A. people B. workers C. scientists D. doctors 查看更多




  Very old people do raise moral problem for almost every-one who comes into touch with them.Their values— this can't be repeated too often— are not necessarily our values.Physical comfort,cleanness and order are not necessarily the mostimportant for them.The social services from time to time findthemselves faced with a flat with going-bad food covered withdust on the table,and an old person lying alone on bed,takingno notice of anything.Is it doing harm to per sonal freedom toinsist that they go to live with some of their relatives so thatthey might be taken better care of?Some social workers arethe ones who clean up the dust,thinking we are in danger ofcarrying this idea of personal freedom to the point where serious risks are being taken with the health and safety of the old.

  Indeed,the old can be easily burt or harmed.The body islike a car:it needs more care as it gets older.You can carrythis comparison right through to the provision of spare parts Never forget that such operations are painful experiences,however good the results.At what point should you stoptreating the old body?Is it right to try to push off death by using drugs to excite the forgetful old mind and to activate the old body,knowing that there is little hope?You cannot ask doctors or scientists to decide,because so long as they can seethe technical opportunities,they will feel sure to have a try onthe belief that while there's life,there's hope.

  When you talk to the old pcoople,however,you areforced to the conclusion that whether age is happy or unpleasnt depends less on money or on health than it does on your ability to have fun.


From Paragraph 1,we can infer that ________

[  ]


very old people enjoy living with their relatives


very old people are able to keep their rooms clean


social services could have nothing to do with very old people


very old people prefer to live alone so that they can have more personal freedom


Some social workers think that ________

[  ]


one should not take risks of dealing with old people


old people should have the idea of cleaning their rooms


personal freedom is more important than health and safety


health and safety are more important than personal freedom


The word“it”in the last paragraph refers to ________

[  ]


whether age is happy or unpleasant


the conclusion you have come to


one's money or one's health


your talk to the old people


The author thinks that ________

[  ]


the opimion that we should try every means possible to save old people is doubtful


medical decisions for the old people sbntdd be left tothe doctors


old people can enjoy a happy life only if they are very rich


it is always right to treat old people and push off death



  American medical researchers have just reported the first scientific   proof that a small amount of exercise will help us live longerThe __1__ was carried out only by __2__ at Harvard and Stanford __3__It involved(涉及)about   17,00 __4__ who entered Harvard University __5__ 1956 and 1960The   scientists began their __6__ in 1960They studied   the medical __7__ of every one in the study __8__ of those living and dead.__9__ of the study group reported __10__ much they walked, how many   steps they __11__ and what kinds of __12__ they had each weekThe   scientists checked __13__ about height, weight, __14__ pressure and family history of heart   diseaseTheir __15__ showed exercise helped __16__   the chance of death from a number of __17__

  They found that two thirds of __18__ attack victims(受害者)were people who __19__ exercised.__20__ of the scientists said the most important __21__   was that people who do not exercise __22__ more heart diseaseAnd he said that __23__ might be easier now to __24__ people to   exercise when he said doctors __25__ them to


[  ]

A.work   B.plan   C.study   D.project


[  ]

A.scientists    B.students   C.teachers    D.doctors


[  ]

A.counties    B.states   C.universities   D.provinces


[  ]

A.scientists    B.students   C.professors   D.workers


[  ]

A.from    B.among   C.since   D.between


[  ]

A.experiment    B.tests   C.research       D.works 


[  ]

A.book    B.history   C.team   D.operation


[  ]

A.group    B.class   C.team    D.university 


[  ]

A.One    B.Scientists   C.Doctors    D.Members 


[  ]

A.so    B.how   C.too    D.very


[  ]

A.climbed    B.went   C.jumped   D.ran


[  ]

A.food    B.drinks   C.sports   D.medicine


[  ]

A.information    B.news   C.message        D.knowledge


[  ]

A.air    B.liquid   C.blood   D.flesh


[  ]

A.illnesses    B.exams   C.success   D.researches


[  ]

