A. first B. second C. very D. last 查看更多



A story from the Bible tells of old Babylon, where the men decided to build a tower that would touch the sky.But God was unhappy, and he made them speak different languages.They couldn’t understand each other, so their dream never came true.

Yet the dream remains alive: if all men speak the same language, they can do anything.L.L.Zamenhof from Poland was among the men who pursue this dream.He developed Esperanto(世界语)between 1877 and 1885.

As the most successful man-made world language, it is spoken by over two million people around the world.Last month, the World Esperanto Congress(大会), dealing with language rights, ended in Sweden.The 2004 conference will be held in Beijing.Most Esperanto speakers are in Central and Eastern Europe and in East Asia, particularly Chinese mainland.

Esperanto has two advantages.First, it’s easy.Each letter has exactly one sound and there are just 16 basic grammar rules.The second advantage is that it belongs to no one country.But Esperanto has only reached a small number of people compared with natural languages widely used around the world-such as English or Chinese.While these languages are deeply connected with their nations and cultures, Esperanto doesn’t have this background.

Will Esperanto really become a global language? It remains a question.

The writer tells us a story at the beginning to          .

           A.explain why men have been making the effort to create a language shared by all

              B.explain why men now speak different languages

              C.show the relationship between man and God

              D.prove that language is very important

What does the underlined word “pursue” in the second paragraph mean?

              A.“Realize”.     B.“Work for”.   C.“Be against”. D.“Follow”.

What is the basic difference between Esperanto and English?

              A.More people speak English than Esperanto.

              B.Esperanto words are easier to spell.

              C.Esperanto has fewer grammar rules.

              D.Esperanto is not supported by any country or culture.

What does the story mainly talk about?

              A.Advantages and disadvantages of Esperanto.

              B.Men’s dream of sharing the same language.

              C.The most successful planned language-Esperanto.

              D.Comparison of Esperanto and other languages like English and Chinese.


At the railway stations all across Britain next week, groups of students will gather with their backpacks to wait for the trains that will carry them home for Christmas. This is a large movement of human beings as before, but with more contradictory traffic flows, so that trains filled with the young pass each other travelling in every direction.
At first, I went home every weekend with my washing, but then those visits became less regular. How did I let my parents know I was coming? They had no phone. Perhaps I wrote to them (“Expect me with dirty shirts this Friday afternoon”), but more likely I didn’t let them know, and just turned up or didn’t turn up, not understanding that my parents’ hopes of seeing me were a greater disappointment of my carelessness than a spoiled tea.
And in all this I suspect I was typical (有代表性的), at least of young men. As for our fathers and mothers, none of them talked of “empty-nest syndrome (综合症)”, even though its possible effect that the main human duty is to protect and feed the young would have suited their generation better than ours. Then, the feeling of loss went without a name. Today, it’s a condition with remedies, which will make parents feel more enjoyable in their life, The Mayo Clinic, for example, suggests you try to maintain regular contact with your children through “visits, phone calls, emails, texts or video chats”. If you feel unhappy, lean on (depend on … for support) loved ones or your mental health providers. Above all, stay positive: “Thinking about the extra time and energy that you might have to devote to your marriage or personal interests after your last child leaves home, it might help you adapt to this major life change.”
What can’t be denied, however, is that children often leave home. In modern societies, this is what they do. Christmas is the very time they can be depended on to return. For the non-religious, that may be this season’s true comfort and significance.
【小题1】The main reason for the busy traffic across Britain next week is that _______.

A.young students will travel home for Christmas.
B.young people will travel in every direction.
C.it is a large movement of human beings
D.the traffic flows will be more contradictory
【小题2】From the second paragraph we can learn that the writer _______.
A.went home every week to wash dirty clothes
B.understood his parents’ desire of seeing him
C.didn’t understand his parents’ feelings
D.went home to see his parents regularly
【小题3】The underlined word “remedies” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
【小题4】From the last paragraph we know that _______.
A.in modern society, children should leave home
B.Christmas is likely a time for family reunion
C.the significance of Christmas is celebration
D.Christmas is not a comfort for the non-religious
【小题5】From the passage we can infer that by writing the article the writer is to _______.
A.persuade the young to show concern for their parents
B.ask the young to go home regularly
C.make the young understand their parents’ interest
D.enable the young to be more independent


