45.A.abstract B.moving C.loving D.terrifying 查看更多




Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and DFill in each blank with word or phrases that best fits the context

Rosa Laevigata, the official name of Cherokee Rose, is the state flower of Georgia.  1,it is not native to Georgia, having been naturalized from China.However, Cherokee Rose is a wonderful rose with a good story   2its introduction.

The story started with the Trail of Tears in 1838. the mothers of the Cherokece were   3and crying so much, because they were unable to help their children survive the   4. The elders prayed for a sign that would lift the mothers’ spirits to give them   5. The next day a beautiful rose began to grow where each of the mothers’ tears   6. The rose is white for their   7, a gold center   8the gold taken from Cherokee lands, and seven leaves on each stem for the seven Cherokee clans (部落). The wild Cherokee Rose grows   9the route of the Trail of Tears into eastern Oklahoma today. Certainly, it is a   10tale, but there is more to the story. Thomas Affleck sold huge numbers of Rosa Laevigata to large homesteads and plantations,   11the rose as a fence. The Cherokee Rose naturalized successfully and is now a common sight blooming in the South during spring.

Cherokee Rose is often confused with Rosa Bracteata (Macartney Rose) which is  12in form, but is so easy to overspread that biologists place it in the category of pest.Macartney Rose flowers in summer, while the Cherokee Rose flowers in spring.

Cherokee Rose is a climber which blooms once a year, bearing large, white flowers, each with five petals (花瓣).It is energetic, climbing upwards of 20 feet.

Make sure that you have plenty of room for this historic, yet non – native and thus thankfully, non – invasive rose.

(*homestead: n. a house with the land and buildings around it, especially a farm

*plantation : n. a large area of land, where crops such as coffee, sugar, rubber, etc. are grown)

1.A.However                 B.Thus                  C.So                     D.Occasionally

2.A.exhibiting                B.surrounding        C.telling                 D.drafting

3.A.prejudiced               B.supreme             C.sorrowful           D.disturbing

4.A.trend                      B.voyage               C.slavery               D.journey

5.A.strength                  B.torture                C.privilege             D.fame

6.A.fell                         B.trembled             C.floated                D.stuck

7.A.crime                     B.trail                    C.debts                  D.tears

8.A.resists                    B.represents           C.repeats               D.shows

9.A.below                     B.in                       C.along                  D.under

10.A.abstract                B.moving               C.loving                 D.terrifying

11.A.constituting           B.composing          C.recommending    D.reserving

12.A.similar                  B.familiar               C.different              D.interesting


