第三节 完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分.满分30分) It was a cool October evening. Excitement and family members 21 the hall. I was only a 7-year-old girl, but I was the center of 22 . Finally, after weeks of preparation, I would 23 all my hard work in a dance of performance. Everything would be 24 -so I thought. I waited backstage all 25 in my black tights with a golden belt. In a loud and clear voice, the master of ceremonies 26 that my class was next. My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet, facing the 27 . All I had to do in the next move was put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my box. I really was an 28 move. I was concentrating so much 29 the huge smile on my face and holding my head up that I did not look 30 I was going. I missed my partner’s box altogether and 31 . There I was standing on the stage floor when my classmates were on top of their boxes. I could hear giggles coming from the audience, and I felt the 32 rush to my face. I remembered my dance teacher had told us, “If you make a mistake, keep smiling so the audience will not 33 . I did my best to follow her 34 as I continued with the routine. When the curtain dropped, so did my 35 for the evening. I 36 bitterly, tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face. I ran backstage, but no one could 37 me down. Recently I realized I had been a 38 that night. I was 39 , but I fought the urge to run off the stage. 40 , I finished the routine with a smile on my face. Now when friends and family laugh about the time I slipped during a dance performance, I can laugh too. 21. A. filled B. visited C. attended D. decorated 22. A. pressure B. impression C. debate D. attention 23. A. take over B. show off C. look after D. give up 24. A. reasonable B. suitable C. obvious D. perfect 25. A. dressed up B. folded up C. covered up D. mixed up 26. A. suggested B. explained C. announced D. predicted 27. A. music B. audience C. curtain D. stage 28. A. easy B. active C. adventurous D. extra 29. A. containing B. hiding C. sharing D. keeping 30. A. why B. whether C. where D. what 31. A. wandered B. slipped C. waved D. skipped 32. A. blood B. pleasure C. pride D. tear 33. A. leave B. cheer C. believe D. notice 34. A. gesture B. example C. advice D. plan 35. A. doubts B. hopes C. voice D. patience 36. A. argued B. shouted C. begged D. sobbed 37. A. turn B. calm C. let D. put 38. A. star B. pioneer C. loser D. fool 39. A. satisfied B. moved C. embarrassed D. confused 40. A. However B. Instead C. In total D. in return 查看更多



It used to be our custom to take handmade baskets to friends on May Day.We would   21   baskets on a doorstep, knock on the door, and then run away as fast as our legs could   22   us.It was delightful to peer (窥视) around a bush and watch our friends open their   23   and pick up the colorful gift,   24   who had left it out for them.
I clearly   25   the May Day of the year when I turned ten.That year I was faced with a(an)   26   involving one of my dearest friends, Pam.We had studied and   27   together nearly every day, but things   28   after a new family had moved into our small town.Pam was spending more and more time at their house and I felt   29  and left out.
When my mother asked me   30   I was going to take a May Day basket to Pam’s house, I responded   31   , “Absolutely not! I hate Pam.” I began to cry.
Mom wiped away my   32   and told me that things and people change.She explained that one of the greatest things friends can do is to give each other a   33   to grow, to change and to develop, and that it’s   34   for one’s friends to spend time with other people.
I   35  decided to give Pam a basket as a sign of forgiveness, and asked my sister to help me do it.As we watched from our   36   place, Pam picked up the basket and said loudly enough for us to hear, “Thank you, Susie, I hoped you wouldn’t   37   me!”
That day, I made a   38   that changed my life: I decided to hold my friends tightly in my heart, but   39    in my expectations of them, allowing them   40   to grow and to change—with or without me.
21.A.hang         B.place         C.throw          D.give
22.A.send         B.transport          C.carry           D.support
23.A.baskets        B.eyes            C.arms            D.doors
24.A.asking         B.wondering           C.mentioning      D.informing
25.A.remember     B.experience          C.remind                D.grasp
26.A.plan         B.task             C.opportunity      D.challenge
27.A.lived         B.played             C.traveled           D.discussed
28.A.failed              B.finished           C.changed           D.proved
29.A.started         B.hurt             C.paid            D.injured
30.A.why              B.what         C.whether           D.how
31.A.anxiously     B.weakly         C.angrily            D.happily
32.A.tears         B.thoughts          C.unhappiness     D.freedom
33.A.reason         B.means          C.chance         D.direction
34.A.able        B.impossible       C.acceptable        D.doubtful
35.A.nearly             B.hardly             C.finally             D.generally
36.A.covering          B.hiding          C.cheering          D.passing
37.A.miss         B.forget              C.disturb             D.control
38.A.decision       B.mistake         C.suggestion        D.difference
39.A.deeply        B.shortly             C.highly             D.loosely
40.A.time         B.space           C.sense           D.care


