A. draw B. paint C. work D. build 查看更多



Let 2013 be the year you Do Something Extraordinary with i to i Volunteering!

Planning to do more with your year in 2013l Step outside your comfort zone? Make a difference? At i to i Volunteering, our determination is to help you help others!

◆  Download a FREE fundraising guide and get top tips on how to get more friends and family GIVING to a worthy trip!

◆   Make your next adventure meaningful with i to i Volunteering and GIVE something back to local communities.                                                    .



BONUS! Downloading the fundraising guide enters you into a  draw to WIN an i to i Volunteering trip to Costa Rica to build houses for families in need!


THE PROJECTS   Book any trip in January and you can choose which of these you would like us to donate to:


To assist community projects in Cusco and Lima with resources(资源)to improve these kids lives

Our project in Cusco is busy fundraising for a reading room so that the kids in their care don't have to work on the floor anymore. Our project in Cusco is also creating their own bakery so that they can raise funds for themselves. The bakery still needs an industrial mixer to get things going and your funds will go towards helping them become self-sufficient(自足).


To assist our projects in Thailand recover from the floods that hit last year

Now that the flood waters are subsiding, it's all hands on deck to clear up the mess left behind, repair damaged possessions and get schools up and running so that kids can return.We're looking to raise funds for the simple things such as paint to redecorate but also to replace larger equipment such as cookers and computers that have been ruined in the floods.


To help our projects in Kenya with much needed resources to build simple homes for those that don't have one

Many people in Kenya still live in badly-built, over-crowded buildings. This project uses volunteer power to help build proper homes and facilities(设施) for communities. The projects are only slowed by a lack of physical resources and we're raising funds to help provide more wood, tools and other equipment so that more people can move above the poverty line.

60. With i to i Volunteering, you'll          .

       A. make your 2013 more rewarding

       B. get advice on how to make fortune

       C. make your adventure more challenging

       D. get a free trip around the world

61. If you are concerned about kids with few learning resources, you may choose the project in      .

       A. Costa Rica           B. Peru                    C. Thailand             D. Kenya

62. The underlined word “subsiding" probably means          .

       A.rising                      B. spreading             C. clearing             D. sinking

63. This passage is written mainly to         .

       A. call  Dr volunteering                        B. offer volunteers a draw

       C. provide tourists with a bonus              D. prepare volunteers for sightseeing



  Pablo Ruiz Picasso was the favorite child of his familyHe was the only boy among agreat many girl cousinsThat was enough to make him important , but his father loved him especially , because he knew his son was going to be an artistPablo knew the word for pencil even before he could say Mamma and PapaWhen he was small he spent hours by himself making delightful little drawings of animals and peopleIf his mother sent him out to play in the square , he went on drawing in the dust under the treesOne of his favorite models was his younger sister , Lola

  Don Jose Ruiz , Pablo’s father was director of the museum at Malaga in southern spainHe earned only a small salary , but there was not much work to do and he was able to practise his hobby , which was painting pigeonsDon Jose loved pigeons very muchHe painted them dead or alive , in ones and twos and in dozensSometimes he painted them on paper , cut them out and stuck them on to canvas(画布); Sometimes he stuck real feathers on to his picturesHe knew a great deal about the technique of painting and he taught it all to Pablo

  Life in Malaga was very pleasantIn the hot , Mediterranean(地中海的)sunshine father and son would walk down to the beach to look at the boats on the shore or wander round the open marketsThey made a strange pairDon Jose was tall and thin , with red hair and beard , sad grey eyes and a fine set of whiskers(髯).He was so shy and correct that he was nicknamed “the Englishman”Pabol was quite the oppositeHe had his mother’s small, strong build ; he had straight black hair , and bright black eyes that noticed everything that was going on around him

1When Pablo was a little boy , he ______

[  ]

Aused to play in the square

Bwould spend hours drawing pictures

Cwas fond of playing with pigeons

Doften enjoyed taking a walk with his sister

2What did little Pabol draw most ? ______

[  ]

AThe square he was playing in

BThe trees

CThe sea

DHis younger sister , Lola

3Pablo’s father could paint a lot because ______

[  ]

Ahe had plenty of time

Bhe did not have much money

Che looked after the museum

Dhe liked pigeons

4Don Jose and Pablo were “ a strange pair ” because ______

[  ]

Athey liked to wander about the town

Bthey noticed everything that was going on around them

Cthey both painted

Dthey looked so different from each other

5Malaga is probably ______

[  ]

Aan island in the Mediterranean

Ba sea port in Spain

Can inland city in southern Spain

Da small country township

