱乐部将给得胜者设奖. 表语: My question is who will take over president of the Foundation. 我的问题是谁将接任该基金会主席职位. 宾语补足语:She will name him whatever she wants to. 她高兴给他起什么名字就取什么名字. 同位语: I have no idea when he will return. 我不知道他什么时候回来. 形容词宾语:I'm not sure why she refused their invitation. 我尚不能肯定她为什么拒绝他们的邀请. 介词宾语: That depends on where we shall go. 那取决于我们去哪儿. 2)Wh-从句作主语也常用先行词it做形式主语.而将wh-从句置于句末.例如: It is not yet decided who will do that job. 还没决定谁做这项工作. It remains unknown when they are going to get married. 他们何时结婚依然不明. 查看更多


