A. important B. soon C. available D. useful 查看更多



My mother used to ask me what was the most important part of the body.Through the years I would   36  the correct answer.When I was younger, I thought   37   was very important to us as humans, so I said, "My ears, Mommy." She said, "No.Many people are    38 .But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon."

Several years passed before she asked me again.Since    39 my first attempt, I had often thought over the correct answer.So this time I told her, "Mommy, sight is very important to everybody, so it   40_  be our eyes." She looked at me and told me, "You are learning fast, but the answer is not   41 because there are many people who are blind."

  42  the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her response to my answer was, "No, but you are getting  43  every year, my child." Then last year, my Grandpa    44 .Everybody was crying.My Mommy looked at me when it was our   45  to say our final good-bye to Grandpa.She asked me, "Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?"

I was   46 when she asked me this now.I always thought this was a  47

between her and me.She saw the   48   on my face and told me, "This question is very important.It shows that you have really  49  your life." I saw her eyes well up with tears.She said, "My dear, the most important body part is your  50  ."

I asked, "Is it because it holds up your head?" She replied, "No, it is because a crying friend or­­  51 one can rest their head on it .Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes in life, my dear.I only   52  that you have enough love and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry on 53  you need it." Then and there I understood the most important body part is not a   54  one.It is sympathetic(同情的) to the pain of  55 .

1.                A.doubt about     B.look for         C.believe in D.guess at


2.                A.sight           B.health          C.sound    D.love


3.                A.blind           B.deaf           C.abnormal D.Delicate


4.                A.doing          B.did            C.making   D.made


5.                A.must           B.shall           C.can  D.need


6.                A.natural         B.available        C.wrong    D.correct


7.                A.Before         B.Till             C.Beyond   D.Over


8.                A.stronger        B.taller           C.smarter   D.nicer


9.                A.passed by       B.passed out      C.passed away   D.passed over


10.               A.duty           B.turn           C.pity  D.change


11.               A.shocked        B.satisfied        C.interested D.excited


12.               A.game          B.test            C.match     D.secret


13.               A.worry          B.puzzlement      C.regret D.pain


14.               A.made          B.cared          C.disliked   D.lived


15.               A.shoulder       B.foot           C.hand D.hair


16.               A.love           B.loved          C.loving     D.loves


17.               A.know          B.want           C.hope D.wish


18.               A.until           B.when          C.before    D.unless


19.               A.valuable        B.useful          C.selfish D.precious


20.               A.others         B.the others      C.other D.the other




Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
School phobia is a type of illness which causes students to be afraid to go to school. This condition is most commonly seen in children, typically between the ages of 8-13, and it can be very upsetting, especially if it is allowed to progress. Symptoms include stomach aches, tiredness, shaking, a racing heart and frequent trips to the toilet.
This common phobia is associated with a wide variety of causes. Most commonly it is the result of separation anxiety, but it can also be caused by different kinds of stress. A child who has recently moved, suffered a loss, or gone through a divorce may develop school phobia, and phobias can also develop in response to bullying (欺侮), an unrecognised learning disability, and poor self-image. Understanding the cause of a school phobia is an important step in providing treatment.
A child with school phobia usually refuses to go to school, or protests violently. He or she may become physically ill when ordered to school, or pretend to be sick to avoid going. When the child arrives at school, he or she may run away, or develop behavioural problems in class and on the playground. When school is discussed, the child can become impatient, upset or angry.
Many techniques can be used to manage school phobia, but research suggests that much more effective treatment is required for school phobia to prevent problems developing in later life. Children with this condition usually benefit from seeing a psychologist or doctor who can help the child and provide assistance to help parents and school officials support the child. As soon as a school phobia is identified, parents should take action too. Like other phobias, school phobia gets worse the longer it is left untreated, and it can interfere with a child's success in school. Adjustments can be made at home and in the classroom to help. If bullying is a cause, for example, the bullying situation should be solved. A teacher can meet the child at the door and take him or her to class, and provide support so that the child feels a friendly adult is always available.
Changes at home can include supportive language from parents, along with support like assistance with homework. If a child lacks confidence, parents may encourage the child to take up new hobbies that will help them to feel good about themselves. Parents might also talk to their children about their own fears of school and how they got over them, and their own enjoyment of school and school-like activities.
By following these methods we can help children to dispel their school phobia.
41. Which of the following topics is NOT discussed in the passage?
A. The definition of school phobia.
B. The history of school phobia.
C. The causes of school phobia.
D. The effects of school phobia.
42. What is a useful treatment for school phobia according to the passage?
A. Parents should allow their children occasional days off.
B. Teachers should be stricter with students.
C. Children should be helped to develop a sense of achievement.
D. Children should be regularly sent to psychologist.
43. The underlined word “dispel” (the last paragraph) probably means “________”.
A. accept               B. realize       C. forget                  D. overcome
44. Which of the following statement might the author agree with?
A. School phobia is most often suffered by middle school students.
B. School phobia may have bad influence on children’s future life if neglected.
C. Children with school phobia should not be given medical treatment.
D. Most children with school phobia are pretending to be ill.
45. What are some of the reasons for school phobia mentioned in the passage?
A. Bullying, recent devoice and moving to a new area.
B. Learning disability, impatience and poor concentration.
C. Stomachache, poor school performance and aggressive teachers.
D. Shaking, lack of confidence and few friends.



Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


                              School phobia is a type of illness which causes students to be afraid to go to school. This condition is most commonly seen in children, typically between the ages of 8-13, and it can be very upsetting, especially if it is allowed to progress. Symptoms include stomach aches, tiredness, shaking, a racing heart and frequent trips to the toilet.

This common phobia is associated with a wide variety of causes. Most commonly it is the result of separation anxiety, but it can also be caused by different kinds of stress. A child who has recently moved, suffered a loss, or gone through a divorce may develop school phobia, and phobias can also develop in response to bullying (欺侮), an unrecognised learning disability, and poor self-image. Understanding the cause of a school phobia is an important step in providing treatment.

A child with school phobia usually refuses to go to school, or protests violently. He or she may become physically ill when ordered to school, or pretend to be sick to avoid going. When the child arrives at school, he or she may run away, or develop behavioural problems in class and on the playground. When school is discussed, the child can become impatient, upset or angry.

Many techniques can be used to manage school phobia, but research suggests that much more effective treatment is required for school phobia to prevent problems developing in later life. Children with this condition usually benefit from seeing a psychologist or doctor who can help the child and provide assistance to help parents and school officials support the child. As soon as a school phobia is identified, parents should take action too. Like other phobias, school phobia gets worse the longer it is left untreated, and it can interfere with a child's success in school. Adjustments can be made at home and in the classroom to help. If bullying is a cause, for example, the bullying situation should be solved. A teacher can meet the child at the door and take him or her to class, and provide support so that the child feels a friendly adult is always available.

Changes at home can include supportive language from parents, along with support like assistance with homework. If a child lacks confidence, parents may encourage the child to take up new hobbies that will help them to feel good about themselves. Parents might also talk to their children about their own fears of school and how they got over them, and their own enjoyment of school and school-like activities.

By following these methods we can help children to dispel their school phobia.

41. Which of the following topics is NOT discussed in the passage?

A. The definition of school phobia.

B. The history of school phobia.

C. The causes of school phobia.

D. The effects of school phobia.

42. What is a useful treatment for school phobia according to the passage?

A. Parents should allow their children occasional days off.

B. Teachers should be stricter with students.

C. Children should be helped to develop a sense of achievement.

D. Children should be regularly sent to psychologist.

43. The underlined word “dispel” (the last paragraph) probably means “________”.

A. accept                    B. realize       C. forget                        D. overcome

44. Which of the following statement might the author agree with?

A. School phobia is most often suffered by middle school students.

B. School phobia may have bad influence on children’s future life if neglected.

C. Children with school phobia should not be given medical treatment.

D. Most children with school phobia are pretending to be ill.

45. What are some of the reasons for school phobia mentioned in the passage?

   A. Bullying, recent devoice and moving to a new area.

   B. Learning disability, impatience and poor concentration.

   C. Stomachache, poor school performance and aggressive teachers.

   D. Shaking, lack of confidence and few friends.



Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


                              School phobia is a type of illness which causes students to be afraid to go to school. This condition is most commonly seen in children, typically between the ages of 8-13, and it can be very upsetting, especially if it is allowed to progress. Symptoms include stomach aches, tiredness, shaking, a racing heart and frequent trips to the toilet.

This common phobia is associated with a wide variety of causes. Most commonly it is the result of separation anxiety, but it can also be caused by different kinds of stress. A child who has recently moved, suffered a loss, or gone through a divorce may develop school phobia, and phobias can also develop in response to bullying (欺侮), an unrecognised learning disability, and poor self-image. Understanding the cause of a school phobia is an important step in providing treatment.

A child with school phobia usually refuses to go to school, or protests violently. He or she may become physically ill when ordered to school, or pretend to be sick to avoid going. When the child arrives at school, he or she may run away, or develop behavioural problems in class and on the playground. When school is discussed, the child can become impatient, upset or angry.