A.increase    B.give   C.reduce    D.bring 


[  ]

A.reports    B.teachers   C.students   D.diseases


[  ]

A.disease    B.heart   C.sudden   D.accident


[  ]

A.never    B.were   C.weren’t    D.had


[  ]

A.One    B.Two   C.Three   D.Some


[  ]

A.invention    B.discovery   C.sport     D.game


[  ]

A.causes    B.cause   C.has   D.have


[  ]

A.they    B.doctor   C.it    D.he


[  ]

A.teach    B.tell   C.organize   D.get


[  ]

A.advise    B.agree   C.invite    D.drive


     When expanded families-children, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles-lived in the same town and
sometimes in the same house, a relative of the working parents took care of the children. But beginning
with the Industrial Revolution, people moved away from farms and small towns to find better job chances
in larger cities. Gradually nuclear families are often seen in the society, but there also appears the
immediate family, with either the mother or the father living with the children because of divorce. Another
variation is the mixed family, the result of a marriage between a previously married man and woman who
combine the children from their former marriages into a new family.
     Since 1950s and 1960s, a trend that has appeared is the sharing of child-care responsibilities between husband and wife. More and more women are working outside the home. Around 70 percent of women
with children under 18 have other jobs besides that of mother and homemaker. Most are employed in
traditional fields for females, such as sales, education, and service. Some are engineers, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and scientists. And at the end of twentieth century, even a few have begun to occupy vital
positions in business, government, and banking, breaking through the so-called glass ceiling.
     Money matters influence women to work. Some are employed full time, some part time, and some
seek creative solutions such as flex-time work schedules and job sharing. Many are single mothers, in
single-parent family, raising children by themselves. But in most cases, one income in the household is
simply not enough, so both parents must work to support the family. The men are no longer the only
     So who watches the children while the parents work? Answers to this question are varied. Some
parents put children in day-care centers. Some parents put children in informal day-care centers in private homes. Companies and hospitals are realizing that providing day care at the workplace makes for happier and more productive employees. Some wealthy families can have a nanny, a woman who comes to care
for the children in their own home. Many of these child-care workers are from other areas, e.g. South
America and Eastern Europe.
     From the last decade, the accessibility of technology-computers, faxes, teleconferencing-has made it
easier for at-home workers to be constantly in touch. Will this new flexibility in the work force bring a
positive change for taking care of children? Only time will tell.
1. What is an immediate family according to the passage?
A. An expanded family.
B. A mixed family.
C. A nuclear family.
D. A single-parent family.
2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
A. Women can get to the top positions easily.
B. Educated women are employed in many fields.
C. Women have more and more chances to work outside.
D. More and more women have children at very young age.
3. Employers make their employees more productive by ______.
A. putting their children in private centers
B. offering office equipments to workers
C. providing day care at the workplace
D. allowing them to work at home
4. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?
A. Who Takes Care of Children?
B. Why do Women Work Outside?
C. What Benefits Single Parents?
D. How do People Support Families?


It’s time to get the first of at least two flu shots recommended for many Americans this fall. Vaccine against regular winter flu is ready.

Despite all the headlines about the new swine flu doctors do expect some garden-variety flu to hit this fall, too. And health authorities on Thursday asked people to go ahead and get that first shot out of the way before the lines start forming for swine flu vaccine next month.

“We must not let our guard down against seasonal flu”, said Dr. William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University.

More than 110 million doses (剂量)of vaccine against regular winter flu are expected this year, according to a new estimate from the Centers for Disease and Prevention. That’s not quite as much as last fall’s record supply. But typically fewer than 100 million Americans get flu vaccine, even though it’s recommended for the majority of the population, including adults 50 and older, all children ages 6 months to 18 years pregnant (孕)women, people of any with health problems like heart disease or a weakened immune system health workers, caregivers of the high-risk including babies younger than 6 months.

Now comes the confusing part.

