A.finish后面跟动名词. 查看更多




My husband used to be a workaholic(工作狂).Nothing seemed to be more ____ to him than his work,not even his family.

He usually ____at 6 o’clock,and our ____ and I were still asleep then,and then left ____ having breakfast. I asked him to have breakfast ____,but he said it’s a waste of ____.I didn’t know what kept him so____.He even couldn’t finish all his work in the office. He came back at ten at night. However,I never expected that he would give me a kiss.____he got home,he would start to____.The kids had already been in bed,of course.

“Mom,where is Dad?Why I ____ see him?”the kids often asked.

“Well,Dad has to work. He is busy,”I always____like this. As time went by,they didn’t ask where their dad was again. Perhaps they had____that they had a dad. However,the situation changed several months ago.

Jenny,our daughter,suddenly became____.I sent her to the hospital.The____told me that she was seriously ill and that she was calling____all the time. Tears burst into my eyes when I____that.I finally called my ____and told him about that. Half an hour later,he came to the hospital and held Jenny’s little hands.

He____another job two weeks later.

“I just wanted to make as much___as possible for you and our kids. But now,I just want to____as much time as possible with you and the kids,”he said and that’s what he is doing now.

1.A. possible                        B.interesting              C.important      D.relaxing

2.A. sat down               B.got up                   C.stoop up       D.came up

3.A. kids                     B.pets             C.neighbors                       D.parents

4.A. on                     B.with                    C.without          D.after

5.A. in the office            B.on the way             C.in school         D.at home

6.A. money                 B.time                    C.energy          D.food

7.A. tired                   B.busy                    C.fast              D.excited

8.A .As soon as              B.In the end              C.Long before      D.Long after

9.A. eat                     B.sleep                  C.work             D.write

10.A. often                 B.never                 C.sometimes                 D.cheated

11.A. shouted              B.asked                  C.replied                    D.cheated

12.A. thought              B.forgotten         C.ignored               D.minded

13.A. fine                           B.worse            C.ill            D.angry

14.A. teacher              B.boss             C.officer                 D.doctor

15.A. mom                 B.sir                      C.dad             D.madam

16.A. noticed               B.realized          C.heard                 D.felt

17.A. mother               B.child                   C.brother        D.husband

18.A.  received           B.lost                     C  changed         D.found

19.A. money                         B.happiness              C.value            D.laughter

20.A. spend                B.make            C.set                    D.steal






We always believe life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another then still another. Then we think the kids aren’t old enough and we’ll be more content when they are. After that we think we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.

We always tell ourselves our life will be complete when we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vacation when we retire. The truth is that there’s no better time than right now. If not now, when? Our life will always be filled with challenges. It’s best to admit this to ourselves and try to be happy from now on.

One of my favorite quotes(引语)comes from Alfred Souza. He said, “For a long time it seemed to me real life was about to begin. But there were always some difficulties in the way, something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it was clear to me that these difficulties were my life.”

This view has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment that you have.

And remember time waits for no one. So stop waiting until you finish school; until you get married; until you have kids; until you retire; until you get a new car; until spring.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So, work like you don’t need money, love like you’ve never been hurt. And dance like no one’s watching.

Try to do what you like and enjoy what you can enjoy at present or you will feel regretful when you are too old to do anything.



Happiness is a journey.


(1) ____________ feelings

● We can live a (2) _____________ life after we experience every important event.

● We can feel happier after we (3) _____________ every great dream.

The true situation

● We can’t find any time better than now.

● Our life is always (4) _____________.

● There will always be (5) _____________ in our life.

● Difficulties themselves are (6) _____________.

 (7) ____________

● No way (8) ______________ to happiness.

● Happiness itself is the way.

The right performance

● Don’t wait until you have gone through every important stage and reached every great aim.

● (9) ______________ every moment in our life.

● Do what you like and be (10) ______________ you are.




Tom Smith was a writer. He wrote detective(侦探) stories for magazines. One evening he could not find an end for a story. He sat with his type writer(打字机) in front of him, but he had no idea . So he decided to go to the cinema.

When he came back, he found that the had a visitor. Someone had broken into his room. The man had had a drink, smoked several of Tom's cigarettes(香烟) and had read his story. The visitor left Tom a note:

"I have read your story and I don't think much of it. Please read my advice and then you can finish it. By the way, I am a thief. I am not going to steal anything tonight. But if you become a successful writer, I will return!"

Tom read thief's advice. Then he sat down and wrote the rest of the story. He was still not a successful writer, and he was waiting for his thief to return. Before he went out in the evening, near his typewriter he always left a story which had not been finished.

1.Tom went to the cinema because he ________.

[  ]

A.Hoped to get ideas

B.was feeling tired

C.hated to see a visitor

D.wanted to see a film

2.The visitor came to Tom's room ________.

[  ]

A.to have a drink

B.to see Tom

C.to read Tom's story

D.to steal something

3.The visitor thought that Tom's story was ________.

[  ]

A.quite good

B.not well written

C.too short

D.not exciting

4.The thief said that he would ________.

[  ]

A.steal Tom's stores

B.write more stories

C.come and steal Tom's things

D.come every night

5.Tom found the thief's advice ________.

[  ]



1.What’re the speakers talking about?
A. Popular sports events.
B. TV programs people like best.
C. Things people do after work.
2. What time will Professor Smith finish his talk?
A. At about 1: 45.
B. At about 2: 15.
C. At about 2: 45.
3. Where does the woman want to go?
A. An office.
B. A fruit shop.
C. A police station.
4. What do you know about Peter Schmidt?
A. He has lost his ticket.
B. He is expecting a ticket.
C. He went out to buy a ticket.
5. Where are the two speakers now?
A. On the first floor.
B. On the fourth floor.
C. On the fifth floor.

