L J. 公斤 Ⅸ.情景交际 从B栏中找出A栏各句最佳应答语 A B 查看更多



One day there was a horse eating grass in an old ____1_____tomato field.

A little frog was sitting nearby and he saw the big animal.It’s perhaps ____2_____ biggest animal l have ever seen. I must hop(跳跃、蹦)home and ____3_____ my father about it.

He hopped past the parent's house. He hopped around stacks of hay(干草堆).Father FrogFather Frog,”he cried.I saw a very big animal just now. It is the biggest animal I ____4_____ Maybe it is the biggest in the world.

How big? Like this? ”And the Father Frog puffed himself out(鼓起他自己的大肚皮).

Nono,”said the little frog. It was ____5_____ than that.

Wellwas it as big as this?asked the Father Frog.  And he blew himself even more.

Oh it was ____6_____ bigger than you.Father Frog was ____7_____ nowbecause he didn't like to

think that something was bigger than he. He thought for a minutethen he ____8_____ one more try.

He puffed and puffed. He blew himself up ____9_____pop!

The little frog saw this. He was frightened and this ___10______ him a lesson. Never try to be bigger than it is possible for you.

1. ( )

A. parent                  B. parent's

C. peasant                 D. peasants

2. ( )

A. a                      B. an

C. the                     D.

3. ( )

A. say                    B speak

C. tell                     D. talk

4. ( )

A. have ever seen            B. ever have seen

C. ever saw                D. saw ever

5. ( )

A. much big                B. very bigger

C. far bigger               D. much bigger

6. ( )

A. so                      B. still

C  very                   D. more

7. ( )

A. happy                   B. not happy

C. pleased                 D. beautiful

8. ( )

A. did                     B. made

C. used                   D. carried

9. ( )

A. and                    B. so

C. until                   D. while

10. ( )

A. give                   B. gave

C. given                    D. giving



Weather In England

In England winter is not very cold and summer is____1____ l hot. There____2____ 2 a great differ once between summer____3____ winter. Why is this?

England has a warm winter and a____4____ summer because it is____5____ island country. In winter the sea is____6____ than the lan              d. The winds from the sea____7____ warm air to England. In summer the sea is coo1er____8____ the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air

to England.

The____9____ winds blow over England all the year. They blow from the southwest. They

Are ___10_____ winds. They bring ___11_____ to England all the year. England has a lot of rain

all the year. The west of England is ___12_____ than the east. The winds must blow over the

highland in the west. They drop more rain there. The east ____13____ England is drier than the


The four seasons are all____14____ months long. If you want to visit England, you can go


1. ( )

A. very              B. badly

C. not very              D. too

2. ( )

A. is not              B. doesn’t have

C. is              D. has

3. ( )

A. or              B. and

C. but              D. to

4. ( )

A. cold              B. cool

C. hot              D. warm

5. ( )

A. a              B. an

C. this              D. one

6. ( )

A. warmer              B. warm

C. hot              D. hotter

7. ( )

A. carry              B. are

C. bring              D. take

8. ( )

A. on              B. than

C. then              D. for

9. ( )

A. west              B. east

C. southeast              D. Southwest

10. ( )

A. cool              B. winter

C. wet              D. cold

11. ( )

A. cloud              B. rain

C. cold              D. snow

12. ( )

A. wet              B. drier

C. wetter              D. colder

13. ( )

A. over              B. of

C. in              D. from

14. ( )

A. two      f;          B. four

C. three              D. same

15. ( )

A. only in spring              B. only in autumn

C. only in winter              D. at any of the four seasons



I am a person who can get angry easily. But since I read an article from my English teacher, Things  l  a lot.

I am  2  at a boarding(寄宿的) school , so I  3  learn not only how to

study well, but also how to  4  with others. Some of us are  5  while others are quiet.It is common that people have problems and argument. So  6  can we be tolerant(容忍)?

Smiling at  7  is the easiest way. Another way is to think  8  your ideas are reasonable(有道理的) and right  9  having an argument . If others' ideas are really not good, keep an open 10  . Try to forgive them. Having a friend is  11   better than having an enemy after all l

Also , don't point out others'  12 in public . This will mean people lose face and get  13  . If you really want to help, send a letter instead. On the other hand, if someone points out your disadvantages, don't be  14  . Just think this is a person who really wants to  15  you and become friends. Remember : Tolerance makes life easier.

(  )1. A. changed       B. have changed     C. change        D. are changing

(  )2. A. working   B. teaching        C. writing    D. studying

(  )3. A. can    B. may     C. have to        D. will

(  )4. A. keep up       B. get along   C. catch up   D. talk about

(  )5. A. busy        B. shy       C. serious      D. outgoing(外向的)

(  )6. A. why   B. where         C. how         D. what

(  )7. A. others    B. other     C. other     D. the other

(  )8. A. which  B. when     C. if (是否)      D. why

(  )9.A. until        B. while     C. before    D. when

(  )10. A. head        B. mind     C. brain     D. hand

(  )11. A. much       B. so      C. as      D. very

(  )12. A. thoughts     B. faces        C. mistakes       D. ideas

(  )13. A. lost   B. burnt     C. hurt     D. helped

(  )14. A. happy   B. angry         C. interested   D. confident

(  )15. A. worry      B. hurt         C. help     D. laugh at



Sometimes, even the best friends have fights. They disagree with each other and begin to argue. Sometimes, they even stop talking to each other and begin to argue. Sometimes, they even stop talking to each other. What can be done to help the two friends make up? Finding a good friend who knows both of them very well to be a peacemaker is a good way. Maybe one day you will be a peacemaker for your good friends. Here are some useful communication strategies for you to use.

l    State your feelings clearly but don’t criticize them. Begin with “I feel” instead of “You always...”

l    Don’t stop or finish the other person’s sentences.

l    Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Try to see the other person’s side of the disagreement.

l    Look the other person in the eyes when you are talking.

l    Ask questions to make sure that you understand them.

l    Repeat the other person’s ideas as you understand them.

l    Never put anyone down. Saying things like “You’re stupid” makes communication difficult.

Try to find a solution that makes the two friends happy. Never decide who is right and who is wrong. Instead, help them to find their own “win-win” solution. A “win-win” solution allows each of them to feel good. In this way, their friendship can be continued.

(56) Who can be a good peacemaker to stop fights between two friends?

A. One of their parents. B. One of their friends.

C. One of their teachers.   D. One of their sisters or brothers.

(57) Which of the following is the suitable language for a peacemaker?

A. “I think...”  B. “You always...” C. “You are stupid.”  D. “You are right.”

(58) How should the peacemaker behave when talking with the two friends?

A. Stop the other person’s sentences in time.

B. Repeat his own ideas to make himself understand.

C. Listen to the other person carefully and ask some questions.

D. Don't look at the other when you are talking.

(59) What does the phrase “put anyone down” mean in the article?

A. 令人失望  B. 不理睬人  C. 把人放下  D. 羞辱人

(60) How do you understand a “win-win” solution?

A. It is a way that helps make new friends.

B. It is a way that makes both people pleased.

C. It is a way that tells who is right and who is wrong.

D. It is a way to understand a person.



John is a little fatter than he wants to be.He wants to l  1   some weight(重量).So he is on a diet(节食).He t  2   not to eat too much and he eats very little s  3   because it will make him fat.He also does e  4   every day.He s  5   and he runs a  6   two kilometers a day.Now he is s  7   than before.John’s aunt, Julia,is h  8   than John.She is also t  9   than him.She exercises every day.She doesn’t eat much meat.She eats a lot of f  10   and vegetables, because she thinks they are better for her health.

