70.In which section of a newspaper can you find this passage? A.Entertainment. B.Technology. C.Politics. D.Opinion. PART FOUR WRITING SECTION A Directions: Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. The art of growing dwarf trees, or “bonsai as their Japanese planters call them, is increasing in popularity in the United States. Growing bonsai can make a fascinating hobby for anyone who enjoys plants and creating beautiful effects with them. However. how can we meet the goal of making such a kind of art? This maybe is the problem for many of us. There are. in fact. four important guidelines to follow in growing bonsai. First, one must be careful in choosing the type of tree. Not all species of trees can be made into bonsai, since the growing conditions are unusual. Second. one must be careful in choosing the size of the container the bonsai will be in. This is necessary because the major growth of bonsai is kept confined to the tree’s trunk and leaves. not its root system. Another thing the bonsai-grower must do is to trim the roots and branches of the tree periodically. Unless this is done. the plants will look unnatural. The Japanese ideal for bonsai is not to have the proper proportions and will have trees which are just like normal trees in everything. but in small size. The last thing one must do is to be careful to keep the miniaturetree well-watered. or it will die. As one can see from above. the art of bonsai-growing is one which requires a certain amount of time and effort. The satisfactions that growing bonsai brings can be great.however. Imagine having such a tree in your living room and passing it down through several generations of your family. That is exactly what bonsai-growing is all about:establishing a tradition of beauty which lasts for years and years and is a symbol of the beauties of the natural world. Title: 71. 72. To teach people how to grow bonsai 73. The right 74. 75. of trees can’t be made into bonsai.[ The right size of the container 76. is confined to its trunk and leaves. 77. It will make the plants look 78. Enough water It keeps the plants 79. Effects Bonsai – growing establishes a tradition of natural 80. beauty. SECTION B Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage. The Fourth of July marks the anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence from Britain. During the summer of 1776, American colonists were deeply divided. Almost one in three was loyal to Britain. Yet most were increasingly angry about what they considered unfair treatment by the British government. By June, fighting had already taken place between colonial forces and Britain. The idea of independence was spreading. Delegates from the 13 colonies gathered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Continental Congress decided that a document declaring separation from Britain should be declared. Thomas Jefferson led a committee chosen to write it. On July fourth, 1776, the Continental Congress voted to approve the Declaration of Independence. It says that people have the right to change their government if it denies them their rights. It states that everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Today, the Fourth of July is a time for friends and families to gather. They might play sports and eat hot dogs, hamburgers and other foods cooked outdoors. They might watch a parade in their community. At night, many people gather to watch fireworks bursting in the sky. In Washington, D.C. this year, thousands of people will attend a concert with performances by musicians including Reba McIntire, Darius Rucker and Gladys Knight. There will also be a huge fireworks show with more than 2,500 shells exploding over the National Mall. Another event that traditionally takes place on the National Mall this weekend is the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. This year's event celebrates the cultures of Mexico and Asian Pacific Americans. Visitors can hear the music, eat the food and learn about the many traditions of these cultures. The third subject of the festival is called "Smithsonian Inside Out." Smithsonian experts will have a chance to present their research and knowledge to the public. 查看更多



       Our fly-away vacation have been created with American visitors in mind.

For one, we have made getting to Europe easy. Systemwide, we serve nine European cities. From New York, we fly nonstop to Paris, Frankfurt and Zurich, with continuing service to Geneva.

Second, we have designed these vacation package tours the way Americans like to travel. We have picked hotels that give you the flavor of Europe while providing real value for your money.

We Americans have always like making up our own minds. We have tours by escorted (护卫)motor coach or your own rental car. And land packages in Paris that start as low as $ 299—$1289.

Another advantage of our fly-away vacations is that they are at a set US price. You needn’t worry about the changes in European currency. Then there is our fly-away vacation warranty. It’s your assurance that Americans stand behind your fly-away vacations.