   The new swine flu, what scientists formally call the 2009 H1N1 strain isn’t hitting older adults nearly as hard—but it’s spreading rapidly among children and young adults, and deaths so far have been mostly among people in their 20s. 30s and 40s.

    The regular flu vaccine won’t protect you against swine flu---that will require a separate shot once that vaccine stats arriving in mid-October.

1.Which of the following serves as the best title of this passage?

       A.Time to get vaccine against regular winter flu

       B.Two kinds of flu making things worse

       C.Vaccine for swine flu is in great demand

       D.Regular flu vaccine or swine flu vaccine

2.What can we learn from this passage?

       A.Teenagers are not likely to get the swine flu.

       B.Many Americans are not wiibng to get vaccine shots

       C.American are required to get vaccine shots by law.

       D.People will get swine flu vaccine shots for free

3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

       A.The regular flu vaccine will preset you against swine flu.

       B.The 2009 H1N1 did not after older people.

       C.Not as many old adults have died of H1N1 as young adults and children.

       D.Dr. William Schaffer warned people of the swine flu.

4.It seems that you have go get at least      shouts to protect yourself against the regular winter and the swine flu.

      A.2                        B.3                        C.4                        D.5



  The United States is not the only country affected by the “computer revolution ”. All the major countries of the world have computers, and the developing countries have also realized that computers play a big part in their economic development.

  Usually what one sees is a machine that looks like a typewriter; it is called a computer terminal (终端). But computers are also used in unseen ways. For example. they determine how much time there should be between traffic signals to prevent traffic problems and to keep millions of cars moving in an orderly flow. When you buy a car, a factory process (过程) that is controlled by a computer enables you to obtain a car with your own choice of colors and special features(特征) in just a few weeks' time. In medical laboratories, computers have reduced the mistakes in testing, and they have saved doctors' countless hours of work. Before long, medical histories of all Americans will be kept in computer “banks”. If a person becomes ill far from his home, local doctors will be able to get his medical record immediately. In science, the computer has performed in minutes experiments which would have required thousands of hours of work by human hands and minds.

  Most experts agree that computers are necessary to solve the problems of increasing population, city living, and public affairs. Without computers, the jobs of solving these problems would require millions of workers to do tons of paperwork. Before any computer can work on any problem, it must be told what to do. Someone must program the computer, step-by-step. At first this was done by having the programmer write out his instructions in the form of numbers which would be “understood” by the machine. Within a short time, attempts were made to perform a system that would enable humans to communicate more easily with machines. Different “languages” were developed by means of which the programmer could use words that had meanings for him, and another program in the machine would translate the words into the computer's number system.

  Without special training, it is impossible to understand exactly how a computer does its work. However, many people without scientific training use computers in their daily lives. In some American schools, for example, young children are being taught by computers for part of the school day.

  The use of computers in school has worried some Americans. There are those who fear it will remove human element (成分) from teacher-student relationships. On the other hand, there are educators who consider computer program a valuable means of freeing teachers from the more boring and tiring tasks, thus enabling them to spend more time with a single student.

  In education, as in business and industry, science and medicine, computers play an important part in almost every type of operation. The future will bring major advances in computer technology, which will aid man in his efforts to improve the world.

1.According to the context, the author has written the passage mainly for ________ .

[  ]

A.young children

B.experienced operators

C.common readers

D.scientists in the computer field

2.Operators of computers should give instructions to work in the form of program ________ .

[  ]

A.which are introduced in turn into computers

B.through which computers could process “language”

C.which could tell computers what to do and how to do

D.all of the above

3.The arguments for computer program used in education were that

[  ]

A.computers like toys would attract much attention of school children

B.there are lots of buttons which you can press for doing anything at your will

C.computer program would take the place of teachers, turning a school into a computer world

D.computers could give teachers the opportunity to spare time to deal with students respectively

4.Which of the following best express the main idea of this passage?

[  ]

A.The world will enjoy the beautiful picture of the computers.

B.Computer technology will change the human life.

C.Computer would work freely in the future.

D.Computer would work with a great memory-storage and at highest speed.