I watched as my little brother was cahught in the act. He sat in the corner of the living room, a   21   in one hand and my father’s hymnbook(赞美诗集) in the other. Hearing my father coming, my brother  22    it slightly. He sensed that he had done something   23  . I saw  he had  24    my father’s new book and scribbled(乱写)on the first page in pen. Now,  25    at my father fearfully, we  26    waited for his punishment.My father    27   his book, looked at it, and then sat down without saying a word. He was a clergyman and the holder of several degrees. For him, books were knowledge, and yet, he    28   his children.Instead of  29  my brother, he sat down,   30   the pen from my brother’s hand and wrote in the book himself, “John’s work. 1959. aged three.”
The years and the books came and went. Our family   31  what all families go through. We   32  knew our parents loved us and that one   33  was the book by the piano. From time to time we   34  open it, look at the scribbles, read my father’s expression of love and feel   35  .
Now I know that through this   36  act my father taught us how every   37  in life has a positive side-if we are   38  to look at it from another angle. But he also taught us about what really matters in life:   39  ,not objects; tolerance, not judgment; love, no anger. Love is at the very   40  of a family.
When thinking about these, I smile and whisper, “Thank you, Dad. ”
21.A.toy                       B.knife                  C.pen                        D.cup
22.A.tore                      B.covered              C.wiped                     D.threw
23.A.wrong                   B.important            C.helpful                   D.great
24.A.borrowed              B.stolen                C.opened                   D.read
25.A.glancing                B.staring                C.coming                   D.laughing
26.A.all                        B.either                 C.both                       D.each
27.A.picked up              B.made up             C.put up                    D.wrapped up
28.A.admired                B.needed                C.hated                      D.loved
29.A.punished               B.trusting               C.helping                   D.praising
30.A.moved                  B.took                   C.brought                  D.robbed
31.A.spent                     B.experimented      C.suffered                  D.experienced
32.A.seldom                  B.always                C.never                      D.sometimes
33.A.proof                    B.result                  C.effect                     D.impression
34.A.might                    B.should                C.would                     D.could
35.A.excited                  B.encouraged         C.surprised                 D.frightened
36.A.rapid                     B.sudden                C.hard                       D.simple
37.A.event                    B.porblem              C.trouble                   D.accident
38.A.forbidden              B.chosen                C.prepared                 D.forced
39.A.money                  B.people                C.bilief                      D.spirit
40.A.corner                  B.mouth                C.bottom                   D.Heart


I teach economics at UNLV three times per week. Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I31asked my students how their weekend had been. One young man said that his weekend had not been so good. He had his wisdom teeth32. The young man then proceeded to ask me why I33seemed to be so cheerful.
His question34me of something I’d read somewhere before:“Every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to35life that day,” I said.“I choose to be cheerful.”
“Let me give you a(n)36,” I continued,37all sixty students in the class.“In addition to teaching here at UNLV, I also teach at the community college in Henderson, 17 miles down the freeway from where I live. One day a few weeks ago I drove to Henderson. I38the freeway and turned onto College Drive. I only had to drive another quarter mile down the road to the college. But just then my car39. I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldn’t40. So I put my flashers on, grabbed my books, and41down the road to the college.”
“As soon as I got there I called AAA(汽车协会) and42for a tow truck to meet me at my car after class. The secretary in the Provost’s office asked me what had happened.‘This is my43day,’ I replied, smiling.”
“‘But your car breaks down.’ She was puzzled.‘What do you mean?’”
“‘I live 17 miles from here.’ I replied.‘My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway. It didn’t.44, it broke down in the45place:off the freeway, within walking distance of here. I’m still able to teach my class, and I’ve been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class. If my car was46to break down today, it couldn’t have been arranged in a more convenient fashion.’”
“The secretary’s eyes opened wide, and then she smiled. I smiled back and headed for class.” So ended my story.
I47the sixty faces in my economics class at UNLV. Despite the early hour, no one seemed to be asleep.48, my story had touched them. Or maybe it wasn’t the story at all.49, it had all started with a student’s50that I was cheerful.
31.A.seriously     B.cheerfully           C.curiously            D.coldly
32.A.cut                B.broken               C.lost                    D.removed
33.A.never            B.seldom               C.always               D.sometimes
34.A.reminded              B.asked                 C.informed            D.mentioned
35.A.approach              B.love                   C.give                   D.enjoy
36.A.lesson            B.idea                   C.story                  D.example
37.A.addressing     B.facing                C.attracting            D.lecturing
38.A.entered          B.followed            C.exited                D.took
39.A.died                     B.destroyed           C.settled                D.parked
40.A.turn round     B.turn over            C.turn back            D.turn away
41.A.moved           B.marched             C.struggled            D.turned
42.A.required        B.applied               C.demanded           D.arranged
43.A.good             B.bad                    C.lucky                 D.hard
44.A.However              B.Therefore           C.Instead               D.Besides
45.A.perfect          B.empty                C.terrible           D.free
46.A.wished          B.asked                 C.supposed            D.meant
47.A.examined       B.scanned              C.studied               D.analyzed
48.A.Somehow      B.Anyhow             C.Thus                  D.Therefore
49.A.In addition     B.In all                 C.In fact                D.In general
50.A.observation    B.recognition         C.judgment            D.puzzle