You will find all the details of our warranty and of our European fly-away vacations in two free color brochures. Just call your travel agent or America toll-free at (800) 433-7300 to get yours.

* Restrictions:Price is valid through 10/31/88 and is per person based on double occupancy for 6 nights. Price is subject to change without notice and does not include air fare, taxes or surcharges. Hotel subject to availability on certain dates. Warranty details available upon request.

11.In which section of the newspaper can you find this passage?

       A. Entertainment.        B. News.               C. Advertisement.          D. Sports.

12.Which is not the advantage according to the passage?

       A. Make it easy to Europe.                         B. Easy to get travelling information.

       C. No changeable US price.                        D. Different ways to tour.

13.What does the underlined word “warranty” in Paragraph five mean?

       A. Introduction.            B. Notice.              C. Suggestion.                     D. Promise.

14.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

              A. The price of the fly-away vacation is fixed.

       B. Price is always valid, so you do not need to worry.

       C. During the tour, there is no other type of tours.

       D. There are only a few stops during the tour.

15.What is the best title of this passage?

       A. Go shopping in Europe.                         B. The beautiful scenes of Europe.

       C. How to take a plane.                              D. Travelling around Europe.



Saya, the teacher doesn’t mind being pinched(掐), or if the students play in class: she’s a robot designed to show children that science and technology can be fun subjects.

Saya, a life – like female who started her career as a robot receptionist at Japanese companies and was then reprogrammed to teach, gave a lesson to fifth – graders at Tokyo’s Kudan Elementary School after being carried to the podium in the classroom.

Professor Hiroshi Kobayashi, who built Saya, says she’s not meant to replace human teachers, but to bring the joy of technology to children. “We’re not looking at making something that will take over from teachers. Our main reason for building this robot is to use new technology to teach children about technology,” he said. “But Saya may be able to help in schools where there’s a shortage of teachers,” he added. “In the countryside and in some small schools, children don’t have the chance to come into contact with new technology and also few teachers there can teach these lessons.So we hoped to be able to develop this robot to be remotely controlled to teach these classes.”

Many of the children were attracted by Saya, and didn’t take their eyes off her throughout the lecture. When class was over, some students pinched her. “ It’s so much more fun than regular classes,” said10 – year – old Nanako Iijima.

The children’s human teacher, however, was not as impressed with the robot as her students. “I am impressed that they’ve got robots to go this far, but on the other hand they still have a long way to go before they can make it a truly robotic teacher.” Akito Fukuda, the school’s science teacher said.

Japan, home to almost half of the world’s 800,000 industrial robots, expects the industry to expand to $10 billion in the future including models that will be able to care for its fast – growing elderly population.

1.Saya was first designed to         

       A.be touched by students                        B.teach children about science

       C.work as a robot receptionist                  D.work together with scientists

2.The underlined word “podium” in Paragraph 2 probably means “        ”.

       A.a surface for teachers to stand on          B.a board for teachers to write on

       C.a toy for students to play with               D.a video for students to watch

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

       A.Saya needn’t be remotely controlled while having classes.

       B.Robots like Saya will replace human teachers in the future.

       C.Some children in the countryside know little about new technology.

       D.It’s difficult for most Japanese teachers to teach children about technology.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

       A.Saya is the first life – like female robot in history.

       B.Robots like Saya will replace human teachers in the future.

       C.Some children in the countryside know little about new technology.

       D.It’s difficult for most Japanese teachers to teach children about technology.

5.In which section of a newspaper can you find this passage?

       A.Entertainment.     B.Technology.        C.Politics.               D.Opinion.



Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

  A 63-year-old man who hasn't slept for more than two decades has been told there is nothing wrong with him by doctors.

  Ukrainian Fyodor Nesterchuk from the town of Kamen-Kashirsky said the last time he managed to sleep was more than two decades ago.