A sandstorm, also known as a dust storm, is exactly what it sounds like. A very strong windstorm especially in the desert carries clouds of sand or dust that greatly reduces visibility. This wind is usually caused by convection currents (对流气流), which are created by intense heating of the ground, and is usually strong enough to move entire sand dunes. Air is unstable when heated, and this instability in the air will cause higher winds to mix with winds in the lower atmosphere, producing strong surface winds.
Sandstorms can disturb people’s travel, and can sometimes destroy whole roads, and dry flat areas. Similar dust storms can be found on the planet Mars, and are thought to be seasonal. Today, the destruction of forests and too much farming of farmland can lead to sandstorms. Too much use of water resources can also cause sandstorms.
In the United States of America, sandstorms are rare because of the lack of large deserts and more importantly the development of proper agricultural techniques. The last recorded destructive sandstorm in American history was the Dust Bowl, which occurred on July 16, 1971 and was widely recorded by meteorologists (气象学家).
To protect themselves from sandstorms, some people wear protective suits. Special equipment can be fixed in some cars to prevent sand from getting into the engine. Sandstorms can cause coughs, and the sand and dust has also been known to carry “infectious diseases”. Sand particles, unlike dust ones, will block air passages, and cause a person who breathes them in to choke. Dust particles may cause an allergic (过敏的) reaction.
【小题1】Which of the following plays the first part in forming sandstorms?

A.The instability of the sand.
B.The instability of the wind.
C.The intense heating of the ground.
D.The speed of the wind.
【小题2】From the second paragraph, we can learn that at present _______.
A.sandstorms are more often seen on Mars than on Earth
B.sandstorms have led to the lack of clean water resources
C.farming brings more harm than benefits to humans
D.human activities are a major cause of sandstorms
【小题3】The author will most probably agree that ________.
A.there will soon be no sandstorms in the USA
B.humans haven’t thought of any way to deal with sandstorms
C.death caused by sandstorms is increasing all the time
D.humans should make more efforts to stop soil turning into desert


Last year, on report card day, my son and a bunch of his 13-year-old friends piled into the back seat of my car, ready for the last-day-of-school party at McDonald’s. “Jack got a laptop for getting straight A’s, and Laurie got a cellphone,” one boy said. “Oh, yeah, and Sarah got an iPod Nano, and she’s only in third grade,” said another. “And how about Brian? He got $ 10 for each A.”
I suddenly became concerned. These payoffs might get parents through grammar school, but what about high school and beyond? What would be left after the electric guitar, the cellphone, and the portable DVD player?
I saw the road ahead: As the homework load increased, my income would decrease. I saw my comfortable lifestyle vanish before my eyes-no more of those $ 5 bags of already-peeled organic carrots. No more organic anything!
I started to feel surprised and nervous. Would every goal attained by my two children fetch a reward? A high grade point average? A good class ranking? Would sports achievements be included in this reward system: soccer goals, touchdowns, runs-batted-in? What about orchestra? Would first chair pay more than second? I’d be penniless by eighth-grade graduation.
“We never paid anything for good grades,” said my neighbor across the street, whose son was recently accepted at MIT. “He just did it on his own. Maybe once in a while we went out for pizza, but that’s about it.”
Don’t you just hate that? We’re all running around looking for the MP3 player with the most updates, and she’s spending a few dollars on pizza. She gets motivation; we get negotiation.
1.The sentence “As the homework load increased, my income would decrease.” in the third paragraph probably means _____________.
A.taking care of the children would influence my work
B.I would spend more money on my children’s homework
C.reducing children’s homework load would cost me a lot
D.more rewards would be needed as the children grew up
2.We can tell from the passage that the author’s son was in ___________.
A.primary school B.junior middle school   C.high school        D.university
3.It can be inferred from the passage that ____________.
A.if you pay the children for good grades, they would take it for granted
B.if you buy children pizza for good grades, they would work harder
C.children would not ask for rewards when they enter high school
D.children would not ask for rewards when they enter university
4.The example of the author’s neighbor shows that ____________.
A.pizza is the best way to motivate children
B.reward is not the only way to motivate children
C.the author’s neighbor was very poor
D.the author’s neighbor’s son didn’t like reward
5.What is the author’s attitude toward paying children reward for good grades?
A.Favorable B.Ambiguous      C.Disagreeable    D.Unknowable