Not long before,my daughler,s shoes were scratched(划破)with a knife.She burst illto
tears。I took them to the shoemakel,s.
The young apprentice(学徒)glanced at the   21   and said,“Nothing I can do except
22   the upper.”
His master looked at them and said,“If you   23   me,1 will add more scratches on both the shoes.”
1 was  24  and asked why.
He explained,“As if the opening were made  25  for a special style.”
I didn’t fully understand him,  26  I deeided to leave thc shoes。
Two days later i dropped by from work to   27  the shoes.  I found more scratches on each
shoe;all the openings were patched(缝补)by soft red leather;the stitches(针脚)were twisted
with the appearance looking more  28 and interesting than ever.I couldn,t help praising the
master,s   29 .
Another time,my sister,s blouse was torn,leaving a large opening.My wife checked it
30  and then said,“Let me take it home and  31  it.”
Three days later,seeing it again,1 was greatly 32 :all the tom parts took on a look of
ice crystal(水晶);attached to it was a snowman made of flowery rags.I sighed with  33.
“It,s amazing!”
“1 was  34  by that shoemaker.Patches are supposed to be  35 .but a skilJful  craftsman(工匠)can make it take on a kind of  36 ,”replied my wife.
Her words inspired me more:perfection is impossible to achieve in   37   ;patches appear
in the  38   of injury,disability or disease.Since you c an,t change the existence of wound.you
should not 39  people,s sympathy by disclosing the wound,which is meaningless.Just sew the
40  by patches and produce a most beautifld flower on it,and that is the significance of life.
21.A.scar        B.opening           C.hole         D.mark
22. A.replace      B.remove       C.throw       D.tear
23. A.tell         B.show         C.agree      D.trust
24. A.delighted    B.confused     C.excited     D.astonistled
25.A.on purpose      B.by chance    C.in particular     D.in turn
26.A.so         B.and       C.as      D.but
27.A.bring      B.collect    C.see D.retum
28.A.ugly       B.strange     C.1ovely         D.familiar
29.A.skill    B.drill         C.performance       D.techniaue
30. A.anxiously    B.suddenly    C.carefully       D.delightly
31.A.wash    B.iron      C.save          D.mend
32.A.puzzled        B.disappointed    C. surprised D.touched
33.A.anger        B.regret    C.praise D.care
34.A.encouraged    B.inspired    C.moved      D.attracted
35.A.common       B.beautiful     C.ugly      D.rare
36.A.difference     B.perfection    C.newness    D.change
37.A.future        B.mind       C.1ife           D.place
38. A.form         B.name          C.shape           D.need
39.A.treat     B.accept     C.ignore      D.expect
40.A.wound     B.pain       C.injury      D.disability


James’s New Bicycle
James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully  26  the coins that lay on the bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90!  27   on earth was he going to get the  28  of the money?
He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was  29  to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no  30  asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to  31  .
There was only one way to get money, and that was to  32  it. He would have to find a job.  33   who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had  34  on most things.
“Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”
That was the  35  of James’s odd-job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the   36   of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the  37  of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the   38  increased and he knew that he would soon have   39   for the bicycle he longed for.
The day   40  came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He   41  no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode   42  home, hoping to show his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard   43   for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more   44   he had bought it with his own money. He had   45  what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.
26. A. cleaned    B. covered       C. counted        D. checked
27. A. How        B. Why              C. Who             D. What
28. A. amount     B. part               C. sum               D. rest
29. A. brave       B. hard              C. smart              D. unfair
30. A. point          B. reason            C. result             D. right
31. A. cost          B. spend             C. spare             D. save
32. A. borrow      B. earn               C. raise               D. collect
33. A. Or           B. So                 C. For                D. But
34. A. decisions   B. experience      C. opinions         D. knowledge
35. A. beginning  B. introduction   C. requirement    D. opening
36. A. similarity  B. quality           C. ability            D. variety
37. A. brand       B. number           C. size               D. type
38. A. effort       B. pressure          C. money            D. trouble
39. A. all            B. enough          C. much             D. some
40. A. finally       B. immediately    C. normally         D. regularly
41. A. gave         B. left                       C. took               D. wasted
42. A. patiently    B. proudly          C. silently          D. tiredly
43. A. applying   B. asking            C. looking          D. working
44. A. since         B. if                  C. than               D. though
45. A. deserved    B. arrived           C. achieved         D. learned