  "I can't remember the exact date and I don't know why it started, but all of a sudden I found it more and more difficult to nod off until eventually I was awake the entire night.I used to read boring scientific magazines in the hope that they would send me to sleep.But as soon as I felt my eyes getting closed and put the magazine down, I would find myself wide awake again.I thought it would just be a period of time but it has gone on for over two decades now and I've simply had to get used to it.Now when everyone else sleeps I get stuck into a good book," said Nesterchuk.

  All attempts by doctors to put him to sleep have failed.Local doctor Fyodor Koshel who has examined Nesterchuk extensively and has been unable to make him fall asleep, said he has no idea of the cause of the insomnia and added medically there is nothing wrong with him."We have no idea why he can't sleep, maybe it's the result of a past illness.But in terms of medical science, he's not in any pain and so there isn't anything actually wrong with him," said Dr Koshel.


What is special about Nesterchuk?

[  ]


He hasn’t slept for more than two decades and is quite weak now.


Only doctors can make him sleep with the help of medicines.


He hasn’t slept for over 20 years but he is still healthy.


He hasn’t slept for over 2 years and he is worried about himself.


The underlined word “insomnia” in the last paragraph probably means ________.

[  ]










Which of the following is TRUE about Nesterchuk’s failing to sleep?

[  ]


Only Nesterchuk himself knows why it started.


No one is sure about why it started.


It must have been a past illness that caused it.


With medical analysis, his doctor knows how it started.


In which section of a newspaper are you most likely to find this passage?

[  ]


Front Page








  China loves exhibitions.Exhibitions provide people with a chance to see what is available, and perhaps more importantly, what may be available.In order to make your visit more efficient, the rules listed below may be of some help to you.

  Avoid attending the opening ceremony

  Unless your company is sponsoring(主办)the exhibition, find out when the opening ceremony is and show up about 30 minutes after that.The opening ceremony is like a starting gun as soon as it's over, the gathered crowds will rush to the doors to get inside the exhibition halls.

  Don't be distracted by pretty models

  Hot cars and pretty girls may go well together, but don't be distracted by them.Remember what you really want to see at an exhibition.

  Go early

  Unlike the western competitors, Chinese exhibitors don't give away a lot of freebies during exhibitions.So, if you want the freebies, go to the show on the first day, right after the opening ceremony.

  Don't go during lunch hour

  Lunch is like a daily national holiday in China.Lunch hour, unfortunately, leaves exhibition booths manned by guys who are more interested in stuffing food into their mouths than explaining the product or promoting the company.

  Avoid any booth with a big screen TV, a video game, or a loudspeaker

  These are cheap ways of attracting consumers to visit a booth, and it doesn't always guarantee that the vendor(卖主)has a good product to show.Its purpose is to attract people with an electronic dog-and-pony show.

  Hand your name cards out to everyone

  Take plenty of business cards in both Chinese and English with you when going to an exhibition.Hand them out to every exhibitor whose booth you visit.This method helps advertise the name of your company, so don't leave home without them!

  Follow the guards

  Guards are available to assist anyone in need of help and to keep order.So follow them and look for the best products to see at an exhibition.

  Set a time limit

  Prepare for what you want to see, how much time you want to spend and where you want to spend your time.

  Remember these rules and you will have a fruitful experience at an exhibition.


Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

[  ]


Lunch hour is a good time for you to visit a booth.


You'd better set a time limit.


You can ask for help from the guards.


Exhibitors usually hand out freebies on the first day of an exhibition.


What is the clever way to advertise your company according to the text?

[  ]


To hold an exhibition.


To hand your name cards out to every exhibitor you visit.


To attend the opening ceremony.


To visit all the booths at an exhibition.


What does the underlined word“freebies”mean?

[  ]


A kind of toy


Something given to somebody about a company


A kind of food


Something given to somebody without payment


What would be the best title for the text?

[  ]


Why Do You Attend an Exhibition


Rules for Attending an Exhibition in China


Rules for Holding an Exhibition in China


An Exhibition Means an Advertisement


The passage most probably appears in the section of ________ in a newspaper.

[  ]