Last week Adele's second album, 21, sold 257,000 copies in the UK, a sales figure that would look incredible as an opening sales week for any album by any global superstar. The fact that the album was celebrating its 10th week at No.1, and that each of the previous nine weeks it had sold over 100,000 copies, makes what Adele has achieved look miraculous. The last female singer to spend that long at No.1 in the UK was Madonna in 1990 with her greatest hits compilation, The Immaculate Collection.
For Adele, the success of 21 is part of a perfect storm of talent, timing and a connection that went beyond gender, age and credibility. But what does it say about the state of the music industry? Does Adele's success signal a return to the MOR(适合大众口味的音乐) musical depression, when the likes of James Blunt dominated the charts? Her success may well lead to a great many similar acts aiming for an MOR audience, but that's more the fault of an industry desperate to recreate any kind of success by creating poor copies until the world shouts "stop now".
What seems to have set Adele apart is her apparent ordinariness, besides that incredible voice. While Gaga parades around in a dress made of meat and Beyonce orbits a world out of touch to the majority of most human beings, Adele's chain-smoking, girl-you'd-like-to-go-to-the-pub-with persona stands out. Even for a British act, her ordinariness goes against trend, with fellow Jessie J adopting a very American habit of over-emoting, talking about a "journey" and making the idea of being a pop star seem fairly difficult.
It's this universality and broad appeal that's helped her translate talent into sales. While the first single from 21, Rolling in the Deep, appealed to Radio 1 listeners and bloggers, the second single, Someone Like You, is so successful that silenced the grand O2 Arena during this year's Brit Awards. The press can write pages and pages in that there's enough of a connection of musicians – Rick Rubin worked on the album, there's a cover of the Cure, Mumford & Sons were an influence – while the gossip magazines have been excited by the fact that the album is one long break-up record, eager to find the ex.
In 1990, Madonna was a global superstar with a back catalogue of era-defining hits to her name. She was untouchable and, tellingly, unknowable. She was (and still is) a megastar, but a megastar of a different age. These days, we want to know a bit more about our artists; that they have relationship problems, walk their dog. Her selling point and appeal is precisely the fact that she exists at the point between everyday ordinariness and pop star.
For now, Adele's success should be celebrated, especially for becoming an unlikely global star on her own terms. The danger is that we're headed for a lot of fairly boring pop, a situation that led to the "birth" of Gaga a few years back. Pop goes in cycles and it feels like we're headed back towards the very middle of MOR.
【小题1】Adele’s achievement seems unbelievable for the reason that ____________.

A.the sales of her second album achieved an incredible success last week in the UK
B.her second album ranked first in a row with the incredible average sales per week
C.Madonna was the last female singer in the UK to stay at No. 1 as long as she did
D.she is such an ordinary singer with so fascinating a voice in the music industry
【小题2】According to the author, the success of Adele’s second album __________________.
A.to a large extent depends on her apparent talent for music
B.is because of her extraordinariness and the wonderful voice
C.lies in gift, timing and something beyond sex, age and trust
D.is largely due to the state of the music industry currently
【小题3】Compared with other female pop stars, what does the author think of Adele?
A.She stands out in a totally different way from Gaga and Beyonce.
B.She and Madonna are contemporary megastars in music.
C.Only she and Madonna spent that long at No.1 in the UK.
D.Jessie J and she both have an American habit of expressing themselves.
【小题4】What helped Adele successfully turned her gift of singing into sales?
A.Her musical talent.
B.The joint work of musicians in the album.
C.Her incredible voice.
D.Her universality and broad appeal.
【小题5】The author thinks that the current musical trend in the UK is _______________.