Many techniques can be used to manage school phobia, but research suggests that much more effective treatment is required for school phobia to prevent problems developing in later life. Children with this condition usually benefit from seeing a psychologist or doctor who can help the child and provide assistance to help parents and school officials support the child. As soon as a school phobia is identified, parents should take action too. Like other phobias, school phobia gets worse the longer it is left untreated, and it can interfere with a child's success in school. Adjustments can be made at home and in the classroom to help. If bullying is a cause, for example, the bullying situation should be solved. A teacher can meet the child at the door and take him or her to class, and provide support so that the child feels a friendly adult is always available.

Changes at home can include supportive language from parents, along with support like assistance with homework. If a child lacks confidence, parents may encourage the child to take up new hobbies that will help them to feel good about themselves. Parents might also talk to their children about their own fears of school and how they got over them, and their own enjoyment of school and school-like activities.

By following these methods we can help children to dispel their school phobia.

41. Which of the following topics is NOT discussed in the passage?

A. The definition of school phobia.

B. The history of school phobia.

C. The causes of school phobia.

D. The effects of school phobia.

42. What is a useful treatment for school phobia according to the passage?

A. Parents should allow their children occasional days off.

B. Teachers should be stricter with students.

C. Children should be helped to develop a sense of achievement.

D. Children should be regularly sent to psychologist.

43. The underlined word “dispel” (the last paragraph) probably means “________”.

A. accept               B. realize       C. forget                  D. overcome

44. Which of the following statement might the author agree with?

A. School phobia is most often suffered by middle school students.

B. School phobia may have bad influence on children’s future life if neglected.

C. Children with school phobia should not be given medical treatment.

D. Most children with school phobia are pretending to be ill.

45. What are some of the reasons for school phobia mentioned in the passage?

   A. Bullying, recent devoice and moving to a new area.

   B. Learning disability, impatience and poor concentration.

   C. Stomachache, poor school performance and aggressive teachers.

   D. Shaking, lack of confidence and few friends.


Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


                             School phobia is a type of illness which causes students to be afraid to go to school. This condition is most commonly seen in children, typically between the ages of 8-13, and it can be very upsetting, especially if it is allowed to progress. Symptoms include stomach aches, tiredness, shaking, a racing heart and frequent trips to the toilet.

This common phobia is associated with a wide variety of causes. Most commonly it is the result of separation anxiety, but it can also be caused by different kinds of stress. A child who has recently moved, suffered a loss, or gone through a divorce may develop school phobia, and phobias can also develop in response to bullying (欺侮), an unrecognized learning disability, and poor self-image. Understanding the cause of a school phobia is an important step in providing treatment.

A child with school phobia usually refuses to go to school, or protests violently. He or she may become physically ill when ordered to school, or pretend to be sick to avoid going. When the child arrives at school, he or she may run away, or develop behavioural problems in class and on the playground. When school is discussed, the child can become impatient, upset or angry.

Many techniques can be used to manage school phobia, but research suggests that much more effective treatment is required for school phobia to prevent problems developing in later life. Children with this condition usually benefit from seeing a psychologist or doctor who can help the child and provide assistance to help parents and school officials support the child. As soon as a school phobia is identified, parents should take action too. Like other phobias, school phobia gets worse the longer it is left untreated, and it can interfere with a child's success in school. Adjustments can be made at home and in the classroom to help. If bullying is a cause, for example, the bullying situation should be solved. A teacher can meet the child at the door and take him or her to class, and provide support so that the child feels a friendly adult is always available.

Changes at home can include supportive language from parents, along with support like assistance with homework. If a child lacks confidence, parents may encourage the child to take up new hobbies that will help them to feel good about themselves. Parents might also talk to their children about their own fears of school and how they got over them, and their own enjoyment of school and school-like activities.

By following these methods we can help children to dispel their school phobia.

41. Which of the following topics is NOT discussed in the passage?

A. The definition of school phobia.

B. The history of school phobia.

C. The causes of school phobia.

D. The effects of school phobia.

42. What is a useful treatment for school phobia according to the passage?

A. Parents should allow their children occasional days off.

B. Teachers should be stricter with students.

C. Children should be helped to develop a sense of achievement.

D. Children should be regularly sent to psychologist.

43. The underlined word “dispel” (the last paragraph) probably means “________”.

A. accept               B. realize       C. forget                  D. overcome

44. Which of the following statement might the author agree with?

A. School phobia is most often suffered by middle school students.

B. School phobia may have bad influence on children’s future life if neglected.

C. Children with school phobia should not be given medical treatment.

D. Most children with school phobia are pretending to be ill.

45. What are some of the reasons for school phobia mentioned in the passage?

   A. Bullying, recent devoice and moving to a new area.

   B. Learning disability, impatience and poor concentration.

   C. Stomachache, poor school performance and aggressive teachers.

   D. Shaking, lack of confidence and few friends.

