According to the text, why is the writer proud? A. She is a good reporter. B. She has taken pictures of the smiling kids. C. She has taken pictures of the smiling horses D. She has reported the smiling horse. 查看更多



I had never given a thought to working on a newspaper.But when my husband decided to start one in our small rocky Mountain town, I went along with the idea.I didn’t know how to interview anyone, take interesting photos, or even put a newspaper article together.So, I took my camera and just started carrying it with me everywhere.

       One Saturday morning, I went on a children’s hayride (乘坐干草车出游) to get some shots of the local kids.I arrived early, so I could talk to the adults in charge, I needed to get some information to go with any picture I took.

       After the kids were seated on the hay, I had plenty of pictures of their smiling faces.I just stopped to chat with a lady who had her horse with her.She planned to ride alongside the wagon and keep an eye on things.

       While I chatted with her, her horse turned to fully face me and gave me a big horse smile.He opened his mouth wide, showing all of his teeth.We all laughed and I asked the lady to make him do it again so I could take a picture.She said she hadn’t made him do it the first time and didn’t know how to get him smile again.

       I stepped back, positioned my camera, and said to the horse, “smile again for the camera,” and he did! He looked right at the camera and gave me a huge horse grin.I actually got two shots of him and he was willing to keep grinning at the camera.

       Later on, we published the pictures of the kids and their hayride in the paper but the picture of the horse got the most attention.I have kept that picture in my photo album to this day.And proudly show it off every chance I get.

       After that, I was always ready to go and get the story, I had learned how exciting and rewarding interviews and news photography could be.You may think you know your community pretty well.But wonderful surprises are waiting around you.

1.Why did the writer begin to be a reporter?

       A.She loved taking photos.                                                                                   B.She liked the rocky mountain town.

       C.She wanted to learn interview.

       D.Her husband decided to work on a newspaper

2.According to the text, why is the writer proud?

       A.She is a good reporter.                                                                                      B.She has taken pictures of the smiling kids.

       C.She has taken pictures of the smiling horses

       D.She has reported the smiling horse.

3.What does the writer suggest in the last paragraph?

       A.Everyone can be a good reporter.

       B.Good photos can be rewarded.

       C.She was happy to be a reporter after that.

       D.Surprise is just in common life.

4.What is the best title for the text?

       A.The Experience of a Reporter

       B.A Picture of a Smiling Horse

       C.Happy to Be a Reporter

       D.A Wonderful Picture

