A.has to意思是“不得不.必须 .这里引出所要做的事. 查看更多




1.I don't think I will be ________(厌倦)in Ms Shen's class!

2.Secondary school in the US usually ________(包括)seven years, grades six to twelve.

3.Some students were ________(尴尬)at first but everyone was friendly and it was really nice.

4.Applicants for the job must have ________(以前的)experience.

5.Li Kang is very ________(印象深刻)with the teachers and the technology in his new school.

6.He was ________(失望)to hear the news.

7.He took a friendly ________(态度)to us.

8.The space technology of our nation is developing at an ________(令人吃惊的)speed.

9.She has learned to make coffee with a new ________(方法).

10.________(换句话说), we all can't go camping this weekend.

11.High school students, especially those of Grade 3 should ________(参加)more after-school activities.

12.Students are all ________(盼望)the arrival of summer vacation.

13.As a freshman in college, I found everything in the campus so ________(极好的).

14.I get a lot of ________(乐趣)from my teaching work.

15.The school year ________(分成)two semesters.

16.China and the U.S.have different educational ________(体制).

17.The sun ________(消失)behind a cloud.

18.Thanks to modern ________(技术), we have a much higher standard of living.

19.The foreign guests were ________(吃惊的)at the rapid development of China.

20.Their success is a great ________(鼓励)to us.



Over time computers have been changed quite a lot. The computer     

was c___________ a technological revolution and the start of articficial               1. _________

intelligence. Alan Turning ________ a book about how the computer could 2. __________

be made to work as a u       machine to solve any difficult mathematical        3. __________

problem. From then on, it grew r_________ both in size and in brainpower.         4. __________

By the 1940s it had grown as large as a room. As time ________ by, it                  5. __________

was made smaller. In the early 1960s people could share ________(知识)         6. __________

with each other through the World Wide Web. _______ the 1970s many               7. __________

new _________(应用) have been found and computers become very          8. __________

important in communication, finance and trade. B_______, it has been       9. ___________

put into_______(机器人) and used to make mobile phones as well as         10.___________

help with medical operations.




A.Option of home schooling is around for a long time

B.Recent years’ growth of home schooling

C.The unpleasant situation of school education

D.Advantages in home schooling

E.Parents should be responsible for child’s education

F.Home schooling is not a perfect choice

1.Home schooling is an option that is becoming more attractive to parents as time goes on. Schools have become increasingly unstable over the past couple of decades. The textbooks are outdated, violence is common, children are shot without mercy, and the quality of education on the whole has greatly diminished.

2.The option of home schooling has been around for a long time; however, until recently it had not been so popular. The idea of home schooling seems like a cure-all to many parents due to the advantages this type of education provides over traditional schools.

3.Children who are home schooled can avoid many of the problems schools have become known for. For one, the environment is less threatening. Children can learn without fearing other students. In addition, home schooling allows parents to dictate the academic course of their children. Home schooling also allows students to proceed at their own speed. If a child is weak at multiplication and division, a parent can focus lessons on those skills in favor of another skill that the child might understand rather easily.

4.It may sound like the perfect option, but there are many disadvantages of home schooling. First of all, home schooled children are usually less socialized. While schools can sometimes be the breeding ground for poor social behaviors, school is also a place where students learn to interact with others and build social skills. In addition, another drawback to home schooling could be implementation of an educational plan. Many parents are not qualified as teachers and may not understand what is necessary to ensure a child has access to the proper curriculum.

5.Finally, another disadvantage to home schooling is the necessity for parents to take full responsibility for their child’s education. If you choose to home school your child, there is no one for you to blame if your child does poorly. The responsibility falls completely on the parent.




1.He was _______(激发)only by his wish to help me, and expected nothing in return.

2.The inventor was rewarded by the government for his scientific _______(成就).

3.These toys are a real _______(便宜货)at such low prices.

4.He has _______(决心)to overcome any difficulties in his study.

5.Please _______(移走)the vase from the table.

6.He found it hard to _______(集中)his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes.

7.Is her husband in work or _______(失业)?

8.His paper _______(包含)no mistake at all.

9.His _______(号召)you to vote against the motion was thoughtful.

10.We _______(打败)Class One in the volleyball match.

11.The school is widely _______(钦佩)for its excellent teaching.

12.She was even less _______(热心地)about going to Spain.

13.My car is not as _______(可靠)as it used to be.

14.I’ll call back at a more _______(方便的)time.

15.A good salesperson has to be _______(有进取精神)in today’s competitive(竞争的)market.



A.Make a well-balanced daily plan

B.Predict how long tasks will take

C.Keep records of where your time is going

D.Handle things in order of importance

E.Learn to reject others’ demands

F.Analyze the distribution of your time

How to Manage Your Time Effectively

It has been said that “Time is Money” – but I disagree. Isn’t Time really LIFE? At the end of your life, can you even imagine saying to yourself, “I wish I’d made more money.” It’s more likely you’d be thinking “I wish I’d had more TIME – time to enjoy my life more.” Here are my favorite strategies for managing that most precious of all resources – TIME.


You can’t find something you’ve lost when you don’t know where you might have lost it in the first place. So keep track of the exact time you begin and end an activity, and write down a few words to describe the activity. This requires you to be really honest with yourself and track your time – so if you spent 23 minutes chatting with coworkers over coffee – write it down EXACTLY!


Review your time logs(记录)and start to classify the tasks into categories(范畴). You will create these categories yourself. Some examples might be: Administration, Business Development, Sales & Marketing, Computer, etc. You will then sum up how much time you spent doing tasks or activities for each category, in the exact number of minutes. You might also do a little math, to figure the percentage of time each category takes out of each day.


If you were honest and diligent, chances are that you had suddenly awakened after you reviewed your daily time logs. You no doubt can see where the time is wasted – and now you’re ready to make a better schedule. Make the best of your time by considering when you’re at your best for certain tasks, by grouping similar tasks together for greater efficiency, and by setting aside certain time for doing uninterrupted work. Think where different tasks can best fit into your day. Then actually write this routine down and post it where you see it every day.


You can create your own easy tools to do this. On one sheet of paper, create 5 sections: High Priorities(优先), Secondary Priorities, People to Contact, Telephone calls, and Schedule. You can fill this out each day, first thing in the morning. Each day, ask yourself: “If nothing else gets done today, what are the one or two items that absolutely. MUST be done?” You should also regularly go back to the time logging exercise, so you can determine if you are slipping back into those old had habits and take immediate steps to get back on track.


More often than not, we take on more than we should because we don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings. When we burden ourselves too much, we are not only creating unnecessary stress in our lives, but we are also creating potential situations where we cannot deliver what we’ve promised. We also don’t realize that when we can’t deliver what we’re promised, we can unintentionally cause more pain than if we’d had turned that down in the first place, remember, you’re not doing any favors for yourself or anyone else by taking on more than you can reasonably deliver.


