so as to 以致;为了 [典例] 1) The journalist raised his hand so as to earn a chance to ask the question to the spokesperson.那名记者举手想获得向新闻发言人提问的机会. 2) The mother covered the baby so as to protect him from being hurt.母亲护着婴儿为了保护他免受伤害. [短语归纳] so-as to-如此--以致于-- in order to 为了-- [练习] 汉译英 1) 他关掉灯想快些睡着. 2) 那个乘客生气地离开了,以致于落下了雨伞. Keys: 1) He turned off the light so as to fall asleep quickly. 2) The passenger left so angrily as to forget his umbrella. 查看更多



Translation.  ( 20 points )

1.老实说,这本书对我来说没有任何价值。(value n.)

2.去年,一场可怕的洪水切断了这个村庄的食物供给。(cut off)

3.最近我们班就垃圾食品是否对人的皮肤有害展开了一次讨论。(harm n.)

4.随着互联网的普及,网购已经被越来越多的人所接受。(as; on-line shopping)

5.很抱歉,我不能理解你在会上提出的建议。(make sense;定语从句)

6.政府必须采取有效措施保护这些历史遗产不受破坏。(protect ... from)

7.我们可以循环使用课本,以达到节约和减少污染的目的。(recycle; so as to)

8.这是人类首次认真思考自己的活动对环境造成的影响。(It’s the first time; effect)


10.越来越多家庭节假日期间外出旅行,由此导致很多地方交通拥挤不堪。(a/an ... number of; as a result)





The 90s generation are believed to be with a practical mind.They pay more attention to be quality of life and know what they are living for:the wonderful life,the promising jobs,splendid days...Having more opportunities to touch the new,the 90s generation are showing stronger sign to try what they have never touched.When chatting on QQ,they frequently use the marks called“words of the Mars”,which were hard to understand for the other generations,obviously hoping to unique.They did this so as to protect their privacy and only share the secrets with their peers.

But at the same time,a few of the young guys can not refuse the temptation(诱惑)and become addicted to computer games.Being confident and outing,the 90s generation decorate themselves more vividly inwardly and outwardly,even mad to show their different qualities to unique self-identity.Having their own opinions in their own eyes,the 90s generation can speak out their doubts about the unreasonable sayings and regulations straightforward.

But on the other hand,the pressure of study on them grow

heavier because of several changes of educational reform in recent years accordingly and higher expectatation from their parents.In a word,the 90s generation are facing more challenges as well as opportunities than other generations to prepare themselves for the future.



2.然后以约120个词就”the 90s generation”这一主题发表看法,包括如下要点;










The 90s generation are believed to be with a practical mind.They pay more attention to be quality of life and know what they are living for:the wonderful life,the promising jobs,splendid days...Having more opportunities to touch the new,the 90s generation are showing stronger sign to try what they have never touched.When chatting on QQ,they frequently use the marks called“words of the Mars”,which were hard to understand for the other generations,obviously hoping to unique.They did this so as to protect their privacy and only share the secrets with their peers.
But at the same time,a few of the young guys can not refuse the temptation(诱惑)and become addicted to computer games.Being confident and outing,the 90s generation decorate themselves more vividly inwardly and outwardly,even mad to show their different qualities to unique self-identity.Having their own opinions in their own eyes,the 90s generation can speak out their doubts about the unreasonable sayings and regulations straightforward.
But on the other hand,the pressure of study on them grow
heavier because of several changes of educational reform in recent years accordingly and higher expectatation from their parents.In a word,the 90s generation are facing more challenges as well as opportunities than other generations to prepare themselves for the future.
2.然后以约120个词就”the 90s generation”这一主题发表看法,包括如下要点;


高考日益临近, 同学们都希望在高考中取得成功, 但你身边有些同学

到寺庙中烧香,期盼老天给他好运。 针对此现象,根据下列汉语提示,请以“My Opinion on Luck” 为题, 写一篇100词左右的短文。

1 有些同学认为成功归于运气,考上大学主要靠运气。

2 有些同学认为运气是勤奋的结果,刻苦努力,永不言败, 才能成功。

3 你的观点。

注意事项: 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

My Opinion on Luck

With the National College Entrance Examination drawing near, all the students

wish to succeed in it so as to realize their dreams.___________________________




The 90s generation are believed to be with a practical mind.They pay more attention to be quality of life and know what they are living for:the wonderful life,the promising jobs,splendid days...Having more opportunities to touch the new,the 90s generation are showing stronger sign to try what they have never touched.When chatting on QQ,they frequently use the marks called“words of the Mars”,which were hard to understand for the other generations,obviously hoping to unique.They did this so as to protect their privacy and only share the secrets with their peers.

But at the same time,a few of the young guys can not refuse the temptation(诱惑)and become addicted to computer games.Being confident and outing,the 90s generation decorate themselves more vividly inwardly and outwardly,even mad to show their different qualities to unique self-identity.Having their own opinions in their own eyes,the 90s generation can speak out their doubts about the unreasonable sayings and regulations straightforward.

But on the other hand,the pressure of study on them grow

heavier because of several changes of educational reform in recent years accordingly and higher expectatation from their parents.In a word,the 90s generation are facing more challenges as well as opportunities than other generations to prepare themselves for the future.



2.然后以约120个词就”the 90s generation”这一主题发表看法,包括如下要点;








